Tuesday, September 28, 2021


 Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a Senate panel Tuesday that his first call to reassure his Chinese counterpart that President Donald Trump had no plans to attack China late in his administration was directed by Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper. Milley said 11 people were present for the second call and that he later informed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows of it. (Washington Post)


Of course, they did, as IN a whole bunch of Trump’s lackeys, ass kissers, and orange turd lickers. You know that Esper/Meadows/Pompeo knew about General Milley’s attempt to save this nation from nuclear war with China…NOT because it could save millions of lives, but the fact that it WOULD save the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Esper and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Meadows and Family, and Mr. and Mrs. Pompeo and Family. Letting others die due to the PATHETIC/SICK/MENTALLY DERANGED/PSYCHOPATH WAS OKAY FOR ESPER/MEADOWS AND POMPEO, but when push came to shove, none of these THREE TRUMP STOOGES would consider laying their lives on the chopping block for TRUMP!


And NOW we have the POMPOUS and self-anointed PIOUS Bull Shit Senators of the Republican Party, pretending to be suddenly AFRAID that Democracy was dying, because General Milley was the only one within the Trump REIGN of Terror, to try and stop this MADMAN from destroying the world! ALL of the major Con Men of the GOP from Cruz to Graham, to Rubio, remained silent as TRUMP most likely followed the Putin Game Plan to wreak havoc on Democracy…NONE of them ever lifting a finger to stop this DESPOT…but now they are climbing all over one another to feign concern. Well, Senators let the American People raise a MIDDLE FINGER to all of you and your INFAMY!