Monday, May 16, 2022

God Forbid

 For the Republican Party, and their VICIOUS BASE which seems to HATE HISTORY, it seems more and more THEY may not like HISTORY, but INDEED they LOVE REPEATING IT!


God Forbid, THEY tell us (And remember not just any GOD, but the deity they CONSIDER, the TRUE HEAD HONCHO), their poor children should read about SLAVERY/LYNCHINGS/TWO MOMMY’S OR TWO DADDY’S/GUN VIOLENCE/IMMIGRANTS/JEWS/PEOPLE OF COLOR. God Forbid, THEY scream, the FETUS is alive, and no matter how heinous and horrendous, that SPERM attacked the EGG, THEY insist, that LIFE IS LIFE, and until that LIFE is free of the womb, it matters.


There has always been BIGOTRY/MISOGNY/HOMOPHOBIA/ANTI-SEMATISM/RACISM thriving on the underbelly of Americans, but at least SOME ATTEMPTS have been made to quiet it, stop it, or at least relegate it by both Political Parties. But I believe, when Putin decided to wage a new kind of war against America, by using his most lethal chemical weapon TRUMP, the venomous vapors, the ultimate viral load was unleashed, and BAD GUYS became uncaged and engaged along with the saddest set of POLITICIANS America has seen in a long, long time!


We are stuck, with the current crop of SELF-SERVING, REPUBLICANS in office now. The Senate in particular has established its own FORMAL REPUBLIC, and as much as WE THE PEOPLE, want to make changes from within, I find it nearly impossible. BUT, I truly believe, if FINALLY there has been some LAST STRAW, and sane minds can get past INFLATION, GAS PRICES, EMPTY SHELVES and look at the possibility of the DEMISE of DEMOCRACY, and actually vote into power a MAJOR MAJORITY of DEMOCRATS, maybe the PUTIN VIRUS NAMED TRUMPISM can be stopped!