A 19th-century German-Jewish Christian poet Heinrich Heine. Heine predicted in 1834 what came to pass in the 1930s and ’40s in Germany. How could a man in 1834 have foreseen the rise of violent totalitarians and the plunging of Europe into vicious tyranny and the world into war a hundred years later? (Robert P. George/National Review)
Christianity, and this is its greatest merit, has somewhat mitigated the brutal German love of war, but it could not destroy it. Should that subduing talisman, the cross, be shattered, the frenzied madness of the ancient warriors, that insane Berserk rage of which the Nordic bards have spoken and sung so often, will once more burst into flame. This talisman [the cross, Christianity] is fragile. And the day will come when it will collapse miserably. Then the ancient stony gods will rise from the forgotten debris and rub the dust of a thousand years from their eyes. And then Thor, with his giant hammer, will jump up and smash the Gothic cathedrals. (Heinrich Heine)
Conspiracy-theorizing has become rampant — and even the objectively wildest of the alleged conspiracies take on a patina of plausibility in light of the crazy things that “respectable” people and “leading authorities” have come to believe, and to insist on other people’s believing. (Robert P. George/National Review)
There is no old normal, nor the catchphrase “NEW NORMAL”, as I see it, just, instead, the sad REALITY of what the fuck can possibly happen next. Indeed, each new day seems similar to the day before, which reminds me of the movie ‘Ground Hog Day’, yet with each new day another disgusting and useless catchphrase of, “provoking new precedents, or “just how much lower can the bar be dropped” become the news, and the fluff of evil becomes the sole ingredient of a shit-filled cake (similar to the one in the movie ‘The Help’) we as an American public torn and tattered are forced to eat!
Trump has made it clear he will not go away without burning down our democracy. The SPINELESS GOP SENATORS, the majority of whom have forsaken any democratic principles or the will of the people, enable a maniac to remain a monster. Goons of gangs bring guns to the homes of elected officials who either insist that our elections were fair, or who plead for sanity and science in defeating a Pandemic. We cower in corners counting down how many more days might be left before a real APOCOLYPSE erupts via the mad machinations of a sociopath and wannabe tyrant, treacherously playing the TREASON GAME. A Congress, still living their own poshed and privileged socialistic lifestyle (You know government paid salaries, health care, retirement benefits and top-notch ability to medicines and medical procedures) And unintelligent, bigots, brag about their guns instead of vaccines and NEED for THEIR personal freedoms, as a priority to assist the rest of the nation in regaining a glory over a death-defying virus with no political affiliation. And now I actually am reading The National Review, to try and make some kind of headway as to the current status quo of m life!