Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Madness by the stupid

Some of the medical reasons for having an abortion include:

Severe pregnancy complications are making it impossible for you to continue with the pregnancy

You need a treatment such as chemotherapy or medication that you can’t have while you’re pregnant

The pregnancy is putting your health or life at risk

Giving birth would put your health or life at risk

You are at high risk of a miscarriage or stillbirth, so it is safer for you to have an abortion

A serious or fatal fetal abnormality was found during your antenatal tests

The pregnancy isn’t viable, for example if you have an ectopic pregnancy.


The SAME group of NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS is now espousing, their NON-MEDICAL USELESS CREDS, the same ones they used to REFUSE TO BE VACCINATED, and CLAIMING that women have no right in maintaining a healthy life, and a healthy body. Most of these SELF IDENTIFIED MAVENS, will swear on their paperback Bibles, that women who require abortions for medical or mental health reasons are the BAD GIRLS, the type of female who lures her FATHER or GRANDFATHER, or BROTHER, or UNCLE, or the CREEPY STRANGER to RAPE and PHYSICALLY ASSAULT THEM! Of course, having no idea about the subject of which they pontificate; these NON-MEDICAL purveyors of ROT and RUIN want to RUIN the lives of complete strangers!


Worse than that of course are the PARASITES identified as PITIFUL REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS. The bottom feeders who thrive on the waste and bile their so-called BASE of VOTERS expel!