And now it is Elijah Cummings, it matters not exactly who the newest villain maybe, but as long as they are OF Color, and brave enough to call out Trump for the atrocities he created, is in the midst of creating and the innuendo of scapegoating from which he inhales and exhales, he or she will become Public Enemy Number One…to disguise, to defray, deny, and defraud the people of America, and embrace, enhance, and entertain the minority of voters who only survive on a daily deluge of bigotry, bias and bogus. Look the other way, the Snake Oil Salesman says, look at the OTHERS…it is their actions to become concerned about, NOT MINE!
Finally out of the closet, no, not Lindsey Graham, but the Compromised Agent Closet is Comrade Mitch. We all knew he was anti-American, anti-Constitution, and anti-Fair and Honest, but now in the Time of Trump is fine and dandy to shout out loud that Hacking into our democratic voting process is OKAY, that embracing the criminals of Putin’s army of Oligarchs is THE AMERICAN WAY, or should I say the Republican Way…and new on the front of treason and dictatorship is the Senator from Tennessee, Marsha Blackburn, a lady gerrymandered and hacked into office herself, who one might watch closely as becoming the replacement candidate for VP in the 2020 GOP ticket for President. Senator Blackburn along with the cadre of spineless cowards, even with mounting and mounting evidence, feels it is OVER-REACH to spend time and money in fighting foreign invasions into our Democracy! (Pay her enough money, as McConnell has and is receiving and she has no problem resurrecting the Soviet Union, with the USA becoming the next Soviet Satellite sight. We are fucked, and SO fucked, because each day another subpoena is ignored, another Pelosi Avoidance dance is done, and Trump now publicly announces he can do whatever he wishes to…and so far has been proven correct!
Yesterday, my husband Joe was strolling along the beachfront of North Truro, magnificent views of Mother Nature, still a bit healthy on the edge of Cape Cod, the 57 hues of blue, the dunes shifting, shaping swirling with sand, the wind bellowing and behaving providing just enough ahh’s and oh that is nice, and the creatures calling the shoreline home racing back and forth. And then he spotted a bit of reality, aside from the nature embracing as best it could this part of the world. Waving proudly, waving with caution, but waving in defiance, was a White Flag, with the wind-worn letters of RESIST. How wonderful! But I worry each and every day how much longer, good can and will triumph over PURE ROTTEN EVIL!