Sally Yates just handed Senators Cornyn and Cruz from Texas their privileged white male genital on a Texas sized BBQ platter as both men tried their darnedest to intimidate and ignore the facts she brought to the Senate table.
Cruz, (the guy who said Jesus came to his wife bedroom and told her that Cruz was the anointed one to become president, who later ditched Cruz for Trump), pretended that he was more knowledgeable about the Constitution and all of its articles. Cruz tried his old dog and pony show parsing a paragraph form the Constitution (as he did with the Bible), pretending that his interpretation of that one piece of information is all that is necessary to deduce that whatever Cruz is assuming is correct. Sally Yates, having nine of this guys snake oil show, reminded Cruz that aside from the one article he cited, following that was another, a paragraph which actually might usurp any point of contention Cruz was trying to make. And in his final bid to shut up the intelligent person he reminded her that time was running out, only for Ms Yates to ignore his defensive behavior by having the last honest word.
Cornyn, with the outline of Trumps, rump all over his face, decided to use the I am wise tactic. He first praised, Ms Yates, actually letting people know he voted for her to serve in the Department of Justice…but then the zinger (at least he thought so), demonstrating his shock and awe (of course never at anything Trump), Cornyn was flummoxed that Ms Yates would ignore an Executive Order. But Sally Yates, keeping her cool and calm, reminded Senator Cornyn, that he alone with his associates admired her courage, during her interview that if she felt it important enough, that Ms Yates would indeed override a presidential Executive Order. (The thing however, was the president at the time was Obama and Cornyn and his GOP buddies could care less if stuff like that happened to HIM).
Watching the GOP speak with Sally Yates, one might think she WAS the one who broke the law. Only the Democrats on the Committee seemed concerned about the treasonous activities of the Trump Administration. Sally Yates, American HERO!