The organizer of the “National Religious Liberties Conference” in Des Moines, Iowa, announced today that Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal have committed to speaking at the summit, which will take place next month. One speaker at the conference, Iowa radio host Steve Deace, has said that Ben Carson has also RSVP’d for the event, although Carson’s name was not included in today’s press release. Kevin Swanson, the conference’s chief organizer, is a far-right pastor and host of the “Generations Radio” program, on which he has frequently claimed that the government should put gay people to death, warned that the Girl Scouts and the movie “Frozen” turn girls into lesbians and blamed natural disasters on gay people and women who wear pants. (Right Wing Watch)
If perhaps this was a skit on SNL it might garner a whole lot of laughs some of the SNL comedians walking around with kill the Gay arm bands similar to the Nazi swaztika; but this is real life, no satire and this a conference with real people who actually are running for the office of president. THIS IS NOT FUNNY and THIS IS SCARY! I among the many attributes of my existence happen to be Gay. My agenda in life has always been to survive. I had to live the early years of my life in a lie for fear that no one would understand my sexuality, I had to withhold telling the entire truth about myself even to close friends and family for fear that I would be considered a bad person, and I fought so very hard in the early years of my life to make this Gay thing go away. I FINALLY was brave enough to love who I am and ended a stupid fear of being among other things Gay. I CAN NOT and WILL NOT permit ANYONE to infer, infringe, and interrupt my life because THEY are fearful perhaps of their own lousy life or terrified that they might be found out to be something they don’t understand or refuse to recognize about themselves.
You want to vote Republican, you even for one minute think Republican ideals are good for America, then you apparently don’t know anyone who is an LGBT, any female who desires to own her own body, any senior who barely lives on the current amount of social security, or child who goes hungry, any minority who fears walking, driving or living while of color. It is utter bull shit to support any Republican candidate who insists that he or she is only doing God’s work and his or her God’s work is what is good for America. I WILL NEVER permit anyone from denying me my freedom and equality again. EVER!