Monday, December 5, 2022

They just Hate

 Supreme Court leans in favor of a Christian website designer’s right to turn away gay weddings 

Justices appear ready to rule for a Christian business owner claiming a free-speech right to turn away same-sex couples planning to marry. (LA TIMES)


Colbert: "A lot of people have been saying, up to this point… when's the constitutional crisis coming? Well mark your calendar, tattoo it on your forehead and flip off your boss, cuz it's here. (LA TIMES)


If and most likely WHEN the Supreme Court rules in favor of a HOMOPHOBE, (the Christian Web Site owner) who just doesn’t think Same-Sex Marriages are right for her, the supposed question of when the CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS COMING, will have arrived. Under the Bull Shit guise of being free speech, to NOT do any work for Same-Sex Couples, the Supreme Court may herald in the arrival of TRUE AMERICAN CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM.


Imagine what comes next when the DIVIDE BETWEEN CHURCH AND STATE is demolished by the SUPREMES? I don’t think Interracial Marriage is true Christianity. Jews murdered Christ, so I can not sell products to them. They are Latin so they must be Illegal immigrants and Christ, who wrote the Constitution would not adhere to that. It AIN’T FREE SPEECH, IT IS HATE SPEECH!