Federal agents on Thursday raided one of the nation’s largest manufacturers of ghost-gun parts, a sign that federal law enforcement is cracking down on kits that allow people to make weapons at home. The raid target, Nevada-based Polymer80, is suspected of illegally manufacturing and distributing firearms, failing to pay taxes, shipping guns across state lines, and failing to conduct background investigations, according to an application for a search warrant unsealed Thursday after the raid took place. Homemade ghost guns have grown in popularity in recent years and can’t be traced in criminal investigations because they lack serial numbers. Law-enforcement officials say they appeal to people who can’t pass background checks. (Wall Street Journal)
Ghosts, scary creatures, perhaps invented by ghoulish storytellers to insight nightmares for the mischievous child, haunting tales of terror invented by religious leaders to help the innocent retain their allegiance to some unseen powerful figure in the sky, or honestly, real phenomena no one understands but a necessary evil to keep us on our toes and of course FEAR, because without FEAR, how can some retain power. For me, this IS not just one more story about the lack of lax or just lazy ability to place any limitations about the use of guns, or those who should never be permitted to own, or operate them; BUT it is a metaphor about how Trump and his Republican Ass Lickers/Domestic 1% Terrorist Donor Class/Evangelical Crusaders view democracy in this day and age, and just how much of a ghost-like future they long for and cherish with its demise!
Like ghost gun-parts, those that are produced to kill without leaving any trace, the people who support an authoritarian regime, salted with sedition (Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward or rebellion against, established authority.) and treason; seem to wish for a ghost-like country, in which less freedom, less equality, fewer laws, and less justice are replaced with pieces of an anarchy and fascism used to murder the mainstream, and to never be held accountable for their tyranny and treachery! Like ghost-gun parts, these secessionist sycophants only want to destroy what they FEAR and provide a FEARFUL apparatus to do so. Scary shit, if you ask me!