A bunch of Christian conservative ladies support their Crusader for Christ hubbies, and believe that Planned Parenthood is nothing but an abortion mill. Listening to their male shepherds these little ladies of Jesus are sure that no real woman needs a pap smear or mammogram. If truly a believer in Jesus then HE would never let that communist conspiracy of cancer find it way into a nice woman's body. Of course if you have sinned then Jesus the vengeful will riddle your body with all kinds of bad things. The same goes for affordable health care, if a lady lives a pure and innocent life God will bless her soul and major health set backs will certainly not come her way. If Jesus had wanted women to be more then a rib from her man then he would have created them first! The stupid is frightening!
Climate change, schimate change, come on the Earth is only 6000 years old; how in the world could the climate change in that brief period of time. Anyone with a grasp of God knows that HE would never destroy something it took at least 7 days to create, that is a lot of time he would have wasted. The big corporations and wealthy billionaires are paying top dollars to faux scientists to pretend there is no real danger; it was a successful tactic with the tobacco companies to hire a bunch self-serving scientists and doctors to pretend tar and nicotine were anything but the breath of life.Anyway by the time the second and third generations of the CEO’s and share holders of Exxon-Mobile, are old enough to drown in the rising seas or smother in arid dry climates they will be living in some space station reserved for the wealthy class. And besides nowhere in the New Testament is there word one about climate change, pollution or global warming. The stupid is frightening!
A good presidential candidate must first say Jesus followed by I hate Gays, immigrants, working people, the poor and of course ladies of the night. A good presidential candidate must say Jesus Christ has spoken to me in a dream and follow that by embracing the bankers, capitalism, cops who kill black lives, the Confederate Flag, and opposite-sex marriages no matter how many times they may have married and remarried. A good presidential candidate must hold his Bible next to his assault weapon his NRA membership card his favorite quote from Christian Scripture and then pontificate that poverty is the sin of the lazy, equality has nothing to do with the true history of America, government is way to big, except in the doctors office your bedroom or on the labels of genetically modified foods, and that science is a fools game! The stupid is frightening!
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