Saturday, July 25, 2015

How Tragic!?

Nothing to see here folks, it is just one more white guy expressing himself through his 2nd Amendment rights. Learning from the best right wing propagandists, believing the news from FOX, Limbaugh, and the non-racists KKK, buying into the warped fiction of the T-Bagging community, a guy takes a gun, open carry of course into a movie theater and decides that his law the IS the law of the land. A bad guy with an open carry weapon and no other good guy with the same arsenal able to stop him. Gov Jindal, currying favor from a belligerent group of paranoid anarchists calling themselves the T-Bagging Republican base, says hugs and prayers will solve this tragedy, no need for ANY kind of gun protection laws. Of course because a white guy loving his Confederate flag did the murdering it is NOT necessarily a terrorist action but indeed just a tragedy! How tragic! 

Nothing to see here but a bunch of wounded and dead people, who have no one to blame but themselves because before they left for the movie theater they forgot their Glock 26’s or their AK 45”s. Didn’t they remember that right after General J. Christ signed the US Constitution he famously said “Thou shalt lock and load”.These victims could have been good guys with a gun and had a shoot out while watching “Trainwreck”, after all nothing goes best with a comedy then murder or mayhem. Didn’t we learn anything from Newtown, or Aurora, or Columbine,or Charleston, like white guys are gonna bring their toys when they are disgruntled, and the only way to receive them is to bring your toys. Isn’t the answer to gun violence more guns? Who needs any sane conversation when you too can act like a crazy person. How tragic!

Nothing to see here but a Governor insist he doesn’t want to talk about how free flowing gun use is in his home stare of Louisiana. Nothing to see here but talking heads discussing insanity, mental health, good guys with guns, and of course a paranoid nation salivating only on the 2nd Amendment. Nothing to worry about because when a white dude shoots and kill a bunch of people he is a lone wolf and does not represent white America. Nothing to see here when the eleventh commandment seems to be thou shalt kill. Nothing to be concerned about that crazy white supremacy guy, you really gotta worry about the black Kenyan in the Whiter House who is darn tootin’ gonna take away your guns, the guns Jesus was carrying back in the day. How tragic!

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