So, Trump decided that Christmas Eve was now a Federal holiday because Trump wants to fool his Christian Evangelical Enablers and fellow treason minded cultists to pretend, anything Trump does is in the name of Jesus. Because, like any other Pay to Pray Evangelical Shyster, as long as you mention you have a direct line to God, it takes the responsibility of the Christian as an individual to actually do any work in redemption, reverence, and respect for the teachings of their church. AND as long as you act as if the Constitution which was intended to protect the welfare of all, is not good, when your God does not have the final say so, AND your desire is to create a Christian Nationalist Movement, with no divide between church and state, and ABSOLUTELY no tolerance for any religion but your own, (and then ONLY those who pray the way YOU do), a pitiful pissant peasant suffering from psychological disorders acting as a Prophet, is as good as it gets, and all it gets you is becoming a Christian Crusader not for your Lord and Savior, but for an Anti-Christ who wants to become A GOD!
But I digress, as my intention for this particular BLOG, is to simply say, during this time of year when LISTS are usually made, and children reminded of the deeds done throughout the past year, and those who believe in Santa, acknowledge that you are either NAUGHTY OR NICE, Donnie Fuhrer Trump, has created his own LISTS, none of which are for the welfare of any child, let alone the family in which that child lives. Nope, Donnie’s List contains the names of people (the Majority, there are some people a small amount who do deserve a second chance) who are: NAUGHTY/NASTY/NILHIST/NEANDERTHAL/NUMEROUS TRAITORS, TREASONISTS, LIARS, LOSERS, ANARCHISTS, FRAUDSTERS, AND OF COURSE ENEMIES OF THE STATE!
So ho-ho-ho, to all of the Christians who, over the past four years have sworn allegiance to the Christ Child in Training, the Go-To Guy To Get To God. Donnie has done so much damage, and as a DERANGED DOUCHEBAG, is continuing to demonstrate his UN-GODLY disposition as he NOW pouts and bitches and moans and tries his best to hurt anyone and anything in his way, out the door, and hopefully in JAIL!