Dear Moscow Mitch,
What exactly does it take to have any of your Majority, actually do their jobs on time, and with the good conscience of this nation as a priority, rather than the bribery you receive in the form of grift and gifts via a class of Donors living in the 1% world of wealth, the CEO and Shareholders of Corporate Boards all lounging in their lavish tax-breaks, or the Oligarchs or Royal Families from places, either at war philosophically or in practice with this nation. You have maintained power seemingly for eons, and in the course of your title as Majority Leader, the only thing you have led is the amount of offshore accounts in you and your wife’s name and have led a war on fair and equal elections, motivated conspiracy theories, have enabled a delusional and dangerous, might I add deranged man ( a man who you yourself are on record as having GRAVE DOUBTS) and the promotion of racial and bigotry animus within your political party both nationwide as well on a state by state basis!
You seem to always wait until the last minute to chide your puppets of Republicans to actually do the work for which they were elected. You lie to your constituents in Kentucky with promises of Clean Coal/Affordable Health Care/ and the ever-persistent, that somehow you and God alone can Bless this Nation. (Do any of the Kentuckians actually know how many donors are Russian or Chinese?
I know, you hate to actually do hard work, and I know that living off the dole of the US Tax Payer and receiving a socialist-style pay-check and health care and pension is your “GO TO”, level of performance, but FUCK DUDE, people have been suffering from COVID/Unemployment/Racism/Trump’s Narcissism/and now complete acts of Sedation and Derangement, and all you seem to do is either ignore it all, or try to clean up a little mess so you and the Royals calling themselves Senators can go home for the holidays. And oh, yeah, why the FUCK should any American be elated that a bunch of your Fraternity of Fraudsters get a vaccine for a Pandemic most have decided is potentially dangerous for Trump's mental health but cool enough for the rest of us! One final question Moscow Mitch how do people like you, you know callous, selfish, arrogant, malicious, and insidious live with yourselves. I have to wonder are you an example of a THING being born of flesh and bone minus any soul or conscience!