Tuesday, May 31, 2022

SH words


For those who enjoy watching competitive and highly consequential campaigns, this year will not be boring. There are exciting campaigns to watch in every part of the country, up and down the ballot, which will not only dictate the course of the nation’s government in the near future, these races are also likely to have a major impact on our democracy. The stakes couldn’t be much higher. (MSNBC)


SCHNUER: (Yiddish)-One who habitually takes advantage of the generosity of others; a parasite. SCHTUNK: (Yiddish)-A rotten, worthless, or utterly incompetent person; someone who is extremely petty, negative, and dishonest. SCHMUCK: (English)- a foolish or contemptible person.


Growing up, whenever my Grandmother and her contemporaries wanted to be a little off-color, my siblings and I realized that suddenly entire sentences would be spoken in Yiddish. Most often if Grandma Braff and her consorts had some Peach Schnapps, during a Family Holiday or get together, (or was it quite a few shots of Peach Schnapps), many words were never spoken that often in ONE sentence, were spewed, with the best spittle and looks of disgust. Once spoken, to make a final point that ALL WAS NOT RIGHT, Grandma Braff and her Lady Friends would bob their heads up and down almost in a cadence! The final word, again in unison would be SCHUNDA (YIDDISH)-Misbehavior by a particular Jew or Jewish group that leads to embarrassment among the broader Jewish community. Perhaps one more Peach shot of Schnapps a few “POOH-POOH-POOHS” and all the evil that had to be said, WAS FINISHED!


I knew TRUMP would never go away. I knew that somehow, no matter how strong or weak the attempt to rid THIS scourge from this nation was applied, like so many MONSTERS from HELL, the stench, and disease of TRUMP would remain. What I had NOT counted on, was JUST how EMPTY and IMMORAL a vast amount of REPUBLICAN PUPPETS would CONTINUE, hoping to be loved by a vile and venomous BASE.


One day as I grew older, I decided to use an SC word of my own, in front of my Grandma Braff. I called someone a SCHMUCK. She turned to me and asked why I called someone a PENIS. I looked embarrassed, my own Grandma said PENIS. In Yiddish, SCHMUCK translates as PENIS. OY! But Grandma, may she rest in peace, TRUMP  is  SCHMUCK in the most DISINGENOUS WAY I CAN THINK OF!