Friday, July 31, 2015

Dear Teddy Cruz

Dear Teddy Cruz,
Now I know your dad Raphael, after his stint in supporting Fidel Castro, and then being born again, told you that he had a dream in which Jesus (why does Jesus always pick men like Raphael Cruz, Pat Robertson, Mike Huckabee etc to talk to) told him his son Teddy was indeed a prophet. Now you and I know that is down right bull shit, but Raphael is your dad so as a supportive son you have gladly gone along with this made up nightmare. (As purported to be prophet Teddy, you sure as heck think your shit don’t stink.) But Teddy boy your shit steams when it falls to the Earth and is so full of the crazy it actually burns a hole in the pavement. Thanks to gerrymandering, restrictive voter ID laws, preachers with tax exempt churches preaching politics, you and a bunch of loony tunes have landed some important state wide jobs in the nation-state of Texas. (As an aside, this is the state where Greg Abbott is the governor who thinks the USA is ready to invade your nation state and make it part of the Union, he is also the Governor who is sure as hell, at least according to his Scientologist lobbyists sure that psychiatry is a form of brain washing, and your state Governor who might be one of the only living people to make both George Bush and Rick Perry seem smart. But I digress Teddy, something you love to do when it comes to the facts.Indeed Teddy, you avoid any truth as if it were a skunk ready to spray its evil stench on the next passerby. 

Teddy, if anything you are a prophet of opening cans of whop ass and feeding it to the most inane, insane, dumbest, self victimizing group of citizens who love to blame anyone but themselves for their miserable and meaningless lives. You ferment the fear in the whop ass and gladly throw that open can around mesmerizing the mindless minions of racists, bigots, misogynists and homophobes into frenzies of fact less affronts and truth-less trajectories. You pretend that you are all about the beauty of Christian Evangelicalism when in fact all you do is pursue a malicious kind of evil always ready to set the seed of dissent and disgust with no intention of EVER admitting the truth. You love going for the jugular letting an innocent bleed, and then watch as they suffer from a slow death. It seems Teddy the more pain you inflict the closer to God you seem to become. Teddy boy, you are not a dumb man and that is the problem. Like Ann Coulter, and Mike Huckabee you know exactly what you are doing to dissuade the truth, and like a snake oil salesman you just love yourself some profits…in this case the gathering of the stupid. Perhaps you are a whole lot closer to Fidel Castro then you think as you have great distrust for freedom, believe that ALL men, let alone women are not created equal, and that dictatorship (in your case you misaligned Evangelical Christianity) is truly the answer to controlled democracy. 

Teddy, how would we explain to the Founding Fathers and of course General Jesus Christ that the men and one woman running for the office of president from a Tea-Bagging Republican Party are popular candidates because the first thing they insist is that freedom is not free, democracy is divisive, and fair and just are just for a select few? You now want to change the Constitution because shit happens and you hate when everyone is treated equally. You insist that the Supreme Court has as much power as Diana Ross and the Supremes and that this is not an a nation of immigrants (Um,Dad from Cuba Mom from Canada). You are a master at double speak and an expert at evasive answers and avoidance of your own words. Teddy you are a dangerous man, but more worrisome is the amount of the stupid who think you actually are a prophet of God!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

America-The New Reality Show

Reality TV as many of us with some heartbeat of an IQ realize is anything but real. But in the 20 tens of America it has taken on a semi real life and its appeal is rather striking. Many of us will admit with a shot of something alcoholic that we do indulge our guilty pleasures in watching something on BRAVO or TLC, and some of us will actually be brave enough to admit that “I know it is scripted but there is actually true love to be found on Bachelorette (GAG!) We watch pregnant girls find out they are pregnant, Sarah Palin give a lesson on her version of history of the United States while standing on her back porch in Alaska. We watch every kind of hick, hillbilly preach to us that it is God’s will to be stupid, and they are stupid because God told them so, and we pretend that FOX News is news and not a channel of pure propaganda. Stars who do nothing but demonstrate a pair of boobs or ass crack are diva’s and women dream to be just like them. We love to watch a sudden barroom fights with men so mesmerized by their own bodies pretending that they care about the babe hanging on their arms. Talent shows are judged by people who have no talent except that they sell a whole lot of magazine space. But no matter the stupidity, reality TV thrives and somewhere along the way even the more intelligent are lost in the transition from sane to stupid!

How much more perfect then to have Donald Trump enter the race for President. It seems if we dumb down our entire culture why leave politics out of the mess. Now Donald is not the first stupid person to run, he was late in announcing after “God talks to me Huckabee”, my dad says that Jesus told him I was a prophet” Cruz, and “I bet you can’t see the puppet strings on my Koch bought and paid for body”Walker. The Donald loves himself some publicity and as the current fad for most news corporations seems to be less real professional journalism but more sensationalism, Mr Trump is in his glory. Say you hate, say you are against freedom for all shout  the most racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynist bile and you will certainly be embraced by the lovers of Duck Dynasty, 19 Kids and Counting, THE 700 Club and the Sarah Palin pay to play TV channel and you will entice the salivating NRA viewers, all who will swear on a stack of New Testament Bibles that the Earth is 6000 years old, dinosaurs were on Noah’s arc,Jesus would have voted Republican and of course Obama is a Kenyan. Reality TV politics where facts are rewritten to help the dialogue sound more stupid, honesty is removed so as not to offend the most bigoted, and truth can never be told as it might motivate the Rapture to happen sooner.

Reality USA…We have police pretend they are above the law, we have T-Bagging Congressman tell us Roe V Wade, and the same-sex ruling are not the law because it was not Jesus’s law. We find corporations are people, and real people on food stamps are nothing but druggies or drug dealers. The Earth is not warming because the EXXON Mobile bought and paid for scientists said so (so there), no need to label the GMO chemicals on your food because it is too similar to Communist rule and Monsanto has paid too much lobbyist money to the Senate to even consider it. White guys with guns are just a bunch of bad boys anyone of color or non Christian with ammo a terrorist. Government is way to big to repair our infrastructure, but never big enough to handle your lady parts. Church IS state, the Confederacy a legacy rebellion, more guns will make you safer, and the bigger the war machine the better America! Reality America scripted, produced and directed by a bunch of billionaires who think somehow they will not have to breathe polluted air, chemical food is healthy and of course freedom is anything but free!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

How Tragic!?

Nothing to see here folks, it is just one more white guy expressing himself through his 2nd Amendment rights. Learning from the best right wing propagandists, believing the news from FOX, Limbaugh, and the non-racists KKK, buying into the warped fiction of the T-Bagging community, a guy takes a gun, open carry of course into a movie theater and decides that his law the IS the law of the land. A bad guy with an open carry weapon and no other good guy with the same arsenal able to stop him. Gov Jindal, currying favor from a belligerent group of paranoid anarchists calling themselves the T-Bagging Republican base, says hugs and prayers will solve this tragedy, no need for ANY kind of gun protection laws. Of course because a white guy loving his Confederate flag did the murdering it is NOT necessarily a terrorist action but indeed just a tragedy! How tragic! 

Nothing to see here but a bunch of wounded and dead people, who have no one to blame but themselves because before they left for the movie theater they forgot their Glock 26’s or their AK 45”s. Didn’t they remember that right after General J. Christ signed the US Constitution he famously said “Thou shalt lock and load”.These victims could have been good guys with a gun and had a shoot out while watching “Trainwreck”, after all nothing goes best with a comedy then murder or mayhem. Didn’t we learn anything from Newtown, or Aurora, or Columbine,or Charleston, like white guys are gonna bring their toys when they are disgruntled, and the only way to receive them is to bring your toys. Isn’t the answer to gun violence more guns? Who needs any sane conversation when you too can act like a crazy person. How tragic!

Nothing to see here but a Governor insist he doesn’t want to talk about how free flowing gun use is in his home stare of Louisiana. Nothing to see here but talking heads discussing insanity, mental health, good guys with guns, and of course a paranoid nation salivating only on the 2nd Amendment. Nothing to worry about because when a white dude shoots and kill a bunch of people he is a lone wolf and does not represent white America. Nothing to see here when the eleventh commandment seems to be thou shalt kill. Nothing to be concerned about that crazy white supremacy guy, you really gotta worry about the black Kenyan in the Whiter House who is darn tootin’ gonna take away your guns, the guns Jesus was carrying back in the day. How tragic!

Friday, July 24, 2015

We Know This

Now another Bush wants to rid the nation of that nasty medicare program, replacing it of course with some privatized system dominated by the same donors who have spent millions of dollars supporting yet one more Republican candidate removed from the mainstream of America. Vote for me Jeb says and I will reawaken a monster which has lied dormant, never deceased and bring back the good ole’ days of good job Brownie, shock and awe, and mushroom clouds. Vote for me an aloof millionaire who thinks work makes you free that is until you die on the job, the government is too big except in cases of women who prefer to make their own decisions on their bodies, families who know when to pull life support for their loved ones, and the Earth is 6000 years old so no need for worrying about climate change. Now another Bush pretending to be an everyman instead of everyman for himself wants to be president but remove any and all safe guards for a nation still suffering from the recession and repulsive actions of president Dick Cheney and Vice President George Bush. (Come on, wasn’t it really like that!)

Yet one more black life is snuffed and we are arguing if a tape from the dash cam was altered or not, if excessive force was used, if it was suicide, if she was crazy to begin with so any action by an abusive and self proclaimed racist Cop had anything to do with her death. True blooded Americans are all aghast that we are picking on the police instead of wondering why there have been one too many cases of black lives not mattering. Is it because we have our first black man as president, is because the South never really lost the Civil War, is it because it is much easier to choose an enemy then look at ourselves, is it because in America black lives really don’t matter? Why is there a discussion about if she died at the hands of the police instead of why HAS one more black person arrested and jailed by the police DIED.

We are still mesmerized by yet one more jerk from the T-Bagging Republican party wanting to run for president. As a national culture we have cuddled men like Trump, we have made him a gold pedestal from which he sits. He is a reality star and from the Kardashians, to Palin to Duck Dynasty to families who think 19 kids is cool, we have glamorized the most douchy of people letting them do and say what they wish as if what they said and do has any reason or rhyme. We pretend that smart people are dumb. We pretend that the most lame of humans are down to earth creatures (even though they found their way from under some old rock) and proclaim they are really the smart folk, they are America. We watch FOX Noise and permit racist, homophobe, xenophobic, misogynists to tell us he news, making up facts as they go along. We have an electoral system that caters to a base of people, too stupid to ever pass a simple ninth grade civics test and who if they even have a copy of the US Constitution use it as toilet paper for their outhouse!And we are surprised Donald Trump is a hero!

When does the stupid stop? When does ignorance and passivity of those of us who know better stop? Black lives matter, women have rights to their own bodies, Gays can love, government needs to make the environment safer, Jesus was not a banker nor a member of the NRA, there is a separation between church and state. Rubio, Bush, Trump, Walker, Christie, Paul, Carson, Huckabee etc, etc hate anyone not like them and will use any means to eliminate them. We know this!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Stupid is Frightening

A bunch of Christian conservative ladies support their Crusader for Christ hubbies, and believe that Planned Parenthood is nothing but an abortion mill. Listening to their male shepherds these little ladies of Jesus are sure that no real woman needs a pap smear or mammogram. If truly a believer in Jesus then HE would never let that communist conspiracy of cancer find it way into a  nice woman's body. Of course if you have sinned then Jesus the vengeful will riddle your body with all kinds of bad things. The same goes for affordable health care, if a lady lives a pure and innocent life God will bless her soul and major health set backs will certainly not come her way. If Jesus had wanted women to be more then a rib from her man then he would have created them first! The stupid is frightening!

Climate change, schimate change, come on the Earth is only 6000 years old; how in the world could the climate change in that brief period of time. Anyone with a grasp of God knows that HE would never destroy something it took at least 7 days to create, that is a lot of time he would have wasted. The big corporations and wealthy billionaires are paying top dollars to faux scientists to pretend there is no real danger; it was a successful tactic with the tobacco companies to hire a bunch self-serving scientists and doctors to pretend tar and nicotine were anything but the breath of life.Anyway by the time the second and third generations of the CEO’s and share holders of Exxon-Mobile, are old enough to drown in the rising seas or smother in arid dry climates they will be living in some space station reserved for the wealthy class. And besides nowhere in the New Testament is there word one about climate change, pollution or global warming. The stupid is frightening!

A good presidential candidate must first say Jesus followed by I hate Gays, immigrants, working people, the poor and of course ladies of the night. A good presidential candidate must say Jesus Christ has spoken to me in a dream and follow that by embracing the bankers, capitalism, cops who kill black lives, the Confederate Flag, and opposite-sex marriages no matter how many times they may have married and remarried. A good presidential candidate must hold his Bible next to his assault weapon his NRA membership card his favorite quote from Christian Scripture and then pontificate that poverty is the sin of the lazy, equality has nothing to do with the true history of America, government is way to big, except in the doctors office your bedroom or on the labels of genetically modified foods, and that science is a fools game! The stupid is frightening! 

Our next Prez

So he signs into law a 20 week abortion ban. He thinks his first call of duty is to nuke the shit out of Iran. He is not sure if the Gay thing is nurture or nature. He has battle scars from fighting teacher unions. He has cut back funding from a once proud and glorious state university system. He was never in the army but is ready to blast both Russia and China off the map.He believes that the only person you need to obey is Jesus and unless Jesus tells you differently there is never any need for compromise. He decided he had a college degree but when pressed for details decided he didn’t. He believes that homeless and hungry people are all faking, and to prove his point that they are also all drug dealers he is gonna give them drug tests. Scott Walker wants to be OUR next president and the one thing he does well is take marching orders from his puppet masters the Koch Brothers.

So he once wanted to public shame single mothers, because of course if they were truly of value they would have married a hard working man. He was the guy to try and stop Pat Shivo’s husband from making a personal decision on his wife’s life and insisted that only Jeb knew Jesus’s true intent and permitted her to lie in coma and vegetative state. Work makes you free something his ancestors believed as they supported the German war machine, and he thinks working longer hours and later in life is the stuff that red-blooded Americans are made of. He paid tribute to the swift boaters just because Jon Kerry was a real war Vet and Georgie Bush never served overseas, and prompted them to shame and discredit Kerry’s military service.First the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were terrific, then they weren’t and then he hires a bunch of the goons who initiated both wars to lead his foreign policy. He doesn’t need the Koch’s instead has his brand of billionaire puppet masters to cow tow to. Jeb Bush wants to be OUR next president.

So he said he would date his own daughter cause she is so hot, too bad she IS his daughter. The institution of marriage is basic to keep America alive that is why he married three times. he hates losers except when you declare bankruptcy. He is gonna give Putin, and China and any ole’ Ayatollah hell, but he was too scared to enlist in the armed services. He loves to call immigrants rapists. He has two sons who just love to murder animals on African preserves. Compassion is bullying others, compromise is for Communists, and he learned to be articulate from the Sarah Palin school of diction. He thinks politics should be a reality series, and makes no apologies for being stupid and insincere. he would kick your ass but instead will hire some else to do it. Donald Trump wants to be OUR next president.

Three men appealing to the lowest form of American voter, three men who care less about scruples, would rather divide and separate, who hate minorities and beg for the stupid to think they are as base and vile as they come. T-Bagging Republicans leading the pack to lead OUR nation off the cliff!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Wonder of wonders

Wonder of wonders and bit of I really want to know, just how much money Haliburton made from their no bid contracts to support the war efforts of both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars? Just how much non-interest did both the Democrat and Republican Congress share in making sure that Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld were never questioned about their involvement with Haliburton and their large scale of subsidiaries while the average tax payer paid the bill? And mostly I really want to know how much Haliburton, Mr Cheney, Mr Rumsfeld, and of course the man with the title as president at the time but lacking the real power Georgie Bush have given to any, one or all of the various charity groups for the disabled Vets and the families of the Troops who never returned? I really, really, really want to know why the T-Bagging Republicans are all a dither about the reality star’s comments on the heroism of John McCain but seem to never ever be bothered with the most recent valor of the Vets who are left to fend for themselves?

Wonder of wonders and a bit of I really want know, how a man, Jeb Bush, who has never really held any job except that of a politician or a recipient of Grandpa’s inheritance has the audacity to clamor about true Americans needing to work later in their lives and longer hours before they actually die on the job? Just how does the most stupid of T-Bagging Republicans who may make minimum wage, or just enough to be one degree above the poverty line, think this out of touch blow hard knows anything about real life? Do they believe Jeb Bush as done anything in his long history of living off the dole of the government understand even a second of the common person’s life? I really, really, really want to know the money Jeb Bush has given to homeless shelters, food kitchens, and senior centers, and those who support this man because he is not a Democrat , because he swears as president he will stop those handout immediately.

Wonder of wonders and a bit of I really want to know, just how different the lives of those living in poverty, near poverty, in communities devastated by poverty would be if even one percent of the money the mega-donors use to buy their favorite politicians were to be given to assist the most needy? Wonder of wonders and I really want to know how different life would be in the United States and maybe even the the rest of the world, if all the scientific brainpower used to send a satellite to Pluto, change its course along the way and send back photos, was used to alleviate food shortages, unemployment, recharge energy sources, educate the masses? Wonder of wonders and I really want to know why when a white Christian kills a few black folk he is NOT an enemy of the state, when police act out of bounds with black lives it DOES NOT matter, but once anyone of color or non Christian reacts the same way as bunch of good ole’ boys it is time to bring back General Jesus and and troop of goons? Wonder of wonders, and I really want to know how long will hypocrisy go unchecked in this nation of ours?

Monday, July 20, 2015

Dear Scotty

Republican presidential candidate and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker told CNN’s “State of the Union” that he “doesn’t know” whether being gay is a choice or if people are born gay. Dear Scottie, I do know this being stupid is a choice, and you have chosen to be one of the dumbest people to run for the office of president from a political party full of so many stupid that for you to outshine even the dumbest is quite a fete. (It’s a good thing reality star Trump is in the mix). I suppose you have also chosen to be a lackey for your Koch Brother puppet masters assuming any point of view they have paid you to follow. You have chosen to slink in the mirky waters of stating inane comments then of course as most dumb people do, refusing to take ownership of the really stupid stuff you just recited. You have chosen to believe that minimum wage is just begging for a paycheck you don’t deserve. You have chosen to believe that women are as stupid as you and have no idea what to do about their reproductive internal parts. You have chosen to state that you understand the international world scene because you have fought with public school teachers. 

Scottie I amaze at how so many people have been fooled by you, but then again millions of Koch dollars can buy a whole lot of bologna. You are smart enough though Scottie to follow the T-Bagging policy of hating freedom for anyone but the wealthy, pretending that science is also a choice, insisting that colleges are nothing but communist plots, and of course hating big government unless of course that same government is situated inside a doctors office. Scottie, you have left a trail of misgivings, missteps, a miserable concern for the poor. But Scottie you love to quote Jesus as if he too would vote for you.

Hey Scottie, here is the deal, not really difficult for anyone smart, but perhaps tedious for you. Read some scientific articles from anyone except the fictions fools from FOX. Find a pair of balls Scotty and tell your puppet masters the Koch’s that maybe you do have some of your own ideas. Scotty, I am Gay, did I choose it, nope, before I actually came out I feared it, what I did choose is to come out of the closet, out of the shadows. Scotty you are a snake oil salesmen as good as Huckabee, Palin, I can’t imagine America’s future if stupid people choose you to become president. 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

On Earth

I remember when the first human walked on the moon, my father saying out loud to anyone sitting in the living room watching Walter Cronkite on television, if we can do something like this on the moon, why do we act so stupid on Earth. I was paying attention and turned to my dad and looked directly at him asking are we that stupid? He leaned in toward me fixed his gaze upon my eyes and said only when it comes to understanding our basic needs. The WE may not directly be you and I, but in life you will find too many people who think THAT basic needs make people needy, those who have enough think those who want enough are selfish. Simple math he added, I have enough so why shouldn’t you! 2015, and we just sent a satellite to Pluto, billions of miles away, ten years in the making AND on Earth, we decide that gun violence can only be remedied by more liberal gun sales, an anarchist group of Americans declaring war on America should be celebrated with their flag as part of a national pride, presidential candidates should only appeal to the most stupid, lowest denominator of voters, women are too stupid to understand their own bodies, Jesus Christ is a member of the NRA, a banker by trade of course hates the poor, and segregation of immigrants, homosexuals is as American as your best apple pie. And the biggest debate around is if Caitlyn Jenner should have won an award!

FOX news is not news yet everything they say is heralded as if it was. Donald Trump is nothing more then a reality star pampered and privileged and the core of the T-Bagging haters think he is one of them, poor and impoverished. Lies are told about body parts of fetus’s sold to the highest bidder and the simple and foolish women who go without pap smears, mammograms, domestic abuse reporting want to burn down each and every Planned Parenthood clinic. Scott Walker hates, workers, homosexuals, women who want reproductive rights and he is the shinning star of a group of voters too bigoted to be bright. Gregg Abbot, Governor of Texas, is telling his anarchist supporters that the Obama administration is trying to take over the state of Texas and make it a part of the US,(umm, it is a state in the US) while an annual military war games operation takes place in the Lone Star State, a douchebag mayor of a city in Washington state declares that the first lady Michele Obama is a guerrilla face only attractive to a monkey man (The President) won’t apologize and there is silence from all T-Bagging Republicans and a long time ago the Dixie Chicks sang a song about not taking shit from George Bush anymore and they were almost tarred and feathered. We sent a satellite to Pluto created by the most intelligent and scientific minds, but we act so stupid on Earth!

The Earth is getting warmer yet we refuse to admit there might be even a slight chance that man made pollution has anything to with it. We are also told by evangelicals that Jesus’s dad created the Earth so why would he let man destroy it! Affordable medical care for all is a communist plot.Opposite marriage will die on the vine because the power of the gays in same-sex marriage bliss is nothing but perfume from the devil. Because Christians want to eliminate equality for women, immigrants, homosexuals, people of color and voting rights there is suddenly a war against Christianity. White guys kill Americans it is sad, people of color murder Americans it is a holy war. the Bible is the law, the Constitution just a man made piece of paper. The Supreme Court lets corporations become people they are blessed saints, same-sex marriage is equal sex marriage, and all people should have access to health care they are activist judges and of course worship Satin. We send a satellite to Pluto and we act so stupid on Earth. WHY!!!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The real Monsters?

it seems to be an anybody running for the office of president, hoping to win state primaries from the T-Bagging/Republican party, you must either succumb to the stupid, be savvy enough to mouth the words of millionaire puppet masters, and or have little pride let alone respect for yourself. It seems the more you enjoy alienating just about anyone who does not believe in your Jesus with an assault weapon, your very white supremacy God, your Lord and Savior who never saves the souls of loose women, brown skinned men with cantaloupe calves, rapists from Mexico or black lives, the MORE you become  a leader of the most scary bunch of villagers ready with a pitch fork, and bales of fire to burn any and all perceived monsters. YOU may know better, but the selfish ego filling your empty soul does not permit you to act smart, indeed finding the dumbest most derogatory inflammatory remarks makes you feel super human, and of course super electable from a baseless group of treason minded anarchists wrapped up in a garbled Bible and and a nonexistent Constitution. In America who should we fear more the morose man or woman ready to spout infamous tidbits of racism, homophobia, misogynist,xenophobic, or the lowest form of American voter at the ready to detonate a bomb blasting us back into the 18th century, if they don’t get their minority way?

Pick any sound byte available in this season of the witch and witch hunting. Scott Walker, thinks the minimum wage is chump change, that the Gays should never ever lead a Boy Scout Troop or even be in the position of leadership, why…his puppet masters the Koch Brothers think that laborers should be slaves and a whole bunch of Evangelical dictators are fearful that their God decorated in weaponry and bling is not strong enough to fight those fashionable Gays.Donald Trump, thinking this is one more reality scripted show just loves to insist that this IS not a nation of immigrants, and if it was ever a place for immigrants the only decent ones were VERY white, he also would date his hot daughter if she wasn’t his daughter, why because he knows how misinformation is the only way to speak stupid, and he thinks the more of a braggart he is the more of man he becomes to those with nothing in their lives. .Jeb Bush thinks the president is too smart for the world, and uses too many three or four syllable words, and of course Jeb thinks we all should be working longer hours and longer years, why, because he ain’t the smart Bushie and doesn’t want to be found out and workers, well if they can’t afford mansions on the bay, private jets they deserve to wither and die helping Jeb obtain those material goods. And yet these three bozo’s are in the lead to become the nominee of a political party reminiscent of the days of fascism, theocratic dictatorship, and divide and conquer.

Look closely at who the T-Bagging/Republican party candidates want to represent if elected president, and exactly WHO they currently have little to no concern for. Are these T-Bagging/Republican candidates really the haters they portray or are they cunning assholes who know that the part of America who have the power to make their day will only do so if enough venom, vile and villainous rhetoric is spewed against women who want reproductive rights, Gays who want civil rights, blacks who want human rights. Decide who the real monsters are…a bunch of men and one woman with little backbone, a limited conscience, a need to place their ego above all else, or a the goons, the mob, the maladjusted maniacs who believe this is a Christian country, Jesus was the first president, there is is always a war on Christmas, and drill baby drill and death panels are right as rain. Who are the monsters we really need to fear!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

I want to be in America

“I want to be in America, everything’s free in America, I want to be in America!”(America, West Side Story) The Dent County Commission of Missouri voters unanimously Monday to observe one year of “mourning” over the Supreme Court’s June 26 decision that Gay couples have the constitutional right to marry. The observance will in the lowering of the flags at the Dent County Courthouse and Judicial Building to half staff on the 26th day of the month from July 2015 to June 2016. the vote came after the Presiding Commissioner Darrel Skiles filed a letter into the public record protesting “the U.S. high court’s stamp of approval as what God speaks of as an abomination.” Daily Kos. There is a state flower, a state tree and now a state God of Missouri a God who of course can only be seen by the most homophobic, insecure, elected government officials who believe that Missouri is a Fascist/theocratic Christian nation state, which just happens to belong to the United States for convenience but in fact has nothing to do with the laws of that land. Jesus the guy with long blond hair and the fairest of white skin, who was the general of the Revolutionary War, the numero uno member of the NRA if not its founder, who believes corporations are people, is divine and because facts never mount to anything in the minds of the stupid, Jesus has spoken, and he hates the Gays!

“Oh beautiful for spacious skies for amber waves of grain”(America)According to Mike Huckabee, we’re “criminalizing Christianity in this country by telling people who hold to an orthodox worldview of biblical marriage that if you still believe that … you will be guilty of discrimination, which could result in some kind of civil or criminal action against you.” Got that, Christians? You keep making noises about the Bible and the big government boogeymen will lock you up! (Salon) Never one to back down from the prophecy of a Bible which includes the selling of snake oil, cures for diabetes and the ever present evidence that the earth is only 6000 years old, a man on a mission to scam the most stupid of fearful folk is the lead general in declaring that because equality is a backbone of the United States his God is bit pissed. Not a bit pissed his Jesus, the real first president of the US of A might even descend from heaven one more time and just rid the world of the homosexual sinners. Mikey Huckabee ever at the ready to cater to the insecure, insane and inane among us loves the attention of making the dumb even dumber. Usually there is a war on Christianity around Christmas time you know the holiday where all offices are closed and government buildings erect a CHRISTMAS  tree, but now that the Gays actuality be treated like regular folk, Mikey has declared all hell is about to let lose!

“This land is your land this land is my land” (This Land is Your Land, Woody Guthrie) Except it isn’t, and won’t be until a majority of Americans re-read the US Constitution, decide that gerrymandered voting districts are a dictatorship, understand that there is a difference between Church and State, that the base of the T-Pub Party are people who believe reality TV is real and still believe that the Confederate War was Jesus’s choice, and of course are so fearful of their own sexuality as to hate anyone who is NOT! When justices of the peace still refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, while T-Pub potential candidates still rise in popularity because they can hate loud and proud, while FOX News still lies about fact and confuses fiction as truth, while billionaire puppet masters pull the stings on disingenuous shoddy politicians, and until people stop thinking that the stupid are so stupid they will just shrivel up and die, actually do something positive, this land will never be your land or my land, but a land that fades into the stupid.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Hiding in the Shadows

Who is the really dumb one, the T-Pub candidate that says immigrants from Mexico are rapists or the base of voters of the T-Pub party placing him in a very high ranking to become the nominee for the T-Pub party? Who is really the idiot, oblivious to the way the real world works, the candidate claiming working longer hours and longer into your life is a form of true job creation or the billionaire puppet masters promoting yet one more “let them eat cake” candidate? Who is really the idiot the candidate who insists that only Jesus’s law can prevail in permitting the marriage of same-sex couples or the hundred of thousands “don’t mess with Texas” voters allowing him free reign to practice religious fascism? Who are we to really fear, the monsters or the people who have created them?

We become so agog, aghast, amazed when men and women in office or running for office insist that even though they are not doctors they believe that a 20 week abortion ban is the correct medical advice for women. We become concerned when these same people insist they may not be scientists but one thing for certain is climate change is not happening at least not on the Earth Jesus’s dad created.We become irritated that even though they are not historians, there is simply no way these band of politicians think the Confederate Flag was ever used as a symbol of slavery let alone Racism. We ruminate as those seeking nomination for president from the T-Pub party laugh at the idea black lives might matter, the mere idea of separation between church and state, that this nation was really never founded by immigrants. But then who is THE fool, the guy or gal who get away with selling snake oil, or the consumer, ever ready to buy a gallon or two of it?

Look closely at the men and one woman who want to become president from the T-Pub party, listen how they always avoid words like inclusion, equality, fair and freedom. Watch as they pander to those who still believe dinosaurs were on Noah’s ark, nothing in the universe is older then 6000 years, women were created from a rib of Adam and thus are the property of men, the Constitution is not a substitute for the Bible, the NRA, billionaires and pollution were prophecies of Jesus. Are we to chastise a very smart group of wanna be presidential candidates savvy enough to market swarm and slime to the lowest denominator of ignorant and bigoted minds. OR should we really start worrying about the viewers of FOX, Limbaugh radio, the Mama Grizzlies, the Open Carry crusader and the white robed mobs of men and women who have been granted to hate openly? We think we should fear the monster we see and hear, but anyone who enjoys true horror movies knows the scariest things always hide in the shadows!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Cans of whoop ass

Open a can of whoop ass which has been simmering in the heat of hypocrisy for a decade or two and you either must be asking for trouble or enjoy a world where consequences will run wild. Open a can of whop ass, the one with the ingredients of dumb, dumber, insane, inane, insecurity and innuendo and you are certain to unleash an odor more foul that any bull shit offered by marketers of greed, gluttony, stupid and sinister. Open a can of whoop ass the can which is boiling over in lies, abridged truths, circumstantial evidence, and religious fascism and you will receive an explosion so wild and crazy that the big bang will seem like a whimper. Open that can of whoop ass and just wait for all hell to break lose.

The confederate flag a symbol of civil war, a shining emblem to those who thought America was better off with slaves, an icon of white supremacy, black inferiority all we ask is that a flag of treason and anarchy be taken down and the response we get is don’t you dare. Same-sex marriage is now considered American marriage and what do we hear, Jesus is more powerful then the activists on the Supreme Court, my religion my law, this is a Christian country. Question the police as to why black lives should matter, and gun tottin’ NRA crusaders insist that they don’t matter, and what’s the matter with you for being so un-American as to think they should matter. Find a path for immigrants to live a full life in a nation built by immigrants and get swallowed up by crass indignities insisting that only certain immigrants made America great, immigration is a socialist plot, or complete silence regarding all the derogatory demagoguery.  Let women decide their own reproductive rights and suddenly the apocalypse is coming, all females who dare decide for themselves are immoral and the government should be big enough to prevail over some stupid woman’s selfish need. Open a can of whoop ass, and the odor permeates an entire nation. Open up a can of whoop ass and watch the maggots living at the bottom of that decayed, rusted can emerge trying hard to suck out the fresh breath of freedom from the lungs of those believe in fair and just.

We have been harvesting that can of whop ass camouflaged in the rumination of reality show stars acting as if they were journalists, permitting politicians to act as puppets for the miserably minded millionaires and pretending that if the facts don’t fit your mood change them. We have been harvesting that can of whop ass ever since we believed that weapons of mass destruction existed, Brownie actually did do a great job, not vetting a vice presidential candidate was normal, that guns don’t kill people, that Jesus was the first general of the Revolutionary War and to this day is a charter member of the NRA. We have been harvesting that can of whop ass every time an elected official tells us his Bible trumps the Constitution, when government employees insist personal beliefs hold more weight then the US or state laws. Open a can of whoop ass and don’t be surprised just how poisonous the fumes of bias, bigotry and bogus will become. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Intentionally Dumb

Intentionally acting dumb is dangerous, because no matter your intentions, the really honest to God dumb people think you have hit pay dirt permitting them to remain dimwits and stupid. When your common sense is based on superstitions, racist ancestry, a God who only is kind to you when you hate, or an abridged version of a reality show script for history, you are are as dumb as they come; and when someone wise enough to play dumb acting like the pied piper of stupid toots his horn, all kinds of stupid follow. Intentionally acting dumb is just the ticket for Donald Trump and he is basking in the shock and awe responses the not so dumb people are demonstrating. Donald Trump loves marketing dumb, he has become as nasty and gnarly as Ann Coulter reaching depths of dumb even really dumb Sarah Palin never mined. But in fact Donald Trump knows as did the snake oil salesmen of the old west, that misery loves company, dissatisfaction with your self breeds insurrection toward others, and that in order to imagine loving yourself, you must first fight an imaginary enemy. Intentionally acting dumb is a sophisticated vice like land mines planted on foreign soil, the good guys want to come to the rescue, but if they are not cautious they will never seek their goal of freedom and fair, instead be blown away!

If you are truly concerned about equality in America, if you have actually read history books relating the purpose of a land for and by all the people, or if you believe that a prospective presidential nominee should be concerned with the good for ALL Americans, then Donald Trump is nothing more then a brash, egocentric, 21st century character created by writers, bankers and capitalists who have little conscience unless it has a cash value related to it. Donald Trump seems laughable to you. But if you have very little in your life aside from the need to divide, deprive, segregate, single out, blame and bully the very laughable words of Donald Trump become reason for hysteria and his hyperbole find root in your ruinous life and you reach new heights of hypocrisy and hate. Donald Trump knows this and being a man with nothing but gold for his soul, inhales the phobias and bigotry of others and breathes the breath of fire, setting parts of ‘Merica’ ablaze with his bogus. Donald Trump loves to set fires, he never is the one with the matches in hand, nope, he leaves lighter fluid and lighters all around for the the mobs who just love to burn their own houses down thinking that by doing so others will perish. Donald Trump is like the drug dealer, give the insecure a reason to get high and reap the financial rewards without a care in the world for your actions.

Intentionally acting dumb is not easy there is a science behind it and those who practice this craft are savvy actors. They usually never understand their own words, but listen intently to the words of the lemming who desire others to lead them over the cliff. These actors gladly provide a map with specific hate filled directions and gleefully rake in the financial rewards for letting the stupid thrive. Pretending to speak the language of the average Joe, people like Trump would never, ever be in the company of the stupid, but like the man behind the curtain as long as there is mystique the mirage works out fine. Internationally acting dumb is dangerous, and the more those of us who think we are smart, let the dumb behave badly, the more we have to fear.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Third of July

It is the third of July, we are anticipating a celebration of a nation gaining its independence from tyranny, yet on this 239th year of freedom we watch as some who claim to be patriots, pure Americans in fact want to impose laws and language far from free and equal. They carry a flag of a nation determined to undermine the US Constitution, they wear assault weapons across their shoulders and waistbands insisting that upheaval is an American value, they define others as the enemy and unless the others identify with some preconceived American God, are of Caucasian skin color and of course at one time owned slaves they are the bad guys. On this July 3 in 2015 we watch as potential presidential contenders contend for who can hate the most, who can blame the foils and foibles of the stupid on anyone but themselves, who can pretend that America was never a land of immigrants. We are told that God blesses America but then exactly whose God is doing the blessing?

Black churches are burning, governors still insist that their state will participate in segregation based on homophobia, Supreme Court Justices have no idea in the difference between church and state, women are too stupid to understand their own reproductive rights, Mexican are rapists, and billionaires hire their puppet politicians hoping to own the city of Washington DC, all of this on the third of July! Jesus is the final word on law, not just any Jesus but the one who has a membership to the NRA, loves the bankers and hates the poor, all of this on the third of July! Fools run rampant, facts are fiction, the stupid are the considered the base by which Republicans must appeal to to become the T-Pub candidate, climate isn’t changing, and family values are always an issue except when the the valueless Christian conservatives are having babies out of wedlock, enjoying adulterous affairs, or stealing money from the coffers of tax payers all of this on the third of July!

It is the third of July and on the day that follows we will pledge allegiance to our flag, sing our national anthem, we will be proud Americans, but will we all be equal Americans? We will be a people who have seen the struggles of a revolutionary war, a civil war, women’s suffrage, desegregation, affirmative action, victory at land and sea, labor unions, a minimum wage and affordable health care…but somehow when the Fourth of July 2015 arrives will we remain just a bunch of stupid folk questioning was ALL of those gains really good? We will be debating the value of fair and equal, the necessity of one person one vote, is poverty the fault of the poor, do black lives matter? We will face the Fourth as if it was the first time we have discovered freedom. How does this happen, why did this happen, when did this happen? It is the third of July and we have so many important issues to address honestly for freedom to truly ring for all!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

dumb seems to matter

Rainbows everywhere appearing on Facebook pages. Friends I know and people I have never met excited that when two people are in love it will now be called marriage. What a perfect moment in a world with too many imperfections. It seemed as if the government was paying attention to the Constitution inciting freedom instead of installing fear. But then the cracks seemed to rumble out of the satin sanguine and some decided that their America was not the home of the free;they instead culled up a cauldron of Christian victimization claiming that no matter how democratic this nation might seem, it was indeed a country of crusaders whose only allegiance is and was toward a particular Bible bestowed by a peculiar kind of God. The law of the land they pouted and pandered is NEVER as great as the virtues of a vengeful God! 

One might overlook the ignorant, the slime who slide carelessly across the rights and equality of others, but when one does overlook the stupid there is usually a whole lot of hell to pay. Candidates are running for the office of president pretending that those who have little contrivance for the Constitution actually care about the history of this nation. These men and one woman of the T-Publican party enjoy the comic relief of FOX Noise, allowing fiction to be decimated as fact, and rubbish to be used as reason, and they continue to chide any standard of decency. Court the dumb, keep them dumber, never admit the truth for fear that the really dumbest might revolt. These marionettes for the wealthy who only have a vision of their own well being lack conscience but come across as most con men/women as clear and concerned and of course Christian citizens. In a nation supposedly intended to have a demarcation between church and state it is scarily frightening how much of the church chimes loud and the state remains silent.

Marriage equality is the law of the land, but whose land, indeed? Threats of retaliation, intimidation and loathing, languish on the websites and radio stations of the Christian conservative media. Not in my country they boast as if the Confederacy won the war (and one has to wonder if it didn’t). There is no intent to embrace the mechanics of our democracy, (women’s reproductive rights a perfect example of ignoring the law),when the details involve inclusion. All of this could be stopped if the smart became as unified as the stupid and yelled as loud and proud as the dumb. But somehow we permit the T-Publican candidates to cater to cowards who use their God as scapegoat for hate calling these wanna be presidential candidates clowns in a clown car. We look the other way as wealthy millionaires cast a wayward spell on the rest of the minions, and the assumed clowns gain traction. I worry all the time just how powerful the most unintelligent become because the intelligent are too busy insisting the dumb are just too stupid to matter.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Bag Ladies

Sarah Palin is dumb. She is a dumb woman who strives to be smart, but ends up just being dumb. Sarah Palin considers herself a player, but throughout her dumb career she really has been played. Sarah Palin is the kind of dumb T-Bagging woman who believes she does walk on water but in fact is a nothing but a marionette manipulated by some smarter people who realize just how dumb Sarah Palin really is. The problem for most dumb people is they never consider how quickly 15 minutes of marketed fame can end. Sarah Palin is dumb enough think that any thoughts scripted for her were actually her own. Sarah Palin is dumb enough to think she is smart enough to make a positive difference but in fact will find herself should she learn to read in the history books as creature of a society based on reality shows which are anything but real.

Ann Coulter is smart, she is scary smart, so smart that she knows just how to pretend to be dumb. She looks at a situation and decides just how ugly of a response is needed for her 15 minutes of fame to never end. Ann Coulter is smart, she loves to insist the most biased, bigoted bloated bull shit, knowing that the really dumb people will latch on to it like a worm at the end of a fishing hook and that the most intelligent of people will chastise her for the same remarks. Ann Coulter will remain on the tip of tongues and cares nothing about a clear conscience, as long as she can sell books and snake oil. Ann Coulter is a T-bagging woman but prefers her desires to be at her beckon and call. Ann Coulter is smart, smart enough to manipulate conversation that only detract from any positive results. As long as Ann can divulge the most vile and venomous verbiage she is still the queen.

Nikki Haley is a dumb woman who desperately wants to be smart. Nikki Haley is a nasty dumb person trading politics for personality, and preferring poli-tricks as the breath she breathes. Nikki Haley is smart enough to say the right things, but dumb enough to not enact her own words. Nikki Haley is smart enough to read a speech writers words declaring that some people find the Confederate flag offensive(still demonstrating a pining for the descendants of anarchists as true Americans who love it), and calling for the removal of that flag. Nikki Haley could have been smarter had she listened to the voices in South Carolina who provided her with a loop hole to remove the flag temporarily, but she is still a dumb T-bagging woman thinking that a base of baseless white bigots rule her future. Nikki Haley is the kind of dumb person begging to be smart but too dumb to see that politics just makes you stupid.