Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Intentionally Dumb

Intentionally acting dumb is dangerous, because no matter your intentions, the really honest to God dumb people think you have hit pay dirt permitting them to remain dimwits and stupid. When your common sense is based on superstitions, racist ancestry, a God who only is kind to you when you hate, or an abridged version of a reality show script for history, you are are as dumb as they come; and when someone wise enough to play dumb acting like the pied piper of stupid toots his horn, all kinds of stupid follow. Intentionally acting dumb is just the ticket for Donald Trump and he is basking in the shock and awe responses the not so dumb people are demonstrating. Donald Trump loves marketing dumb, he has become as nasty and gnarly as Ann Coulter reaching depths of dumb even really dumb Sarah Palin never mined. But in fact Donald Trump knows as did the snake oil salesmen of the old west, that misery loves company, dissatisfaction with your self breeds insurrection toward others, and that in order to imagine loving yourself, you must first fight an imaginary enemy. Intentionally acting dumb is a sophisticated vice like land mines planted on foreign soil, the good guys want to come to the rescue, but if they are not cautious they will never seek their goal of freedom and fair, instead be blown away!

If you are truly concerned about equality in America, if you have actually read history books relating the purpose of a land for and by all the people, or if you believe that a prospective presidential nominee should be concerned with the good for ALL Americans, then Donald Trump is nothing more then a brash, egocentric, 21st century character created by writers, bankers and capitalists who have little conscience unless it has a cash value related to it. Donald Trump seems laughable to you. But if you have very little in your life aside from the need to divide, deprive, segregate, single out, blame and bully the very laughable words of Donald Trump become reason for hysteria and his hyperbole find root in your ruinous life and you reach new heights of hypocrisy and hate. Donald Trump knows this and being a man with nothing but gold for his soul, inhales the phobias and bigotry of others and breathes the breath of fire, setting parts of ‘Merica’ ablaze with his bogus. Donald Trump loves to set fires, he never is the one with the matches in hand, nope, he leaves lighter fluid and lighters all around for the the mobs who just love to burn their own houses down thinking that by doing so others will perish. Donald Trump is like the drug dealer, give the insecure a reason to get high and reap the financial rewards without a care in the world for your actions.

Intentionally acting dumb is not easy there is a science behind it and those who practice this craft are savvy actors. They usually never understand their own words, but listen intently to the words of the lemming who desire others to lead them over the cliff. These actors gladly provide a map with specific hate filled directions and gleefully rake in the financial rewards for letting the stupid thrive. Pretending to speak the language of the average Joe, people like Trump would never, ever be in the company of the stupid, but like the man behind the curtain as long as there is mystique the mirage works out fine. Internationally acting dumb is dangerous, and the more those of us who think we are smart, let the dumb behave badly, the more we have to fear.

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