Monday, December 21, 2020


 DRAMA QUEENS in the most derogatory means I can communicate, so it seems, the US Senate, the Moscow Mitch led US Senators, the majority of which happen to be of a political party with the name Republican, but indeed are truly anarchist in nature…all act as if they are royalty and for some reason, and seem to be doing this nation a FAVOR, whenever they ACTUALLY perform their jobs, you know the ones by which, no matter how deep a depression or ruinous a recession, they continue to receive their SOCIALIST PAYCHECKS/HEALTH CARE/and PERKS!


All around these DEMONS, yep, maybe, that is a better description, the population of this nation finds themselves steeped in a Pandemic, which could have and should have been contained, maintained, and honestly dealt with, but instead, because the Republican-led Senate prefers pain and suffering for its citizenry, over, due diligence, decency and deliberation, these DESPOTS, waited and waited, as unemployment soared, intelligence withered, death became defiant, as did the reasoning and rationale, that science and medicine are not to be debated as equals to bigotry, bias, bogus, and Republican BULL SHIT! From Proud Boys, a bunch of men who never grew into or out of adolescence, MAGA, a cult of con's preferring dumb and stupid to care and compassion, and a very high-powered elitist population MUCH INSISTING on a divide of wealth more staggering than the Mariana Trench, to a Sociopath/Narcissist/Mentally Ill Presidential Impersonator, Moscow Mitch and his team of Oligarchs, Enablers and perhaps Assistant Russian Assets, tampered with the health not only of the people of this nation but the life support of THIS NATION!


And all the moments when responsibility and reasoning, understanding and uniting the nation could have been in place, the Republican Senate delayed and denied…but guess who the first people, NOT EVEN IN-LINE, but placed at the HEAD OF THE LINE, were to receive the vaccination…YEP the DRAMA QUEENS/DEMONS/DESPOTS. Nothing seems fair anymore within this nation, I call home!