Friday, September 25, 2015

Kimmy Again

Kim Davis states her act of adultery, her four marriages her abandoning her children are not important anymore because her sins were washed away when she once again became born again. Hallelujah and pass the ammunition. Kim Davis says she is NOW doing the work of her Lord and savior and is so tired of being called all kinds of nasty names just because she is obeying her God’s laws which Kim Davis says with her hands on hundreds of Bibles HIS LAW supersedes any one a mere mortal can create. When Kim Davis wanted to wed the second and third and fourth time she first had to obey the mere mortal laws of the USA by first divorcing her first second and third husband. Now if Kim Davis was a child of the New Testament, truly the vessel of her Jesus, she would have ignored the silly man made laws that said polygamy  is wrong and instead followed the forefathers of Jesus who were always begatting one spouse after the other, over and over again, without that silly thing called divorce or man made divorce laws.

Kim Davis is all pouty and moody and sad because people are actually comparing her to Hitler. Golly gee folks get a grip even though Kimmy like Adolph discriminates, believes she has the power to decide who gets marries and who doesn’t, and declares who is equal and who isn’t, EVERYONE knows Hitler wasn’t a Christian so his kind of hatred is much different than that of a poor persecuted vessel doing the work of Jesus. Come on now, Hitler did evil things in the name of Hitler Kim Davis is just doing evil things in the name of Jesus and that DOES make a difference.

Kim is upset arguing she cannot follow her own religious bigotry and hate. She seems to forget that in this nation she certainly CAN believe that Gays are bad, blacks inferior, women chattel, immigrants lazy and anyone not Christian going to Hell, but not while actually working for the government. Kimmy wants her cake, wants to eat it, and then wants to throw the crumbs on anyone she deems less then. It seems that so far Kim Davis is winning (as Charlie Sheen once so prophetically shouted), because she still gets to continue her job, change the way her county government works and remain a heroine to the dredges identifying themselves as T-Baggers. No one has boldly or profoundly made it clear to Kim Davis that until Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee or Sarah Palin become elected as President this nation turns into a Fascist Christian state we still have a divide between church and state. 

tears of joy

Thursday, September 24 was the second time I witnessed the Speaker of the House, John (Orangeman) Boehner demonstrate any emotion as he cried while in the company of the Pope. The other time I saw tears falling from his eyes was when he was first sworn in as House Speaker. Both times Mr Boehner cried tears of joy, the joy being for his life and his circumstances. Interestingly enough I have never seen the Speaker of the House (because his T-Bagging Christian Fascists are the majority) shed one single tear when they voted to defund Planned Parenthood. You know trying to stop the funding for something as silly as health care screenings for women, annual check ups for women who have no primary care doctor because they can not afford one or live too far to see one. Mr Boehner never boo hoo hoo-ed when Food Stamps were cut for all those lazy poor folk. You know the ones who might be paid minimum wage or not. Never a tear fell from Boehner’s empty eye socket  when he and his cronies decided that no more money should be spent for mental health services for the Vets. Who asked them to volunteer in the first place! No sobbing taking place by Johnnie Boy, as one innocent victim after another was killed by people obsessed with guns in this country. It’s as ‘Merican as making moose pie after you hunt them for sport. I am glad John Boehner demonstrated some emotion upon being sworn in as Speaker and meeting the Pope, but where is his heart, soul or conscience when every day in this nation people go hungry, are denied basic medical assistance, are foreclosed on their homes ending up on the street, are disabled Vets returning to empty promises? Where are his emotions when species are dying because of climate change, when black lives don’t matter, when Muslims are kicked out of school for being too smart, when the disparity of wealth is smothering? Tears of joy for John Boehner and he has such a delicious life!

Tears of Joy

Thursday, September 24 was the second time I witnessed the Speaker of the House, John (Orangeman) Boehner demonstrate any emotion as he cried while in the company of the Pope. The other time I saw tears falling from his eyes was when he was first sworn in as House Speaker. Both times Mr Boehner cried tears of joy, the joy being for his life and his circumstances. Interestingly enough I have never seen the Speaker of the House (because his T-Bagging Christian Fascists are the majority) shed one single tear when they voted to defund Planned Parenthood. You know trying to stop the funding for something as silly as health care screenings for women, annual check ups for women who have no primary care doctor because they can not afford one or live too far to see one. Mr Boehner never boo hoo hoo-ed when Food Stamps were cut for all those lazy poor folk. You know the ones who might be paid minimum wage or not. Never a tear fell from Boehner’s empty eye socket  when he and his cronies decided that no more money should be spent for mental health services for the Vets. Who asked them to volunteer in the first place! No sobbing taking place by Johnnie Boy, as one innocent victim after another was killed by people obsessed with guns in this country. It’s as ‘Merican as making moose pie after you hunt them for sport. I am glad John Boehner demonstrated some emotion upon being sworn in as Speaker and meeting the Pope, but where is his heart, soul or conscience when every day in this nation people go hungry, are denied basic medical assistance, are foreclosed on their homes ending up on the street, are disabled Vets returning to empty promises? Where are his emotions when species are dying because of climate change, when black lives don’t matter, when Muslims are kicked out of school for being too smart, when the disparity of wealth is smothering? Tears of joy for John Boehner and he has such a delicious life!

Thursday, September 24, 2015


First Jesus spoke to Scotty Walker and said”go-ith forth, lead the T-Baggers and run for the presidency. And Scotty did. Then a few days ago Jesus spoke to Scotty Walker again and said “I declinith my first speech to you and now find you a lying liar and a man who hates the common laborer so I want you to un-run for president, but become the martyr you were meant to be and not the puppet of the Koch’s and thus saith “I resign so that others can and will triumph over Trump”. And it was good! Second Jesus said-ith to Ben Carson thou must protest evolution, become a doctor but refuse the real science of life. Run-ith for president as the stupid guy. And with little regard for any facts just a whole bunch of fancy Ben ran-it. It was good! Third Jesus spoke to Raphael Cruz in a dream-ith of course, (all the really morally corrupt love them self a Jesus dream) and said-it your son Ted shall be ignorant of the Constitution, be void of the laws of the land of America but is anointed as my prophet build his ego with falsehoods about the world around him and send-ith him to Washington to be-ith the next president. And it was good!

Fourthly Jesus spoke to Uncle Mikey Hickabee, he said-th Uncle Mikey pretend that Joshie Duggar just needs to be born again, then pretend that Kimmy Davis can usurp the the Bible for the Constitution, then insist that Black lives don’t matter and finally your reward along with being a hypocrite, anarchist and racist will be to run-ith for president. And it was good! Fifthly Jesus spoke-ith to Palin about a year ago. Sarah told the wise viewers of FOX that she-ith and God had a conversation HE urging her to consider running for president. (She also said she could see Heaven from her back porch) But Palin added she would wait-ith for a return conversation with Jesus before she throw-ith her moose hunting hat into the race. But then Jesus never called back and it wasn’t good! Sixthly Donald Trump said the Lord (he forgot this guys name) texted him and said-ith lets do a deal. You try and alienate as many people as you can, find and encourage the most hateful and stupid, and I will-ith let you sound like biggest clown of them all. And it was not only good, but the best!

And then the Pope came to town saying words like income inequality, poverty sucks, climate change, and suddenly Walker, Carson, Cruz, Huckabee, Palin and Trump insisted that Jesus really doesn’t talk to anyone!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


There are many names one could call Martin Shkreli, CEO of Turning Pharmaceuticals, douchebag, selfish, corrupt,immoral BUT honestly two words best describe him AMERICAN CAPITALIST! Nothing says success in America of the 2015 then ripping off the poor, the elderly, and of course the ill. Maybe another two words to describe this Martin creature, are CONSERVATIVE IDEOLOGUE! You know these American conservatives the (ones so pro life)the self proclaimed Christians and religious who believe poverty is your own fault, food stamps a luxury you might not deserve, and medical insurance a compromise between paying the rent, eating or staying alive. Perhaps yet there might be one more name to identify with Martin and that is REPUBLICAN, the kind of American who believes you let the rich stay wealthy, entitled, while the common men BEG! With men like martin Shkreli around one might want to consider a word called CROOK! 

Oh, Benny Carson!

Oh Ben Carson, you may have had the intelligence to pass the requirements in medical school to become a neurosurgeon (one still has to wonder how), but I would bet Donald Trump’s billions that you would be unable to pass the requirements necessary to become a citizen of the US. You see Benny boy they actually expect new citizens to become familiar with something called the US Constitution (not the book of laws Jesus supposedly wrote). What a moron Ben to reconstruct the words of the Founding Fathers insisting that they only preferred non-Muslims to have the opportunity to run for and become president. What a fool Ben! Do you know Benny, that there are some people with white hoods, with a swastika sewn on their sleeves who believe that the US Constitution they pretend to have read says black folk, like you, are still slaves, and were also excluded from being the president. These good ole boys and girls actually have a lot in common with your backward and ignorant thinking as they also pretend that their Bible makes null and void the US Constitution. And these T-Bagging Americans can cite chapter and verse from both the Bible and Constitution where it says a Negro is a possession of his white master and is NOT considered a citizen of the United States of Christ. Ben, you take lightly the true meaning of leadership. You are popular Ben by the white folk because you hate the same way they do. You are ignorant of the same facts they are. You are the guy right now Ben because you too have created Jesus into some kind of Darth Vader who never liked the poor, loved the bankers, loved being a general of the crusades, and of course was the first president of the US. One has to wonder Ben why anyone would permit you near an operating table, let alone sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Dumb and Stupid

Ah Bristol you are too stupid to take the time and learn about safe sex, but bright enough to indulge in intolerance. Your (Mama Grizzly), Sarah couldn’t spend any time telling you about your choices of safe sex or abstinence, but the (I can Russia from my back porch) sassy talking diva certainly found the time to mold you into a bigot, a racist and of course an Islamaphobe. Bristol hun, I have to wonder how Family Services of Wasilla Alaska was never called to intervene in your home. Had anyone taken the time to realize just how many terrible parenting decisions your (I read a lot of newspapers and shoot moose mother) made; most social workers would have removed you and your other bigoted and siblings immediately. And Sarah, Girl, you love to find the most indecent, poor taste and uneducated examples to teach your kids just how to be dumb, dumber and ignorant as hell. I guess you are prepping them for their future as snake oil CEO’s. One day Bristol the loonies who wear tri-cornered hats and dress up in tea bags are going to be sent to the Moon, and I suppose they will invite you and your (death panel’s for everyone) mother to travel with them. I truly hope the era of stupid evaporates plenty soon and both the Queen and Princess of just dumb and stupid, you and your idiot mother are stowed aboard that rocket ship. 

No Longer Funny

Its no longer that silly drinking game, where you take a shot every time Donald Trump makes a fascist/racist/xenophobic/misogynist comment. Its no longer some silly clown show where one freak after another tries to squeeze out of a car pretending to be more American then Jesus. Donald Trump has won, even if he is not nominated from the T-Bagging Party. Donald Trump has lowered the bar of reason and rational in this country and has re-invented McCarthyism on a scale that would even baffle Joe McCarthy himself. Donald has led the way for Ben Carson to state clearly that no Muslim should or could become president because the Founding Fathers said so in the Constitution. Donald trump has permitted Carly Fiorina to overtly lie about Planned Parenthood relegating women’s bodies as chattel owned and operated by the government. Donald Trump as opened the door to Mike Huckabee claiming that Jesus’s law IS the law of the land, usurping any Supreme Court ruling Huckabee dislikes. Donald Trump has shouted fire in the theater locked the door behind him as he collects the insurance money because his theater has burned to the ground. The people inside that theater unnecessary collateral. Hate, bias and bigotry which have always been prevalent in this nation has found sturdier footing and it seems all we are doing is laughing at it. For once I agree with Sarah Palin and do call into question the “lame street press” for NOT acting as professional journalists. How often have we NOT heard a real journalist insist that proof be shown for this or that statement? How often have we listened to debates where one lie after another goes unchallenged? Why NOT have a follow up discussion right after the debates where unbiased real experts (not the talking heads hired buy the networks or the Dems or Tea-Baggers) take the so called truth and prove it or not. I am scared because it IS no longer the monster I fear, but the townsfolk with fire and brimstone who want to burn this nation to the ground!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Magic Mike!

"It's clear President Obama is more interested in appeasing America's homosexuals than honoring America's heroes by asking Eric Fanning to become the secretary of the U.S Army. Veterans suicide is out-of-control and military readiness is dangerously low," Huckabee, who is running for president, said in a statement. "Yet Obama is so obsessed with pandering to liberal interest groups he's nominated an openly gay civilian to run the Army. Homosexuality is not a job qualification. The U.S. military is designed to keep American safe and complete combat missions, not conduct social experiments.” Minister Mikey Huckabee

You were too young to be drafted in the Viet Nam War, but what about enlisting later? You seem to know who makes the appropriate solider, did you read that in the Bible, cause you didn’t take the time to try the military yourself! Were the appropriate stipulations in the Bible, the parts where God smote this guy or that guy, or the same part of the Bible where Jesus said thou should own an assault weapon and dawn camouflage ?Or the 11th Commandment thou should make the 2nd Amendment more important then thou shall not kill?  Hey Mikey did you realize that 41 of your T-Bagging/Religious Fascist Republican Party Senate voted against a Landmark Veterans Bill in February, a Bill that would have expand and improved health care for Veterans. A Bill that would construct 20 Community Bases Outpatient Clinics. MIKEY where is your phony indignity and Jesus loving pissy attitude about that. Let me guess the guys and gals who were anti Vets are all white, and none were named Obama!

Mikey, Mikey, Mikey if only Jesus himself would really speak to you and then slap you in the gut for your feigned concern about Vets. Why not be honest (Isn’t honesty next to Godliness) and just say you are both a Racist, and a Homophobe. You are also an anarchist Mikey believing that the Supreme Court isn’t the law of the land when you don’t agree.  Mikey we know you crave attention about as much as the fascist dictator Trump, but you pretend you are doing Jesus’s calling when in fact all you want after you drop out of the T-Bagging primary clown show is a another gig on FOX and Phonies or a book deal. You will probably borrow the snake oil scheme from Pat Robertson, Mikey,and assure the pretend Christian lemmings that Jesus will  surely comfort you if you buy my book. If you only had a real conscience Minister Mike I would say shame on you. But hey Bud you feel no shame! Do I hear a Hallelujah!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Sarah and Bristol...DUMB

Sarah and Bristol Palin are confused and disgusted that President Obama had the audacity to support Ahmed Mohamed. Bristol is sure Barack Hussain Obama hates the police and is the real instigator stirring up racial tension. And wise sage Sarah said Ahmed had it coming by being too bright and bringing a clock to school.

Sarah Palin you can’t teach your daughter (Bristol) the first thing about safe sex but you sure know how to fill her stupid little head with the ugly! You are nothing but a snake oil saleswomen and you have enabled your daughter to market the same kind of venom you thrive upon. What a useless lady you are Sarah. You are an uneducated buffoon, a bigoted bully and a hate filled person who is as stupid as the moose hunting, I can see Russia from my back porch I read no newspapers loons who follow you. You pretend to know the first thing about religion, politics and morals when in fact you abuse Christianity, offer en emptiness and void deeper then a journey from here to the ends of universe politically, and define morals as the best way to lie with a smile on your face. What an imperfect role model you are for your children and in particular Bristol. You are lucky that reality TV, FOX Noise, and Bible thumping demigods have somehow invaded the bodies of many Americans because otherwise your kind of stupid would have already smothered and mummified you. Bristol is almost as big a fool as you Sarah. I know you pretended to be all Christian and moral by not discussing safe sex with your twice out of wedlock pregnant daughter, but maybe there is still hope you can stop your own selfish self serving ignorance from seeping any further in your “I love abstinence” daughter. Sarah and Bristol Palin two individuals who will go down in history as some of most morally bankrupt, useless, and stupid people ever!


“How many f---ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?”The conservative pundit says she doesn’t hate Jews—just the Republican candidates sucking up to them. (Ann Coulter).  (Remember the adage, some of my best friends are…)Ann is a pig she is a self serving marketer of junk and thrives on the maggots and vermin who make a livelihood off of decomposed matter. But Ann is correct when she later states who are the T-Pubs catering to…the Evangelicals. I am among many attributes in my life, Jewish. I am saddened by the phoniness and condescendence by the majority of T-Bagging presidential primary demonstrated in their regard to Israel and in particular Jews. Listen closely to how these so called friends of Jews actually discuss Israel. The only non Muslim state in the region…Israel is important because the Rapture can only happen when Israel is a state and ALL Jews gather there. A love for Israel or the Jews, I don’t think so, rather a hate for the Muslims and a deep religious belief that once we rid the world of the Arabs, ALL Jews will somehow relocate to Israel heralding The End Days.

Ann Coulter could care less about history or truth, she needs to make the headlines because she thrives on negative attention. But Ann is not unlike her fellow T-Bagging puppets who also rely on lies, fiction and some kind of abridged version of an edited Constitution and of course Readers Digest version of the Bible who feel they must cater to Evangelical bigots and racists. Carly Fiorina saw some pretend version of a Planned Parenthood video and knows that the stupid love them stupidity and of course some Bible thumpin’ lies. Carly hates women. Huckabee wants his kind of NRA lovin’ God to rule supreme as the only official law maker in the land. Mikey hates non Christians well he hates any Christian who are not in his fold. The Donald sans conscience or care hates those pesky Mexican rapists and after all if anyone has brown skin they are Mexican.He can’t recite his favorite passage from the Bible, but certainly has read up on the hate filled passages his Evangelical followers love. Scotty Walker hates the laborers cause they vote Democrat and his puppet masters the Koch Brothers will continue to help Scottie hate.

Sadly the amount of hate does not end or start with these goons. Ann Coulter is a sad person (who like the boys and one girl trying to convince the nastiest of Americans that they hate in Jesus’s name) is smart enough to understand you gotta have a gimmick, Ann Coulter this time around has settled on the Jews. The saddest reality for the T-Bagging bunch of bigots is they know hate works and even more sadder is the reality just how much!

Friday, September 18, 2015


“It was the best of times it was the worst of times” (Charles Dickens)…So Jeb it was the best of times…this country was safer when my brother was president you have said quite a few times… now don’t count the events of 911 or even the advisories that were ignored by your big Bro George prior to 911 regarding the VERY REAL possibility of terrorist attacks on America, nope, nada those don’t fit into your equation of the best of times…Worst of times… is if you become commander and chief Jeb you clearly stated that you will bring back all the neo-cons (you know the ones ready to send Americans to battle but who all had at least three or four deferments each keeping them from harms way) that advised Georgie about mushroom clouds, weapons of mass destruction and of course wealth for Haliburton as part of your TEAM! You love yourself some forgotten history and you were supposed to be the smart ONE!

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity”.(Martin Luther King)…You go girl, Carly you rocked when you stood face to face with the reality star, sans Fascist sans ugly American Donald Trump and told him what a misogynist he is. But a question for you Carly…during the 2010 California Senate election against Democratic incumbent Barbara Boxer, you can be heard saying “She, (Boxer) and what everyone is saying, ‘God what is that hair?,’So yesterday’ And later, you (Fiorina) discussed the gaffe during an interview with Fox News, where you said that discussion of a female politician’s looks “goes with the territory.” Girl would that make you misogyn-ista? I suppose what’s good for the goose ain’t so good for the gander!

“Illusion is the dust the devil throws in the eyes of the foolish”.(Minna Antrim) You were so Rocky-esque, so Terminator-esque, so Darth Vader-esque, Governor Christie so junior high school Donald Trum-esque when you stood at the podium and said this race for president is not about you but about the people. And then you transformed yourself into Williams Jenning Bryan the losing attorney for the Scoops Monkey Trial by swearing you would do the people’s work and prosecute that ‘ballsy’ lady Hilary Clinton for her overt actions regarding Benghazi (proven innocent), and her sheer stupidity and cockiness in using private emails servers like Karl Rove had for co-presidents Bush and Cheney, and Condaleezza Rice  and Colin Powell used. So eager to prosecute for Hillary’s actions, when in fact CHRIS, you are the mastermind behind Bridge Gate, and now some really interesting transactions between your State of New Jersey and United Airlines. If its about the people CHRIS why defund Planned Parenthood, rob the pension funds of government workers and threaten to beat up teachers. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

American Tea

American Tea, easy recipe: take a dose of disgusting lies, add some innuendo without fact and a table spoon of fiction, spice it up with selected passages from a Bible of your choice, the words of course you have manipulated with your own bigotry and bias. Stir in invisible passages from the Constitution, mix well with the Jesus factor for more of a bitter taste, and let the whole recipe heat up with blame for your own misfortune on anyone who doesn’t have sex the way you do, is not the color of skin you are, doesn't carry a gun from God as you do, hasn’t invited you into her vagina, does not believe Jesus was the first president of the US or doesn’t think poor people are to blame for their own poverty. Sip it slowly and wait until it burns your intelligence out of your brain, your conscience from your heart, and your humanity from your soul. American Tea can be purchased from the enormous pillars of tax-free evangelical Southern Baptist mega churches, the entertainers from FOX fiction,The RNC, or the 16 or so men and one woman who love to avoid the truth, pretend history does not count and of course believe that Christian law supersedes US law, the guys and gal who want to be the next president of the Theocratic/Fascist/Confederate/Aryan States of Ronald Reagan land!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Dear Piyush Jindal

Dear Piyush Jindal,

You have weighed in heavily in defense of the criminal Kimmy The Con, who has decided that the Supreme Court’s decision regarding the legality of same-sex marriage does not carry the same level of law her Supreme Being Jesus Christ does, (the God who has no problem with divorcing three times, and adultery we know of one time but something tells a little more snooping might uncover more). Now Piyush I read about you on that Internet thingie. I am confused Piyush, (you drop the name of Jesus a lot, as you deny climate change, wanna stop abortions but burn down Planned Parenthood, an think all lives matter at the moment of intercourse, but they don’t matter that much if a good guy has a gun and needs to bring justice) It also says on that Internet thingie that your parents are Indian does that make you a Muslim (aren’t all really brown skinned people who don’t speak Mexican, Muslims) Now I read on the Internet thingie on the same site where they swear Hussain Obama is a Muslim that you are secretively a Muslim too, and in fact your real first name Piyush, not that hooky pretend name “Bobby’ means Hidden Cell. And I read that your parents came to this this country just like the Kenyans parents to get pregnant and have their first son run for office in the US ofA. Piyush did you know that in the same Bible you imagine to be the Supreme Book of laws its states very clearly that God separated the races, he made the white’s (the ones who most definitely look just Jesus) as the masters and all other of the colored folk less then. I know Piyush if I saw you walking down some Baton Rouge street without your storm trooper body guards I would use my 2nd amendment right and tell you to march right back where you came from in India Jihad Land! And you know what Piyush my friends with the starched white robes would back be me up because it  states is in the Bible that you ain’t my equal. (And for that matter when General Christ led the Revolution no one looked like you either)

But I digress Piyush, I was really writing to you regarding the divorcee, adulterer and abandoner of her children Kimmy, (no law like my Jesus’s law) The Con and your pathetic attempt to confuse religious freedom with American freedom, Now I know Piyush not many people know that you are a Muslim and your real name means Hidden Cell, and a lot of the Earth is flat, Eve came from Adam’s rib, the dinosaurs were on the Noah’s arc, the sun rotates around the Earth, Megyn Kelly hating, war on Christmas, George Zimmerman is a hero crowd would gather their pitchforks and a few matches and probably tar and feather if they found out. But somehow Piyush, dumb gets dumber, ridiculous never ridiculed (unless they are Progressives or Hilary Clinton) and stupid survives the fact checks in this nation so I am sure even if your true biography is on that Internet thingie you will get away with being the perfect fool.So Piyush here is a gotcha question where in that Bible you clutch next to your heart near your Glock, does it mention that liars, bigots, homophobes will find safe passage to heaven? Oh Piyush (Hidden Cell) you are one bad ass joke! Oh Yeah Piyush I may have made erroneous comments about you, perhaps many not true, but Piyush I am just behaving like most T-Baggers, ignorant!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Round Two

Kim Davis was released from jail. She is free to continue to work for the government. She is free to ignore the Supreme Court. She is free to defy the US Constitution. AND she is free to remain a homophobe pretending that Jesus is the reason she is a bigot. Makes some people wonder, when will a clerk deny interracial couples a marriage license? When will a clerk decide that one of the two heterosexual couples wanting to wed looks Muslim while the other is definitely Christian and say nope, not in my state office? When will a clerk look at the couple and think the female is nothing but a sleazy slut because her hem is too high and place the breaks on their ability to say I do?  Kim Davis has proven to the Huckabee’s and the Cruz’s and the Palin’s and those who believe they along with the T-Bagging self declared prophets of God, have been chosen by Jesus to hate on behalf of the American public. Suddenly Kim Davis is free, she has defied the Supreme Court, ignored the Constitution, claimed Jesus a higher power then the laws of this nation , she gets to stand in a government office refuse to her job and most likely a standing ovation from the anarchists of America, and we as Americans are supposed to do what now? 

Palin speak

“You know, I think we can send a message and say, you wanna be in America? You better be here legally, or you’re out of here. Let’s speak American. I mean let’s speak English. That’s, a, uh, um, kind of a unifying aspect of a nation is the language that is understood by all. But, you know, I took Spanish in high school, and I took French in high school. I shouldn’t have taken them both because I got ’em all mixed up by the time I was graduating.” (Sarah Palin, Occupy Democrats)

Sarah Palin believes anyone in this country should “speak American” paused and realized even for someone as stupid as she maybe the correct word is English (perhaps one of her handlers whispered in her ear the word is English or maybe a 5 year old child of a T-Bagging Momma Grizzly corrected her. I am a bit worried if Sarah becomes Trumps running mate as far what language I speak because I have never spoken American for my entire 65 years and for that fact neither have my sisters children and husband. I am wondering if the brown shirts wearing Macy’s suits made in China with the TRUMP label inside the breast pocket will bulldoze me out of the country? And will I need hiking boots to climb over that Berlin Wall made in Mexico? But I digress. If American is the language Sarah has little confusion in speaking (she stated French and Spanish made her head spin) then here is a whole new primer for our elementary and high schools:

“Polls Nah…they’re for strippers and cross country skiers…The people don’t elect Presidents God does…The Vice President is the Supreme Boss of the Senate…Gotcha questions…death panels…I am not sure if a Obama is a Christian…Refudiate…Misunderestimate…wee-wee-ed up… "He who warned, uh, the British that they weren't gonna be takin' away our arms, uh, by ringing those bells, and um, makin' sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed." (Palin recounting in the American language her version of Paul Revere’s ride)

Imagine learning Palin sex education about how abstinence works or doesn’t…Palin geography sit on her back porch and see Russia…Palin history, the dinosaurs were only 4000 years old they came 1000 years after the Earth was created in 7 days…Palin energy plan, drill baby drill and NOW Palin American language “a cackle of radicals, Africa a country, hustle over the border or zoom over to Canada, ground zero mosques, and “I don’t really HAD a good answer, as so often is me!” Maybe it might be easier to be deported!!


"You obey if it’s [the law] right, Pastor/T-Bagging presidential candidate and anarchist Mike Huckabee. (HuffPost Politics)

Mike Huckabee is a domestic (jihadist) terrorist trying to usurp the laws of the US Constitution urging people to use arms against a demographic of the population of the United States,trying to insert a set of HIS laws contrary to the establishment of a nation with a divide between church and state and avoiding the democratic means of voting to do so. He has made it clear that he wants an uprising of the Christian Crusaders imploring them to form militias if necessary to disregard any laws he and his followers deem unfit, unnecessary and not Conservative Christian enough. He wants to ignore civil disobedience and sees the need for armed intervention as the only way to as he says to disobey any law that is not right under his interpretation of the New Testament.  He continues to promote insurgence explaining that Jesus Christ is the ultimate Supreme Court Jurist and only he (Huckabee) and true followers of Huckabee’s definition of Christianity can be trusted to establish the true law of the land. According to Pastor/Anarchist/Jihadist Huckabee this is NO longer a nation based on secular laws but IS and always HAS been a Christian nation under the guise of President Jesus Christ. Mike Huckabee is a dangerous man with no intention of equality and freedom for all!


GOTCHA, only if you don’t know how to answer the question, don’t want to answer it or are too nervous that when you finally attempt to answer it you might ‘piss off’ the lowest of lives living in the T-Bagging base who still believe that the sun rotates around the Earth! And why don’t journalists who the supposedly ask the GOTCHA questions respond by saying why is it you define this question as a GOTCHA question? Sarah Palin a person of great hypocrisy and not much else coined the phrase GOTCHA QUESTION, being too stupid to know much more then lying or seeing Russia from her front porch but way too smarmy enough to duck and cover and avoid demonstrating directly her inabilities to anything but be stupid. Sister Sarah loved becoming the victim of her own foolishness and cried the”lame street press” is always trying to make me more stupid then I am. It seems the “lame street press” became too afraid  to act like professional journalists, thinking that the base of losers might tune out their newscasts or that ratings might plummet because they were searching for truth; again refusing to ask her why do you think this is a GOTCHA question?

I sadly realize those who watch FOX News cringe when one of their faux patriots is challenged to be intelligent, the FOX viewers need to know they can continue to watch DUMB on the telly. I realize the folks who who buy gold from Glenn Beck an, ex comedian and now full time fool believe that the government is going to seize their money from the banks, the same viewers hate when a prophet is challenged. I realize those who watch Elisabeth Hasselbeck, the reality star now considered a renowned journalist because she sits next to Steve Doucy worry that good white people will be made the enemy if questioned. I understand all of that but I am so confused as to where are the non idiots who should demand that the only reason you call it a GOTCHA is because YOU DON”T WANT TO ANSWER IT!

We should have more and more and more GOTCHA questions for the people who tell us they are the perfect individuals to lead the government of this nation. We should have more GOTCHA questions the hard core questions of why ARE you the person we should trust, believe in. And then we should demand that those who ask the questions GOTCHA or not why do you refuse to answer these questions and I will ask the same question until you do!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Its Christmas time

As we wish everyone a good Labor Day, alas alack the war on Christmas has begun. Much to Bill O’Reilly’s chagrin (he loves to be the Crusader for Jesus pretending he actually gives a shit),and THE GUY who stands for all things holy (GAG) K-Mart has begun the assault on birthday of Christ, Christmas. It seems K-Mart has showcased a commercial with  trees, gift wrap and of course the music du jour from now until the end of time Christmas carols. Lay-A-Way your Christmas gifts then commercials begs because there is not time like the present, September 7 to do so. But then again those who pretend that they are Christian the ones who want to arrest the homeless, cut food stamps, deny affordable health care, decide who is equal and who isn’t and of course play doctor to the females in this nation will soon become angry that we can’t display the Nativity scene on government property, that insisting that the only way to make Jesus satisfied is for everyone to say Merry Christmas, and of course that somewhere in the Constitution it does state THIS IS A CHRISTIAN NATION! So enjoy your Labor Day cause for the next 4 months we will be in war mode!

Saturday, September 5, 2015


Autopsy-  a postmortem examination to discover the cause of death or the extent of disease.The Repubs after “trickle down economics, voodoo economics, read my lips good job Brownie, mushroom clouds weapons of mass destruction, I can see Alaska from my back porch, legitimate rape, binders of women, and 49% “decided to perform an autopsy on themselves. (Kind of hard to be both patient and mortician) Reading the definition of autopsy one might assume that something died. The Repubs, never one to act ethically or morally unless it is an inept bigoted sliced and diced version of some misconstrued chapter or verse from a Southern Baptist Evangelical Bible, or the words missing from the Founding Fathers but replaced by scheming T-Bagger politicians as if the Founding Fathers meant to include those sentences in the Constitution,) PROMISED they would be newer better, fresher and what they managed to create very much like Dr Frankenstein was a contrived body with no heart, no brain lots of BS and and absolutely no conscience. (Now these same T-Bagging Repubs love themselves some only Jesus can create and destroy theories so if THEY created this MONSTER one might ask how pissed is the T-Bagging Republican Jesus?) There might have a been an autopsy, but instead what really happened behind the curtain (you know the same one the con man from Oz stood behind) was a weird science project to not only resurrect the dead meaningless days of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, Joe McCarthy, Japanese internment camps, Iran Contra, and of course Anita Bryant, but to become even more divisive, destructive and of course DUMBER!

The limbo is dance and the limbo song has lyrics asking ‘how low can you go?’, well the Repubs aren’t ready to answer that question yet because The Donald is still lowering the bar. Jump on his reality TV band wagon, make yourself a stooge ignore the divide between Church and State, demean the laws of the land when those laws place Jesus a rung beneath the Constitution. Call all people of brown skin Mexicans and if they are Mexicans define them as rapists with cantaloupe calves. Insist that the Mexicans are here to anchor their babies on American soil, but if you are Jeb Bush married to a brown skinned woman insist that it is only the Asians who anchor their babies. Say all lives matter and those pesky Negro’s insisting Black Lives should matter are just like their ancestors who made the South secede from the North because of perceived slavery, causing a Civil War, or worse they will become the Black Panthers. Don’t let the press ask question of women from FOX cause they want to do is give you a ‘gotcha kind of question like what are the facts behind your fiction or more details on some made up plan. Say your tent is wide open but not for those who have never owned a white hood or robe or love to Heil Hitler. And of course supersede your beloved T-Bagging Jesus and create people out of corporations!

So we were told that the Repubs were going to rebrand, rebuild and they did exactly that they took all of the old fear, loathing, religious discrimination, bigotry and bias and built a new improved edition of their very dysfunctional past. They created Frankenstein 2015 and like any good monster who has no concept of fair or equal they are permitting him to run free. What is new and different however with this monster is that he is not the really scary creature, nope with this new edition it is the townsfolk who can’t wait to burn a village called USA down in defense of the monster!

Friday, September 4, 2015


As if the T-Bagging Republican standard hasn’t already been lowered enough with binders of women, legitimate rape, gerrymandered districts, immediately deciding to obstruct anything Obama, shutting down the government, Citizens United, opposing affordable health care, bomb baby bomb, guns don’t kill people, Koch Brothers, I am not a scientist, and why would God destroy this planet…there is a new standard by which any and all nominees from the T-Bagging republican party will be judged…Jesus is the supreme ruler and the supreme maker of laws, the Supreme Court has nothing on Him! So you call yourself a Republican and you are proud?????

Anarchist Huckabee

“Kim Davis in federal custody removes all doubts about the criminalization of Christianity in this country. We must defend religious liberty.” (Pastor/Anarchist/ and T-Bagging candidate for president, Mikey Huckabee) And so the Jihad begins, my mistake I keep on forgetting this IS America and not ISIS, the Crusades begin, better! The anarchist Huckabee has declared war against the US Constitution and the laws of this nation and favors instead a biased view of democracy based not on the Supreme Court’s handing down of the law but of his Lord and Savior, Jesus, the white guy who thinks that when heterosexual people marry, they should do so over and over again because the more times you wed the stronger the Christian Institution of Marriage becomes. Never one to miss a good hypocrisy fix, anarchist Huckabee will not mention adultery, giving up your kids (something Kimmy Davis is rather brilliant at doing cause you have no time for motherhood, ironing and pressing your white robes), but he will plow ahead giving the townsfolk the matches and oil so they can burn the heathens (The US Constitution) to the ground. Of course he will insight and then deny he had anything to do with treason, anarchy and religious Fascism! Not scared, really! Think this guy is just one more loon on the lose? Wait till the Christian’s religious liberty henchmen and women decide you look Gay so no service, you are white and married a person of another color, you must be banished, you wear your skirts too short, you whore, you listen to rap, you communist. Joe Mc Carthy had a field day asking are you now or have you ever been a Communist. The anarchist Huckabee and his Jihadists, I mean Crusaders will ask have you ever been a Christian and why aren’t you one right now!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Dear Marco Rubio

Dear Marco Rubio,

When your parents became naturalized citizens in 1975, I am sure one of the questions they had to study was how the American Constitution works and what rule the Supreme Court plays in this certain style of American democracy. I am sure Marco that your parents proudly becoming citizens of the United States had to read about how this nation distinctly was founded on a separation between church and state. I know you were born in Miami from your immigrant parents and I bet they tried to teach you then, the importance of appreciating the distinct differences in being free to to celebrate and worship your own God, your own religious beliefs as well understanding that because this a nation of religious people and non religious people, no one has the right or legality to enforce their religious practices on another American citizen. Now I assume this was the case but you know what they say when you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME.

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida said on Wednesday that the government should respect the beliefs of Kim Davis arguing that society needs to accommodate public officials who object to carrying out duties they say violate their religious beliefs.
“We should seek a balance between government’s responsibility to abide by the laws of our republic and allowing people to stand by their religious convictions,” Mr. Rubio said in a statement to The New York Times, his first public remarks on the case.(First Draft). Marco, Marco, Marco come on now are you polling so low in the T-Bagging presidential primary to pander to the most toxic, sad, delusional bottom barrel of misfits as to pretend that you know nothing about the laws of this nation? You are running for president Marco, maybe you should hone up on American history, not the FOX News version but the scholarly text, and secondly maybe you should have one more conversation with your parents and look at the exam they needed to pass to become citizens.

Imagine if you would or could Marco, (I know the glare of the Donald’s tufts are in your eyes, the aroma of the racist and homophobe snake oil elixir in your nostrils, and of course the moronic rantings of the T-Bagging base fills your brain), but dude if we permitted those who work for the government to act on their religious hypocrisies, the south would still be segregated, women would continue to be chattel, and you and your Cuban family might be slaves! The Supreme Court, the court you held in high esteem when they proclaimed the miracle of life for corporations, and the same bunch of fools who helped elect George Bush to presidency is the law of the land. Diana Ross and those Supremes may sing about “ain’t no mountain high enough and Kim Davis after her four marriages and daring adultery may say Jesus is Supreme , but Marco it ain’t so! Marco, Marco, Marco you are one of the T-Bagging clowns that just gets dumber and dumber!

Secretary Clinton

Dear Secretary Clinton,

Let me begin by stating I have been a fan of yours. I believe that any politician who can say words like same-sex marriage is no big deal, women are not second class citizens, this nation must be fair to all immigrants, and black lives matter has integrity and a conscience. Secretary Clinton you have grown in your world view understanding that the war in Iraq was and is a terrible mistake and a Dick Cheney grab for power as well as a Dick Cheney grab for dollars. You were able to say you made a mistake supporting that war and I am very glad you are a big enough person to admit so. I also believe that often times the press enjoys picking and choosing the latest villain and too often times they have found you an easy target. But suddenly Secretary Clinton your inactions and silence or in some cases excuses have given me reason for pause in my cheers and compliments toward you.

I have always considered you a person who knows the long road ahead. I admired your skill in setting goals and understanding that to attain those goals you must plan, be precise, and rid yourself of any mistakes that might cause a detour. I do not understand why you who are surrounded by the best talking heads, political propagandists or operatives (choice of words and definition), and the Clinton machine actually thought using a private email service would not be singled out and severely ridiculed? I have considered you, Secretary Clinton, a wise person albeit a politician, who is too smart to let the dumb direct you? But here we are and whether or not you actually hid, or purposely omitted the facts your emails you are now being called into question and you accused of being dishonest and someone hard to believe. I want so much to believe you and have believed you, but Secretary Clinton you are responding to this email fiasco by using excuses, denial and silly, silly statements. What I expect from you Secretary Clinton is directness and honesty. 

You are much better then any of the T-Bagging Republican candidates but your responses to this whole email stupidity is to sound like all of them. Now I know you have six figure pompous people directing your campaign but none of them seem to understand what the common man or woman wants from you. Call a news conference, (God knows the idiots on the right have called news conferences to talk about you) and speak directly to the viewing public and say honestly why either you were stupid enough to use a private email server, naive enough (which you are not) to use the private server, and how you now realize that doing so may jeopardize your status in the presidential primaries. How refreshing it would be Secretary Clinton to watch a candidate not run away from the truth but address it, understanding that the consequences of telling the truth outweigh the innuendos, assumptions and lies of not being honest. I want to believe in you again Secretary Clinton, and only you can make that happen.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Dear Rand Paul

Dear Rand Paul,

Rand Paul was asked about Kim Davis Kentucky clerk who is refusing to her job and defying the Supreme Court. Pau says, “this flouting of the rule of U.S. law is part of the American way.” And then an added bonus from Paul the stars should get out of the business of giving out licenses.” (Daily Kos)

What a sad and pathetic man you are indeed! You so wish to become relevant to a base of people who insist that Jesus is a bigot, racist, misogynist and homophobe. Your race to the the top is filled with skid marks from your bottom. You are somewhere below even the worst polling numbers from a bunch of people representing a T-Bagging wing nut party, and like the spoiled brat living in some Ivory Tower that you are you are separately crying for attention. I believe Rand that now you are worried that when you become the third or fourth asterisk as to who once ran for president you the irrelevant fool you are, your chances at maintaining your Senatorship in Kentucky will also be at risk. Thus Rand, you have decided that laws, rules and the democratic way of life should be tossed asunder before you are tossed asunder!

Kim Davis is a sham, she masks her homophobia in a Bible which most likely is used to hold up the dinner tray as she eats her meals. As is yours and the case of so many of your fellow clowns riding in the primary clown car, you never find facts too appealing. Read all about Ms Davis’s way of life, divorcee, adulteress, non-virgin when she married, all of these silly times are mentioned in the same word of God SHE has chosen to hide her own bigotry. Read the Constitution Rand, something I am sure you have a copy of in your office under the catalog of snake oil products. The American way Rand is to permit free speech but not to deny equality and freedom. If Ms Davis feels her kind of Jesus, the one who thinks 4 marriages is cool and extramarital sex a good thing would be shocked and saddened by tow men and two women who love another, then she certainly should work in that hateful and hypocritical church, not for the government. But then Rand this is not about personal freedoms for Ms Davis, but a last minute last ditch effort on your part for 15 minutes more of fame!


Insidious: proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects, treacherous; crafty. Too often the politics of especially the T-Bagging Republican wanna be presidential candidates follows a very insidious path. Lies are provided as truth, innuendo a sign of mastery, fiction falling from their mouths like leaves in autumn, and intentional harm similar to the person who cries fire in the theater after he shuts the doors behind him. Insidious, the men and one woman who claim they are the saviors of an American culture proclaimed to have fallen astray, these evil doers never want to claim the virus of madness they have spread to the minions of morose morons who beg to be punished, but languish in the icky effect that lingers and lingers. But as bad as being insidious can be there are degrees making it much worse.

Snake oil insidious: Donald Trump is just bright enough to know when the beggars of bigotry are begging for more, Donald markets his snake oil to them. He markets their hatreds, fears, and disfunction selling all of the poison in a promising bright bottle wrapped up with just enough glaring of red, white and blue but oozing in white sheets, swastikas, Confederate flags and old fashion lynchings. Pretending to offer a future of promise, always promising but never showcasing a plan, the snake oil insidious is the kind of evil for the here and now, and never for tomorrow. Donald sees the phony in the minority and markets all of their delusion with dread and disaster. Stupid insidious: Scott Walker is king of this. Scott never expresses his true thoughts because he hasn’t any instead he becomes the dummy for his ventriloquists the Koch Brothers. Ever hear Scottie say one thing one day only to have his handlers walk it all back blaming the press for misconstruing Scotties intentions. If Trump wants to build a Great Wall of Mexico, then good ole’ Scottie will rival that bull shit and build an even Greater Wall of Canada. Stupid insidious is dangerous because the evil person insisting the stupid is too dumb to know just how stupid he is and continues to provoke the even more stupid into victimhood.

Intentional insidious: This is the most dangerous kind of evil. Ted Cruz, whose father believes his son Ted is a disciple of God, the next prophet, actually believes this information might be true. But just in case the intelligent folks disagree Teddy is working hard to build a base of boogeymen to wage war on the nonbelievers. Ted is not dumb he is calculating and worries little about any consequences because he wears latex gloves at the scene of any of his crimes leaving little to no fingerprints. Blame black violence against police or on white folk on Obama, never say because Obama is a Kenyan, but leave enough rope for the lynch mob to take over. Pretend that that Planned Parenthood only participates in abortions, never mention burning down the buildings instead shut down the government. Insist that revoking your Canadian citizenship makes you more American then the president because conch know they grow only white folk in Canada and who do they grow in Kenya? Intentional insidious like that cancer cell growing and growing and if you do not take heed soon enough it kills you!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Kim Davis Show

Now that the Supreme Court has finally stepped in and told Kim Davis, the county clerk in Kentucky to process same-sex marriages or else, I wonder if dear Kim chooses the or else and resigns from her job. If that is the case I am sure the deviants at TLC (I mean the talent coordinators) will certainly see an opportunity headed their way. Never ones at TLC to over look a good bit hypocrisy I imagine Kim Davis has a star studded TV future awaiting. I imagine a show called 4 Marriages and Counting, or Marriage Christian Style, or I do, I do, I do I do but You Don’t! Kim Davis will probably become the speaker at the Family Forum, hawk some of her dreams in which Jesus said Hon, you are a babe on the 700 Club, or perhaps sit for the vacationing Megyn Kelly on FOX. This is ‘Merika’ the place George Bush laid waste to and is now overrun with rodents, cockroaches calling them selves Baggers of Tea. Watch for it because I am sure the Kim Davis story My Way or the Highway is in production as we speak!