Monday, November 9, 2015


The theme for the T-Bagging Republican Party presidential campaign for 2016 is simple, THOU SHALT . It is combination of current marketing trends blended with some of that “gimme’ that old time religion bias”. Talk to the people who bleed ignorance, who boarder on paranoia, who refuse to reflect on their past their own bias and bigotry, and present a sermon as if Jesus has personally begged you to become his most reverent spokesperson. THOU SHALT NOT, say it without moving your lips, say it as you squint your eyes, say it pointing your index finger at first raising it to the heavens as if Jesus just touched you then lower your arm with your hand open wide, find that quivering older white lady next to the man draped in the flag and then point it at them and stare deeply into their blinded with bogus eyes provide them a wink and preach brother preach! Tell them because I know Jesus all I say MUST be true.

THOU SHALT NOT…question a word I say , if when I speak I use my particular Lord and Savior as the context of my speech…if I fabricate, lie, or fictionalize my tale of woe but insist that why I did what I did is because I was Born Again, renounced Satin, or did so because only a good Christian would embellish and imagine his or her life to prove that in fact he or she IS a good Christian. THOU SHALL assail any sinners who doubt my word because my word is not from my tongue but the mouth of MY LORD who speaks to me because HE knows I am GOOD…THOU SHALT shame my enemies who only hate what I say, even if not true, because they know I speak for Jesus and they are the bad guys. THOU SHALT create hordes of bad people to provide cover for my own indiscretions, inadequacies, appropriate behavior, always keep the blame away from thine own self.

THOU SHALT proclaim bias abounds from anyone who raises facts and questions my commentary….THOU SHALT protest the audacity to question my tales, because my tales are as pure as the Disciples of Christ I am just a simple man who quotes select passages from my Bible, a Bible mightier than a Constitution as the Constitution was the work of men and my book of laws is by the author who made everything. THOU SHALT NOT confuse science with the real magic of my Lord, nor SHALT THOU criticize  me only bringing the word of my God to those too stupid to think on their own, too scared to find reason, and too angry to find compromise.

THOUR SHALT be afraid not of the shepherd, but the flock who will follow a monster just because that monster promises to smite the questioner, slaughter those who seek facts, and destroy any ray of democracy based on a division of church and state. We have reached a stage in the politics of this nation where religious Fascist Theocracy is finding footing and where he minions are going to inherit our government.