Saturday, July 18, 2015

On Earth

I remember when the first human walked on the moon, my father saying out loud to anyone sitting in the living room watching Walter Cronkite on television, if we can do something like this on the moon, why do we act so stupid on Earth. I was paying attention and turned to my dad and looked directly at him asking are we that stupid? He leaned in toward me fixed his gaze upon my eyes and said only when it comes to understanding our basic needs. The WE may not directly be you and I, but in life you will find too many people who think THAT basic needs make people needy, those who have enough think those who want enough are selfish. Simple math he added, I have enough so why shouldn’t you! 2015, and we just sent a satellite to Pluto, billions of miles away, ten years in the making AND on Earth, we decide that gun violence can only be remedied by more liberal gun sales, an anarchist group of Americans declaring war on America should be celebrated with their flag as part of a national pride, presidential candidates should only appeal to the most stupid, lowest denominator of voters, women are too stupid to understand their own bodies, Jesus Christ is a member of the NRA, a banker by trade of course hates the poor, and segregation of immigrants, homosexuals is as American as your best apple pie. And the biggest debate around is if Caitlyn Jenner should have won an award!

FOX news is not news yet everything they say is heralded as if it was. Donald Trump is nothing more then a reality star pampered and privileged and the core of the T-Bagging haters think he is one of them, poor and impoverished. Lies are told about body parts of fetus’s sold to the highest bidder and the simple and foolish women who go without pap smears, mammograms, domestic abuse reporting want to burn down each and every Planned Parenthood clinic. Scott Walker hates, workers, homosexuals, women who want reproductive rights and he is the shinning star of a group of voters too bigoted to be bright. Gregg Abbot, Governor of Texas, is telling his anarchist supporters that the Obama administration is trying to take over the state of Texas and make it a part of the US,(umm, it is a state in the US) while an annual military war games operation takes place in the Lone Star State, a douchebag mayor of a city in Washington state declares that the first lady Michele Obama is a guerrilla face only attractive to a monkey man (The President) won’t apologize and there is silence from all T-Bagging Republicans and a long time ago the Dixie Chicks sang a song about not taking shit from George Bush anymore and they were almost tarred and feathered. We sent a satellite to Pluto created by the most intelligent and scientific minds, but we act so stupid on Earth!

The Earth is getting warmer yet we refuse to admit there might be even a slight chance that man made pollution has anything to with it. We are also told by evangelicals that Jesus’s dad created the Earth so why would he let man destroy it! Affordable medical care for all is a communist plot.Opposite marriage will die on the vine because the power of the gays in same-sex marriage bliss is nothing but perfume from the devil. Because Christians want to eliminate equality for women, immigrants, homosexuals, people of color and voting rights there is suddenly a war against Christianity. White guys kill Americans it is sad, people of color murder Americans it is a holy war. the Bible is the law, the Constitution just a man made piece of paper. The Supreme Court lets corporations become people they are blessed saints, same-sex marriage is equal sex marriage, and all people should have access to health care they are activist judges and of course worship Satin. We send a satellite to Pluto and we act so stupid on Earth. WHY!!!!!

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