Monday, September 20, 2021


 Back in the Day, Frankenstein, Dracula, The Wolfman, The Mummy, John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan-Sirhan, Benedict Arnold, James Earl Ray, The Creature From the Black Lagoon, were monsters, either on the Silver Screen or Chapters in pages of a history book. If monsters were on TV, hiding under an afghan knitted by your Grandmother brought safety, if they were in a book, slamming the book shut, left room for escape. If Walter Cronkite assured you the enemy was apprehended, sentenced to trial, and in jail, a huge sigh of relief could be vented, and hearts beat a bit slower. Freddie Kruger, Jason, The Joker, The Living Dead, George Wallace, Strom Thurmond, Jerry Falwell, Richard Nixon, soon followed, and again some movie creatures lived on to murder and maim in sequels, and some politicians demanded death and destruction, but eventually, we all knew they could and would be defeated…I mean this was America!


Why Biden’s approval numbers have sagged, explained by an expert

The Covid-19 resurgence and chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal have fueled a 10-point drop in his approval rating. After nearly eight months of Morning Consult approval ratings above 50 percent, President Joe Biden dipped underwater for the first time in late August. And he’s basically stayed there since. A Morning Consult survey conducted September 10-12 among more than 15,000 registered voters pegged Biden’s approval rating at 47 percent, compared to 49 percent disapproval. That’s down about 10 points from a peak in February and March. (The pollster adjusted its weighting of results in June.) (VOX)


I read this, and that a few other news outlets are reporting that somehow Biden is NOT as popular as he was just a few months ago, I read this and became infuriated, incensed, and wondered aloud WTF America… MONSTERS no longer created by Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Anne Rice, Mylo Carbia, Clive Barker, or in films like 28 Days Later, Aliens, The Conjuring, the Evil Dead, the Exorcist or Get Out… the fictional MONSTERS no longer make the priority list for fright nights or sleepless nightmarish evenings…


So Americans, Joe Biden demonstrates empathy, concern, wisdom, believes in science, medicine, and equality, and too much of that IS NOT GOOD… Well consider the following names which instantly floated across my brain, you know the creatures which used to only infiltrate the night, the catacombs made from rotted wood, the haunted asylums of torture and torment MONSTERS now in daylight, wearing expensive tailor-made fashion, $1000 shoes, and purses…and see how you like hearing the word President in front of any of THEM! Teddy (Insult My Wife Please) Cruz…Randy (Give You Freedom or Give You Death) Paul…Ron (Dr. Death For Votes) DeSantis…Nikki (Go Ahead Harass Women But Endorse Me) Haley…Mike (Hey Dan Quayle, You Don’t Understand, If I Fuck the Nation Donnie Will Like Me Again) Pence. MONSTERS and somehow Joe Biden is not as popular…