Friday, September 17, 2021

All About the Fetus

 A hospital system in Arkansas is making it a bit more difficult for staff to receive a religious exemption from its COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The hospital is now requiring staff to also swear off extremely common medicines, such as Tylenol, Tums, and even Preparation H, to get the exemption.

The move was prompted when Conway Regional Health System noted an unusual uptick in vaccine exemption requests that cited the use of fetal cell lines in the development and testing of the vaccines. (ars technical).


It's all about the FETUS, directly OR indirectly, as a scapegoat, as a cause, as an excuse, as an example…you know it’s about the FETUS for religious purposes when all else fails, use the FETUS as a means to explain your bias, bogus, and bull shit. Now those who thrive on CONSPIRACY are demanding they be excused from Pre-Meditated murder relating to COVID, by NEVER GETTING VACCINATED, because somehow fetal cell lines were used to create ONLY this one vaccine. So, once that FETUS actually becomes a living breathing human outside the womb, it matters not if it suffers a sick life or dies from COVID. 


It’s all about the FETUS, as in a female cannot take responsibility for her own reproductive parts, while pregnant, meaning that she must endure the self-anointed scientists and health care workers receiving their degree from either QAnon, Tucker Carlson, or some Conspiracy Theorists Web Page, who refuse to wear a mask or get vaccinated. Hey LADY you might get COVID, but while pregnant make sure you don’t get your FETUS sick. It is ALWAYS about the FETUS as if most of these people actually have any idea of the meaning of life itself!