Saturday, May 28, 2022


 As long as the REPUBLICANS insist that everything but EASY ACCESS to GUNS, is the root of the problem causing MASS SHOOTINGS, NOTHING of any LIFE-SAVING LAW AND ORDER LAWS will ever be enacted. From the mouths of RAPHAEL CRUZ JUNIOR to THE KING OF COUPS, TRUMP, to the Senator RON JOHNSON of Wisconsin, GREG ABBOTT and his REPUBLIC OF HIGH NOON, and the MYRIAD OF ASSISTANTS TO MURDER identifying as the GOP, all we hear are THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS, (albeit this time in UVALDE, the thoughts and prayers were not as loud as in the past MASS MURDERS committed by people using GUNS) …and BLAME. BLAMING everything from, TOO MANY DOORS, WOKENESS, MILITARIZING SCHOOLS, ARMING TEACHERS, LOCKING KIDS INSIDE CLASSROOMS, BULLIT PROOF BACKPACKS.


As long as the HYPOCRISY of those pretending to be PRO-LIFE NEVER try to represent the life OUTSIDE THE WOMB, there will never be an earnest attempt to HELP LIFE become safer and healthier, BECAUSE way too many PRO-LIFERS have the mantra that the American Jesus is a General, one who must be Militant, Ruthless, and Hateful.


As long as this NATION permits PACS/BRIBES/DARK MONEY/PAY TO PLAY/the people in Congress and running for Congress, will remain BEHOLDEN to the PUPPET MASTERS who place their own fame and fortune over the WELFARE of the majority of the citizens.


And as I see it, the more, people who refuse to vote for MORALITY, VALUES, JUSTICE, EQUALITY, DEMOCRACY, FAIRNESS…who think elections do not matter, who look at the moment in which they live rather the possible better future…who vote for the current crop of ANARCHIST, FASCIST, AUTHORITARIAN, CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST loving REPUBLICANS…who REFUSE to look at HISTORY…THE MORE THIS GENERATION is setting a terrible standard for any generation that comes next!