If your grandparents, mom or dad, or relatives or YOU ever served in WWII, risking life and limb to conquer the poisonous virus spread by Fascism emboldened by a dictator, and his minions of anti almost anyone but themselves… if any member of your family or collection of friends placed country before self to fight the tyranny of dictators whose sole purpose in life was to restrict life, liberty and the pursuit of freedom…and you or any living relatives supported or voted for Trump and his cadre of Communist loving, White Supremacist Republican blackmailed politicians…and still to this day believe Trump can make America great by cutting health care, clean air, education and the civil rights of any single citizen…then you ARE a hypocrite. We lost many we loved who knew that once one person raised his or hand in the air and shouted “Seig Heil”, that no one could ever experience democracy again.
If you, your relatives, friends and buddies believe that being means love they neighbor, welcoming in strangers, assisting the ill the poor, the lost and you or your bevy of friends and family supported or voted for the Republican party because Jerry Falwell Jr/Nelson Graham/Joel Osteen/Pat Robertson told you that Jesus chose anyone from the GOP as his servant…if you voted for anyone Republican because as long as they said two things, two specific things such as Homosexuality is a SIN and only Bad Women need abortions…if you felt all secure in your religious values because one after the other GOP politician explained to you how Jesus entered their homes and whispered to them run for office…if you believed they were true Christians…and are not paying attention to the laws and conditions these charlatans are proposing…such as only health people deserve health care…nutritious and free meals for kids make them weak…if you are disabled find a friend to assist you…women ask to raped…old people should be happy they lived to be that old…if you still believe that Jesus spoke to anyone from the current crop of Republicans and still support them then you are a hypocrite..
It is no longer just about the stupidity and selfishness of Trump…it seems to NOW be about the stupidity/ignorance and selfishness of those who once supported him and despite all of the hateful actions from Trump and the GOP still believe making America great is making America hate…still look the other way!