In 1972, George Carlin released an album of a stand-up comedy entitled Class ClownOne track on the album was "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television," a monologue in which he identified these words, expressing amazement that these particular words could not be used, regardless of context. At the time, the words were considered highly inappropriate and unsuitable for broadcast on the public airwaves in the United States whether radio or television. As such, they were avoided in scripted material, and bleep censored in the rare cases in which they were used. Broadcast standards differ in different parts of the world, then and now, although most of the words on Carlin's original list remain taboo on American broadcast television. The list was not an official enumeration of forbidden words but compiled by Carlin to flow in a comedy routine. Nonetheless, a radio broadcast featuring these words led to a U.S. Supreme Court decision in FCC v. Pacifica Foundation that helped define the extent to which the federal government could regulate speech on broadcast television and radio in the United States.
During the McCarthy, Commie scare words such as “are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party…” Americans fell prey! The Government needed enemies and used IT’S words to scare the shit out of a nation, in order for that nation to fall in-line and become faux Patriots, based nothing but innuendoes and lies. During the Viet Nam War, the government used IT’S words, parsed by Nixon and his White House henchmen such as “love it or leave it,” when much of the public realized the war we were fighting was nothing more than a political ploy to save some politicians professional purpose. Lots of words, and in our lives current decade of doom and destruction against democracy and demagoguery “…take a knee, lock her up, Russia if you are listening what about those other emails…” have been used. And each and every time a phrase is shouted, sounding like a Preacher from the Mount, millions of mindless, minions, filled with less fact and more fiction, and who must truly in their hearts hate, begin to believe the propaganda and that in fact THOSE phrases are like a virus, and by shouting them you can become immune from some made up, illness!
Authoritarians, love to rile up a frenzied fearful pack of fools, always avoiding real concerns of health, wealth, food, heat, living conditions, equality, and freedom, replacing them with invented core value of hate FOR the other…you are not like me so you must be the other, it is the other’s fault for my own miserable life decisions, without the other I will be better off, and of course This Land Is My Land, and the other is taking it away from ME. Now the Trump Crime Family and his Crime Enablers, want to change the subject from Fascism to a form of being an Anti-American, by using words to describe the dishonest, lying, racist, bigoted, and enemy of the democracy, used by Trump and Associates…and like lemmings, the insecure, inept, uneducated, loon, loves the idea of hypocrisy, and longs to establish its doublespeak and double standards, for any REAL STANDARDS…and once again the bad guys using their phrases of fear are winning…keep the dumb dumber, please the wealthy by making them richer, and pretend you are doing ALL of this for Jesus! History is so yesterday, and when it repeats itself, no one wants to be seen wearing out of date clothing!