Saturday, November 21, 2015


THE VIRUS INSIDE ALL OF US Part Six: I am certain there is inside all of a virus, one that can lie dormant even until death, but one so virulent that at any time its contagion can spread with the speed of a category 5 hurricane. I am certain this virus is the crux of any and all virus’s many authors of fiction refer to as the Zombie virus. In the TV series the “Walking Dead”, we discovered that the good souls, the people who tried to take the apocalyptic environment in which they found themselves trying to survive and make the best of humanity as they could contained the virus. But no matter how hard they tried to make a difference if they died of natural causes they to turned into zombies. When actions committed seem to have no conscionable purpose, when only it is necessary to dismember another, when one is guided by a lust to deprive anyone from decency they have an active case of THE VIRUS INSIDE ALL OF US.

I believe Donald Trump has suffered from this virus since he first ate soup from his golden spoon. But the virus flowing through the veins of Donald has taken on the form of something even more frightening; as he cares less how his actions harm others but is deeply smart enough to realize how saying he will harm others actually gives him more power. Donald is an empty vessel in the soul department, but a genius in understanding that THE VIRUS INSIDE ALL OF US lurks luxuriously in the most insecure and fearful among us. Donald Trump like most Zombies can smell the infected, unlike the “Walking Dead” zombies, who pay little attention to those already ill, Donald knows how to generate THE VIRUS IN ALL OF US, by simply pretending that he too is as irate, pissed off, exasperated as the common man. Donald shares nothing in common with the common man of course but he speaks their language of fear and blame. And with each sentence sounding like Fascism, racism, and bigotry the lemmings flock to him as if he was tooting the flute of the Pied Piper. The base of the Republican Party, the men and women who pretend to understand American democracy and true religion, smell blood when Donald entices them with ID badges, walls on our borders, and that even the poorest in this nation are earning to high a wage. Self victimizing is key for the success of THE VIRUS INSIDE ALL OF US, and Mr Trump can recognize those self inflicted wounds and he can see the poison of the virus flowing freely from them.

Now as before, (we Americans hate to learn from history, and even in the nation state of Texas their Board of Education has little problem in using an eraser for the parts they don’t like) we find ourselves in an election year where the best defense is to offend as many people as we can, implying that they really don’t count or should not be considered. Not to be left out in courting and cajoling the base voters of a deranged Republican base Chris Christie stands boldly upon his faux soap box and like his critically wrong decision regarding the EBOLA virus, knows that this virus IS contagious and he too spews the kind of hate only the lonely and biased love. Ted Cruz is filled with THE VIRUS INSIDE ALL OF US. His form of the virus has manifested into conceit and personal gain. His father told him Jesus has anointed his son Ted as an apostle, and Ted without any regard to Jesus, wants not only to be that apostle but a king of kings in his kingdom of America. Ted knows the venom of the stupid, pretending that he shares those same demented values. Good ole’ Marco Rubio now filled with the millions of his newest puppet master, is wise enough to try and gain ground on his co-snake oil salesmen, so he demands a harsher hate for the Muslims. He believes you can be an immigrant but maybe from Cuba or at least those other very white parts of the globe.

THE VIRUS IS INSIDE ALL OF US, and if we don’t watch out, with the continuing soundbytes and lack of resolution to really contain ISIS just like the population that believed President Dick Cheney and his ventriloquist dummy George W , could keep us safe we might vote once again for a charlatan a conceited clown. In times of fear many Americans think because we are exceptional we can drop bombs, put other kids boots on the ground, listen to FOX News distort the truth and win because of course we ARE a Christian nation and everyone else isn’t! And once again has our history has demonstrated, we will end up consumed by THE VIRUS INSIDE ALL OF US. Be careful what you wish for because THE VIRUS INSIDE ALL OF US, all over again! (THE VIRUS INSIDE ALL OF US PART Seven to follow)