Friday, May 12, 2017

Paranoid, very

I have indeed grown very paranoid, VERY PARANOID, since the hacking of the election by the Russians, the enabling of an unqualified narcissist to become president by the media, and the destruction of checks and balances by both Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, so I am bit worried…no A WHOLE LOT CONCERNED, that as the battle rages to remove, hopefully, all of the Trump Crime Administration from the government, we are not running out of time to save what little specks of democracy have survived.

The Russian Media sets up shop in the Oval Office, its not that Trump doesn’t have some kind of Morse Code thingie with Putin anyway, to let Putin know a whole bunch of state secrets, but imagine all of the glorious Russian techie devices that could have been hidden in Oval Office just to make sure EVERY little American secret is shared with Vlad. If the hackers were good enough to elude the Americans during the election just imagine how REALLY savvy they must be with the freedom to bug the shit out of the Oval Office. And is it just me, or are The Joints Chief of Staff ,Homeland Security, and good ole God Bless America Lindsey Graham and John McCain not a bit concerned that each minute Trump occupies the Oval Office more and more and MORE is leaked. Is it just my loathing for Trump that makes me worried or is it that the Republicans somehow think when Vlad becomes president he will give one shit about the Grand Old Party?

Back and forth, we go Trump lies, it becomes headlines, someone from the Trump Crime Syndicate double speaks and insists that trump did not mean what he said. Then Talking heads appear to debate if Trump lied or not and ll the while trump continues to lie. Senator Schumer and Representative Pelosi, make sharp accusations that this time will be the final kick to the guts and THIS TIME something will done…yet Trump is still the president, Trump still lies, Trump Talking Heads inform the media that Trump didn’t mean what he said and McConnell and Ryan permit this nation to crash and burn, as if…AS FUCKING IF…no one in the entire United States can stop any of this…I HAVE grown quite PARANOID, and I am so tired of feeling this way. What is next, and why hasn’t the cliched other shoe fallen on top of anything Trump!