Friday, December 16, 2022

wondering why

 As 2022 is nearing its astrological end, I have to wonder, what is in store for those of us who actually were raised with empathy, grew up to become intelligent, actually liked ourselves not fear those who seem different, don’t use any Higher Power as a scapegoat to for hating, read history, believe in science, and actually think public education matters! 

It seems that being WOKE is somehow Evil as in Communist China evil (not Putin Communist evil, because he pays his GOP puppets too well and not the Communist Chinese who gave Ivanka more than a dozen trademarks). How come those of us who actually take pride in being WOKE, don’t insist that if you are not WOKE, you are DEAD?


It seems that somehow the GOP convinced enough voters to elect them to Congress because they and only they would be TOUGH ON CRIME. But which crimes…NOT the crimes of INSURRECTION/TREASON/BEATING UP CAPITOL POLICE/GERRYMANDERING DISTRICTS. And how is it that those same voters providing the House with a Majority of Republicans are silent as the names of Gosar/Greene/McCarthy/Scott Perry are shouted out as committing one of the most significant crimes this nation has ever seen, with their compliance and involvement in acts of Sedition? 


How is it that those who insist they speak for their God, the one who loves, cares, and created humans, seem to ignore all of that when it comes to their human failures of embracing Racism/Bigotry/Hate? And then nations like Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Dubai who insist that their religion is the guiding force for all they do, guide them to hate women, and the LGBTQ population?


And if a person dies from COVID, which we now know can be contained with vaccines, why is it that their death is not anyone’s business, but the only life that matters for the Pro-Life hypocrites is the life of a Fetus or Zygote?