Thursday, December 29, 2022


Incoming Republican congressman of New York George Santos has falsely claimed to be Jewish, and a descendant of Holocaust survivors to boot!

It also reveals a great deal about the worldview of right-wing Jews, who are a minority in the Jewish American community, but not an inconsequential one, including in Santos’ district. They might not have been fond of Santos’ Christian Latino surname, but he won their acceptance by ticking off a checklist of extreme right-wing positions. He was something akin to a Jewish Frankenstein candidate (in Jewish lore, known as a Golem) — stitched together from flinty chunks of conservative policy, MAGA talking points, and misinformation algorithmically beloved to the roughly 30% or so of Jewish Americans who vote Republican.

This disturbing episode exposes some of the really unhealthy ways in which we give religion a pass in public life. (MSNBC)


Full disclosure, I am an American who is Jewish. I am an American who has been raised by my Jewish Parents, to reach out, include, understand, and find empathy within my Jewish community, and throughout my general community. It seems that the majority of policies, practices, and philosophies similar to my upbringing, collective experiences, and practical world interactions, during the years from my 20s to my current age of 73, find a home within the Democrat Party.


I find, with GREAT DISCOMFORT, that any one with a conscience, a soul, and moral character would vote for the current crop of Republicans, who still embrace the BIG LIE, INSURRECTION, RACIST POLICIES, BIGOTRY, AND HATE. And I am even more SADDENED that Jewish Americans have become a part of a demographic that believes being woke is a bad thing!