Friday, May 27, 2022


 When the NAMES of CRUZ/RUBIO/McCONNELL/PUTIN-GREENE/BOEBERT decidedly take a stand against or for something, WAKE UP AMERICA and smell the Bull Shit, because these FOLKS are never on the GOOD SIDE of MORALS or JUSTICE or EQUALITY; NOPE they always are the like the VARMIN who eat away at the dying bodies and are only saying and doing the words and actions benefiting their own depraved sense of self. Add to that the NAMES of ABBOTT/De SANTIS/PAUL, and of course, you will discover even more insidious politicians whose only desire in life is to become KING! Then of course there are the names of COLLINS/MURKOWSKI/ROMNEY always shocked and full of awe as the BAD THINGS they either voted for or remained silent in criticizing CONTINUE to TRANSPIRE! When you DO NOT VOTE to at least debate policies making access to GUNS more restrictive, YOU have DECIDED that DEATH BY GUN is less important than your own POLITICAL ENDEAVORS. I believe you then become an accomplice to MURDER.


In GREG ABBOTT’S Republic of Texas, at the age of 18, you can purchase any Assault Weapon you choose, but at least LEGALLY, you cannot go to a bar and drink. Raphael (INSULT MY FATHER, PLEASE, but let me SCAPEGOAT my kids) CRUZ, JR. has decided that limiting the entrance and exits to one or two doors will somehow OUT GUN any GUN PERSON wishing to shoot up INNOCENTS as they sit in their classrooms. Forget the whole idea of emergency exits.  Of course, RAPHAEL would say something as IGNORANT as that considering he is the TOP INCOME EARNER from CORPORATIONS that sell and manufacture guns. Then we have MITCH, the real guy running this country (J Edger Hoover used to retain that title, holding tightly to the balls of those actually elected by the people) McCONNELL’s supply of BRIBES will never dry up, and one might imagine, who has a whole lot of cash stashed in way too many off-shore accounts.


But then as is the case when GUN VIOLENCE rears its REPUBLICAN HEAD, those GOP Creatures living under rocks think blood dripping from innocents is actually their DAY IN THE SUN, appear from the sludge and refuge, and SPEAK as if their tongues are actually attached to their brains……..While making the case against gun laws, Rep. Lauren Boebert said, “When 9/11 happened, we didn’t ban planes.” (MSNBC) BOEBERT, trying her hardest to become SMART, never one to consider even the consequences of her own INABILITY to THINK, thought (much like SARAH PALIN often postured) she had a “GOTCHA MOMENT!” But BOEBERT forgot that IMMEDIATELY after 9/11, flying on a plane almost became extremely difficult to do BECAUSE IMMEDIATE MEASURES for SAFETY were implemented. YEP, BOEBERT, we did not stop flying planes, BUT DAMN GIRL, BACKGROUND CHECKS, WEAPONS CHECKS, SCRUTINY became the new RULES OF ORDER!