Wednesday, May 3, 2017

How Come and Why

I am serious, even though I understand that in the current events of our time, seriousness seems to be only for the Progressives who seem to have a list of demands anyone calling them a Democrat must adhere to. A litmus test of sorts by the Progressives, who still are positive they were correct in not voting for Hillary, who are pissed that Barack Obama got a six figure  fee for talking to the Wall Street Capitalist, and who believe that alienating anyone not like them will prove some kind of point. I am also speaking in a rhetorical kind of voice, also knowing very well that some of my following questions have simple answers, but in US politics simple seems to be quite difficult. Of course, I am eternally angry, the kind of angry that for me has actually morphed into a dysfunctional anxiety which feels like someone whipped my scrotum with a towel… I walked by a very sharp edged piece of furniture and hit my crazy bone (love that term), or was playing macho adolescent trying to impress anyone around me that I could leap over the oncoming parking meter, only to land on top of it. But I really want to understand the following, SERIOUSLY…

When I applied for any job that I sought, I did research, received a job description, spoke with people who had either worked the JCC or members. I scrutinized the requirements for my entry level positions as well as being the Executive Director. I prepared my questions, knowing that in some circumstances the expectations of this or that JCC seemed a bit off putting, so I asked if there was flexibility or not. When I was still married to my wife, and had my young kids, I had a long list of questions regarding their welfare, like neighborhoods, schools and opportunity of employment for my ex wife or volunteer openings. When I was married my wife and I discussed what could be compromised and what could not.  Simple, if the shoe fits wear it, if it is only a half inch too small or a bit too large, either squeeze your feet into the shoe or wear a sock at the front. if the shoe was not the style I wanted,I went no further and placed it back on the shelf. I had expectations, the Agency had expectations. Easy…

So my question, SERIOUSLY, so, how come Trump has not and does not have to play by the rules? And the bigger questions, how come there are no seemingly set in stone rules for becoming the President. if his wife said, no the the White House and Trump still wanted the job, why didn’t the laws of the land simply state that if your wife preferred living arrangements, then pay for Melania’s NYC escape.  If Camp David is already on the tax payers bill, insist that ONLY Camp David is your home away from or pay for your flights and entertainment yourself, to party elsewhere. And WHY, dear Founding Fathers, was it not the right of the American People, to know ahead of time the Mental and Physical Health of a Presidential candidate as well as his business and tax return information. WHY and how come…can some one tell me…or better yet…how come after this fiasco of leadership, why are all of those requirements not made into a law. Remember the the time FDR ran for office for three terms, and the Congress got worried he might become king, so a law was created to limit presidents to a consecutive two term run ONLY…We have a guy who wants to become King, and nada, nothing, zilch, zero is happening to stop him! HOW COME AND WHY!