Thursday, December 3, 2020

Dog Poo

 So, NOW, at least according to some pundits, some of the GOP in Washington have “gosh-darned”, had enough of Trump and his narcissist, and unpatriotic, MOSTLY self-serving machinations and they are “gosh-darned” T-I-R-E-D of it! HONESTLY, if only, any of that found the light of day, rather than the fog of cowardness, and unconscionable charades, most of the GOP politicians in DC have preferred to demonstrate, as they try to avoid reporters, OR just remain silent, S-I-L-E-N-T! What NOW, now, some of the GOP had a come to (a Caucasian, mind you,) Jesus moment, and are doubting their ever before moments of ASS-LICKING AN ORANGE AUTHROTITARIANIST’S ASS! Somehow enough is enough, except, it really isn’t because, even as the Trump Cauldron of deceit and treason, lies, and enemy of the state manner has boiled over, WAY TOO MANY Republicans, with the ability to wield power, are instead, placing their hands in their pockets, and God only knows what is what they are wielding, or happening to keep them stymied or is the word I am groping for called STIMULATED!


Lo and Behold, Georgia Republicans, (not the two Senators mind you in the run-off election) are at their wit's end, because, Trump has called for really awful retaliation toward everyone from the once hacked into power Governor, The Georgia Secretary of State, and the lowly poll workers and vote counters, why even a handful of GOP State Legislators have chimed in and demanded Trump back the fuck away (again not all Republican state politicians, because MAGA is a popular poison still preferred with their Mint Julip’s!)


Remember when the GOP Senators said I will not vote to remove the President because doing so would inflict extraordinary and potentially irreparable damage to our already divided nation."/Marco Rubio…..“We’re going to get down to the merits of the case, and that’s why the president will be vindicated with a verdict of acquittal.”/Mike Braun…..“What the House managers were proposing yesterday was basically to destroy the presidency as we know it ... when it comes to Donald Trump, they’re willing to destroy the institution of the office in the name of getting him.”/Lindsey Graham…..“It’s a very serious matter and I’m listening in a respectful way,” “I’ve filled up 25 pages of notes on my legal pad and I pay very close attention.” And the ever so prescient quote from Aunt Bea (I mean Susie Collins) …The president had learned a "pretty big lesson" from impeachment and that he would be "much more cautious in the future." So, let understand this correctly, YOU step in dog shit on purpose, you see it on the bottom of your shoe, BUT you still decide to walk into the house on your white carpet, dropping drippings of dog poo all over the place, you look down, and have the audacity to say whose shit is this!