Monday, November 30, 2015

If a tree falls

"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" is a philosophical thought experiment that raises questions regarding observation and knowledge of reality.

Officer Garrett Swasey was murdered by a man who most likely got his news from Bill O’Reilly or Sean Hannity, must have absorbed himself with lots of Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck radio, became mesmerized by the lying hypocrites like, Carson, Trump or Fiorina and was sure his kind of Jesus could not tolerate abortions but loved him some cowardly murder. OR he is just an ugly American who has his share of demons and understands murder is the best way to rid himself of their evil, and loves himself some 2nd Amendment NRA rights! And once again a white guy of Christian persuasion with an AK 47 assault weapon shoots a few people and this a policeman and like that tree in the forest it seems some of the T-Bagging “blood on their hands” GOP presidential candidates heard nothing; raising the question of observation, knowledge and reality. 

It is still quiet on the OMG front for a few contenders to become a Fascist dictator, some have FINALLY come around to hear that tree fall, reluctant of course to say the words perhaps we incited this murderer. Others are acting like adolescent immature brats swearing it wasn’t them it was the liberals who caused this murderer to act upon the wishes and wants these GOP douchebags swore was the answer to Planned parenthood. I have to imagine if the murderer was a Black man, perhaps a Mexican or worse a Muslim I am sure FOX News and each and every candidate for Fascist dictator from the T-Bagging Twilight Zone would demand that President Obama call a state of emergency. But the guy was white, and if a white guy murders anyone he is either mentally ill, or just a fallen soldier of the Christian Crusade!