Sunday, January 7, 2024


 Musk, Don Junior and far-right figures seize on Iowa shooter's possible LGBTQ identity.

As authorities and journalists scrambled to uncover information about the shooter who opened fire at an Iowa school on Thursday, far-right figures zeroed in on the likelihood that the assailant was LGBTQ and once again suggested that queer people are more likely to pose a danger to others. (NBC NEWS)


There have been 390 school shootings since the 1999 shooting at Columbine. More than 360,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine. (Washington Post)


MUSK IS DANGEROUS. TRUMP JUNIOR IS DANGEROUS. But more DANGEROUS than these two spoiled wealthy brats, are the feeble-minded minions within this nation who desire a scapegoat, require little facts to support their own hatred, and who are so insecure that the only way to make them BRAVE is to act as a MOB and identify and attack a perceived, an imagined enemy. MUSK and TRUMP JUNIOR are smart enough to understand the weakness of the stupid, the ineptitude of the loathsome, the vulnerabilities of the undedicated and unintelligent, the fears of the loser…and both men as they sit upon their IVORY TOWER know that if it THEY who throw stones first then most likely fewer stones which should be aimed at their hypocritical loves will be less.


WHY THIS MATTERS TO ME, is the simple notion that somehow, among the other 390 senseless and horrendous attacks in schools, SUDDENLY, and very conveniently, MUSK AND TRUMP JUNIOR have decided that IT IS THE LGBT PERSON who is to be feared.