Saturday, December 31, 2022


 "Florida is where woke goes to die," Gov. Ron DeSantis says after reelection victory-RON DE SATAN (CBS News)


Yep, Ron DeSatan declared that woke dies in Florida. He should have added the following to his acceptance speech:

Freedom of Reproductive Rights dies in Florida. Freedom of Speech as in “Don’t Say, Gay,” dies in Florida. Freedom of studying Truth/History/Science/Medicine dies in Florida. Freedom from religious Prosecution dies in Florida. Freedom to be You or Me, if You or Me is not a MAGA/Insurrection/Treason/ You or Me.


Trump was bad and remains bad. The folks who enabled Trump should be labeled Domestic Terrorists. Trump was just a Con Man, a Snake Oil Salesman, a cheap version of cheese, wine, and furniture. BUT watch out USA, cause RONNIE DE SATAN, is much more of a calculating, elite, MENACE, from prestigious universities, who has identified the most horrific machinations of insecure people, who must discover an enemy to make themselves try and feel good about themselves. He will dig to the bottom of the barrel to wage his version of a cultural war, on those who DeSatan believes are smart enough to see is BULL SHIT AND HYPOCRISY.


Trump will not fade easily away but BE AFRAID because TRUMP, 5.0 is lurking in plain sight. He is known as RON DESATAN!