All of us, who are witness to the lack of Patriotic and constitutional response by the current band of Republican treasonous elected politicians sitting snuggly in Washington DC, who seem to believe that their Corporate Donors, their Lobbyist Masters, and their blackmailed GOP leadership, by Putin are owed more respect and more dutiful behavior… and remain silent, are a part of the problem…ALL of US should demand a revolution, a change in power and and be fighting as hard as we can by every judicial means to bring back Checks and Balances to the United States. Any of us who are sitting by calmly, believing that this too shall pass, will become just as guilty as the perpetrators who have decided that wealth usurps freedom and the wealthy deserve better.
However, there MUST come a time, that we realize the enemy DOES not and has not played by the same rules the Constitution proposes, and I believe we MUST be savvy enough and smart enough to change our system of playing fair and PLAY as rotten and ruinous as the Republicans decided to do, the day Mitch McConnell, told his Party that they must say NO to anything that President Obama does or might propose. Trump cares little about the democracy of this nation, we know that, Trump is a dangerous narcissistic nimrod, we know that, Trump will say and do then lie and do anything he wishes because his strength comes from the fear the Republican Party has, knowing full well they are as culpable as he in becoming anarchists.
Lets all stop pretending that if we stop Trump all will be better. It is his Enablers, from the GOP/FOX News/the sponsors of FOX News/the Media who permits alternative facts to be discussed as if they were FACTS. It is a Democrat Party who only seems to send out emails asking for $3 here, $10 there, who never seem to take action until after the common person does so. It is the intellect who insists that history will re-right this wrong, just wait. We must each and every day shout out how the Trump Administration and those who Enable him are breaking the law and trying to break our fragile democracy. If we don’t then one day in the future, all of us who have stayed quiet will be like the villagers whose homes were just outside the Concentrations Camps in Europe, stating, I had no idea why all those trains were arriving, i had no idea what was behind those electric fences, I had no idea why smoke was always pouring out of the chimneys. We will only have ourselves to blame for USELESS EXCUSES!