Wednesday, May 17, 2017

When Is

The word, now seems to be that WE the People, must abide by the law and let justice take its course…WE must wait for the facts, WE must find the the evidence…and as WE behave according to the law, the law gets tarnished, tattered, and tortured and of course taken for nothing more than a nuisance by Trump and his treasonous Enablers, the leadership of the Republican Party. No need to rush and try to remedy the ridicule Trump and the Republican leadership have pushed on this democracy, as we are simply reminded that our democracy will rebound and the wicked shall pay the due consequence, but if we push back too hard, we are the villains and the ONES who have diminished the democratic process. So, each day another lie, each day another sound bite telling us there is really nothing to see here, and each day, Mr Putin wins one more battle in a non nuclear third world war.

Curiously, the only Republicans who seem even a wee bit anxious regarding the inept, the anarchist and immature behavior of Trump, are the men and women who somehow have found themselves NOT in a Republican gerrymandered district; so NOW they suddenly have developed a conscience and have uttered the words shock, awe and independent investigation…The GOP leadership who have nothing to worry about because of Un-American voter restrictive legislation and Un-American gerrymandered districts are not quite bothered to solve the mystery the mayhem and mischievous and malevolent machinations of Trump. Nope, moving slower than a snail, they can’t quite believe a President would screw his own citizens…so under the leadership of both McConnell, and Ryan (both who should also have an independent investigation), everything seems to be coincidental, and of course meritless because it anything anti Trump is pure partisanship paranoia.

If a person reaches the level of weight where they are considered obese, if a person using drugs reaches the level of becoming an addict, if a person finds themselves overwhelmed with finances and becomes homeless, I often times wonder when was the tipping point, the moment where perhaps with intervention and self motivation obesity, addiction or homelessness might have been avoided, and the road to their future changed…I have to wonder with the same questionable concern, when will the Republicans realize their criminal behavior, their anti American hatred might reach a tipping point, when there is No other turning back…when their cockiness, approach thinking they can control Trump is no longer available and this nation becomes a third world oligarchy with absolute no room for the morons who placed party before country…