Thursday, September 23, 2021

who is NEXT


So I must ask, as I have as any vindictive bigot tries to act upon his OR her own HATRED…WHO THE FUCK IS NEXT…

…After scoring an initial victory in their mission to eviscerate women’s constitutionally protected right to obtain access to an abortion, some in the conservative movement have already explicitly moved on to attacking LGBTQ rights, which suggests they’re gunning for all your constitutionally protected rights — at least those not dealing with guns. (MSNBC)


…Let me get this POINT across to the self-loathing, blame it on Jesus, Gals, who somehow think being CHATTEL is exactly why the female gender was created. Let me make CERTAIN to the men who just hate women and their bodies and minds, you know the MISOGYNISTS, who somehow think that castrating all WOMEN creates larger MALE GENITALIA. Let me be CLEAR to GOP Lassies, the Republican Ladies, the Christian Nationalist Female Losers, IT AIN’T OVER BABES, (you know you love it when your man talks down to you), until one by one YOU, YOUR Daughters are once again the property of MALES who need a gun to prove their masculinity and need women in chains to get hard!... Former Texas Solicitor General Jonathan Mitchell, who designed Texas’ restrictive abortion law, evidently is not satisfied with the U.S. Supreme Court’s near-certain termination of Roe v. Wade, the court’s landmark 1973 decision in which it held that women have a constitutionally protected right to have an abortion…. Former Texas Solicitor General Jonathan Mitchell, who designed Texas’ restrictive abortion law, evidently is not satisfied with the U.S. Supreme Court’s near-certain termination of Roe v. Wade, the court’s landmark 1973 decision in which it held that women have a constitutionally protected right to have an abortion. (MSNBC)


SO NOW, all you REPUBLICAN HOMOSEXUALS, OF THE 1% persuasion…all you LOG CABIN GOP who swear there is more to life than being GAY…all you HETEROSEXUALS, who never quite understood why the GAY’s needed any protection from GOVERNMENT run by religious extremists…NOW, it’s the PREJUDICE, the HOMOPHOBIA, of sick, sad, pathetic people to attack the next demographic. And by the looks of things, JEWS/CATHOLICS/any religion other than EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS, ATHEISTS/AGNOSTICS/DEMOCRATS/PROGRESSIVES, AND LIBERALS…YA GOTTA WONDER WHEN AND WHERE AND HOW IT ENDS… In a brief filed last week with the court, Mitchell suggested he's coming for Lawrence v. Texas, the 2003 decision in which the Supreme Court ruled that laws that criminalize sodomy are unconstitutional, and Obergefell v. Hodges, the 2015 ruling in which the court concluded that the Constitution protects the rights of same-sex couples to marry. Lawrence and Obergefell marked historic progress in the fight for equality for all people, regardless of sexual orientation. Those decisions told all Americans that you can be a full person under the law, no matter your sexual orientation. (MSNBC)