Wednesday, January 10, 2024

2-0-2-3 THE MOVIE

 Critical Infrastructure Is Sinking Along the US East Coast Up and down the Atlantic Coast, the land is steadily sinking, or subsiding. That’s destabilizing levees, roads, and airports, just as sea levels are rising. (WIRED)

2023 Was the Hottest Year on Record Areas across the globe experienced heat, wildfires and floods in trends that are expected to continue. The record global temperatures that spawned heavy rainfall, disastrous floods, and raging wildfires in 2023 will likely continue in 2024, according to the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service. (Wall Street Journal)

Earth Shattered The Global Heat Records In 2023, And Yeah, It's Not Great. (BuzzFeed)


By now, if the year 2-0-2-3 had been a Hollywood Apocalyptic Blockbuster movie, to premier either during Christmas or Summer, (premier not because of the importance of the film, but premier when the studios know there will be an audience), the audience would have witnessed a very buxom female Professor, with her hair tied behind her head, standing next to an even nerdier Male Government Lackey, handsome of course because ugly nerdy does not sell, and to cover all bases they would have been joined by a person of color who has a sense of things to come, and seems to know a lot! Some very symphonic music would have had a crescendo, followed by hints of dark brooding percussion, just to let our senses understand that these people know more than anyone else in the world, but are not the wealthy, greedy puppet masters of the world.


By now, it the year 2-0-2-3 had been in its final hour of airing, we would be witnessing the Hollywood scenes of mass hysteria all over the world similar to a Zombie attack, and we would have had the cameras home in on World Government Headquarters, with all the leaders either being escorted to some safer place, and of course had a few of their White Houses, or Palaces implode. By now, if the year 2-0-2-3 had been a movie some sappy writer would have pretended that the Climate Disasters actually motivated governments around the world to coalesce, placing their own greed, gluttony, and hatred for some kind of KUMBUYA.


BUT THIS AIN’T a movie titled 2-0-2-3, it is real life, and all we have are a whole bunch of really wealthy dudes, who somehow think they can survive the destruction of this planet, because money is the true giver of life, and they have soooooooooo much of it that never ever will their shit stink. 2023, one for the record, but somehow this record keeps skipping and it seems to play the same track, after and after and after!