Friday, July 24, 2015

We Know This

Now another Bush wants to rid the nation of that nasty medicare program, replacing it of course with some privatized system dominated by the same donors who have spent millions of dollars supporting yet one more Republican candidate removed from the mainstream of America. Vote for me Jeb says and I will reawaken a monster which has lied dormant, never deceased and bring back the good ole’ days of good job Brownie, shock and awe, and mushroom clouds. Vote for me an aloof millionaire who thinks work makes you free that is until you die on the job, the government is too big except in cases of women who prefer to make their own decisions on their bodies, families who know when to pull life support for their loved ones, and the Earth is 6000 years old so no need for worrying about climate change. Now another Bush pretending to be an everyman instead of everyman for himself wants to be president but remove any and all safe guards for a nation still suffering from the recession and repulsive actions of president Dick Cheney and Vice President George Bush. (Come on, wasn’t it really like that!)

Yet one more black life is snuffed and we are arguing if a tape from the dash cam was altered or not, if excessive force was used, if it was suicide, if she was crazy to begin with so any action by an abusive and self proclaimed racist Cop had anything to do with her death. True blooded Americans are all aghast that we are picking on the police instead of wondering why there have been one too many cases of black lives not mattering. Is it because we have our first black man as president, is because the South never really lost the Civil War, is it because it is much easier to choose an enemy then look at ourselves, is it because in America black lives really don’t matter? Why is there a discussion about if she died at the hands of the police instead of why HAS one more black person arrested and jailed by the police DIED.

We are still mesmerized by yet one more jerk from the T-Bagging Republican party wanting to run for president. As a national culture we have cuddled men like Trump, we have made him a gold pedestal from which he sits. He is a reality star and from the Kardashians, to Palin to Duck Dynasty to families who think 19 kids is cool, we have glamorized the most douchy of people letting them do and say what they wish as if what they said and do has any reason or rhyme. We pretend that smart people are dumb. We pretend that the most lame of humans are down to earth creatures (even though they found their way from under some old rock) and proclaim they are really the smart folk, they are America. We watch FOX Noise and permit racist, homophobe, xenophobic, misogynists to tell us he news, making up facts as they go along. We have an electoral system that caters to a base of people, too stupid to ever pass a simple ninth grade civics test and who if they even have a copy of the US Constitution use it as toilet paper for their outhouse!And we are surprised Donald Trump is a hero!

When does the stupid stop? When does ignorance and passivity of those of us who know better stop? Black lives matter, women have rights to their own bodies, Gays can love, government needs to make the environment safer, Jesus was not a banker nor a member of the NRA, there is a separation between church and state. Rubio, Bush, Trump, Walker, Christie, Paul, Carson, Huckabee etc, etc hate anyone not like them and will use any means to eliminate them. We know this!

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