Sunday, May 28, 2017

Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend is set aside to memorialize our Troops. Lots of pictures of men and women who have sacrificed life, limb supposedly for life, liberty and the pursuit of freedoms. This weekend we have more news of a possible collusion between anyone Trump and almost anyone Republican Party leadership. This weekend we are still debating the cost of a Wall, what it means for at least 24 million people to no longer have affordable health care. This weekend the coal miners of Kentucky have discovered two things, one, clean coal is a hoax, and denial of the Food Stamp program does not only happen to the black folk living in the urban areas. This weekend, we have seen a home grown white American terrorist try to murder two Muslim women, but instead settled for the stabbing of two white men. The White House remained silent for fear that the base of supporters of the Trump Administration might take any comment as an insult. This weekend, is Memorial Day Weekend. This weekend we are to honor the men and women who have fought for democracy. This weekend we are learning more about hacking of the polling booths by the Russians in concert with the GOP. This weekend we have witnessed a GOP candidate for Congress wrestle a journalist to the ground for asking inconvenient questions.

This weekend many of us will support our past Troops and our current Troops. This weekend, many of those Troops have discovered that the Republican lead Congress, thinks they are free loaders, you know takers and not makers and many will see both their allotment for Food Stamps diminished, as well as a plan to make visiting a VA Hospital or see a VA doctor even more difficult. This weekend is to be a time for celebration of the equality the Constitution provides for the United States. This weekend saw the education secretary insist that the LGBT student is not deserving of equality, or that the kid with special needs is just too needy. This weekend the Congress will be on recess, a time to leave the shackles of DC and meet the Every Man and Every Woman, the people they are supposed to represent. This weekend will see fewer and fewer town halls, meet and greets.

This weekend we will wave the flag, but not everyone is justified in waving that flag, not if you are an immigrant, a female in need of reproductive health care, a senior who has paid into his or her social security account. Not if you are a Muslim, or Gay, or Mexican, no not this weekend. And oh yeah, this weekend is to think about the people who have fought to make America great, the first time, but this weekend, the Troops are getting the same shaft as the rest of the Americans who are deemed the enemy by Trump and his family of anarchists, and treasonists. Happy Memorial Day Weekend!