Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The real Monsters?

it seems to be an anybody running for the office of president, hoping to win state primaries from the T-Bagging/Republican party, you must either succumb to the stupid, be savvy enough to mouth the words of millionaire puppet masters, and or have little pride let alone respect for yourself. It seems the more you enjoy alienating just about anyone who does not believe in your Jesus with an assault weapon, your very white supremacy God, your Lord and Savior who never saves the souls of loose women, brown skinned men with cantaloupe calves, rapists from Mexico or black lives, the MORE you become  a leader of the most scary bunch of villagers ready with a pitch fork, and bales of fire to burn any and all perceived monsters. YOU may know better, but the selfish ego filling your empty soul does not permit you to act smart, indeed finding the dumbest most derogatory inflammatory remarks makes you feel super human, and of course super electable from a baseless group of treason minded anarchists wrapped up in a garbled Bible and and a nonexistent Constitution. In America who should we fear more the morose man or woman ready to spout infamous tidbits of racism, homophobia, misogynist,xenophobic, or the lowest form of American voter at the ready to detonate a bomb blasting us back into the 18th century, if they don’t get their minority way?

Pick any sound byte available in this season of the witch and witch hunting. Scott Walker, thinks the minimum wage is chump change, that the Gays should never ever lead a Boy Scout Troop or even be in the position of leadership, why…his puppet masters the Koch Brothers think that laborers should be slaves and a whole bunch of Evangelical dictators are fearful that their God decorated in weaponry and bling is not strong enough to fight those fashionable Gays.Donald Trump, thinking this is one more reality scripted show just loves to insist that this IS not a nation of immigrants, and if it was ever a place for immigrants the only decent ones were VERY white, he also would date his hot daughter if she wasn’t his daughter, why because he knows how misinformation is the only way to speak stupid, and he thinks the more of a braggart he is the more of man he becomes to those with nothing in their lives. .Jeb Bush thinks the president is too smart for the world, and uses too many three or four syllable words, and of course Jeb thinks we all should be working longer hours and longer years, why, because he ain’t the smart Bushie and doesn’t want to be found out and workers, well if they can’t afford mansions on the bay, private jets they deserve to wither and die helping Jeb obtain those material goods. And yet these three bozo’s are in the lead to become the nominee of a political party reminiscent of the days of fascism, theocratic dictatorship, and divide and conquer.

Look closely at who the T-Bagging/Republican party candidates want to represent if elected president, and exactly WHO they currently have little to no concern for. Are these T-Bagging/Republican candidates really the haters they portray or are they cunning assholes who know that the part of America who have the power to make their day will only do so if enough venom, vile and villainous rhetoric is spewed against women who want reproductive rights, Gays who want civil rights, blacks who want human rights. Decide who the real monsters are…a bunch of men and one woman with little backbone, a limited conscience, a need to place their ego above all else, or a the goons, the mob, the maladjusted maniacs who believe this is a Christian country, Jesus was the first president, there is is always a war on Christmas, and drill baby drill and death panels are right as rain. Who are the monsters we really need to fear!

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