Hey, all ya’ all MAGA morons and the rest of you who somehow thought Trump was DA MAN, are ya happy now, as in one more time Trump has demanded that the government shut down, as in YOU, the minions who voted for Trump will actually become the victims of your ignorance, arrogance and of course hate for the OTHER!
Trump and his Billionaire sidekicks will not suffer the consequences of layoff delays in social security checks and Medicare payments…nope none of them receive those benefits, and all of them hate the fact that those benefits actually take place.
Mike (Moses) Johnson is a lacky, a sad sack, perverted, insecure wannabe who never was or will be, and he and his MAGA Republicans all lack any balls, backbones, or conscience and are too terrified by Trump to prioritize YOUR welfare (YOUR, as in YOU who voted for Trump and Republicans). Hey, MAGA morons, who do YOU think will be most hard hit by a Government shutdown or even slowdown…Trump, Musk, Billionaires, GOP Congress People!
YOUR stupidity, YOUR loathing for the OTHERS, all it has accomplished is YOU shooting YOURSELF in YOUR own feet!