Wednesday, January 3, 2024

OH, Chris Christie

Hey Chris Christie, no matter how hard you try, we can still see the orange-dyed ring around your lips from having kissed the lips of TRUMP! You assume your arrogance and very annoying attempt to pry the truth away from most Americans will somehow make you some kind of savior from the vapid, venomous TRUMP, you know, the guy you promoted and supported until he was finished using you. One more bullshit artist within the ring of Republican hypocrites, and as is the usual case Chris Christie, you assume that the more crass, and loud you are will somehow distract normal Americans from remembering that you always were crass and loud, and used your obnoxious abilities to support, caudle, and nurture Public Enemy Number One, TRUMP.


Christie is unable to pretend to stand for any particular thing long enough to convince a base of people that he can represent them. even his New Jersey constituency could hardly forgive the way Christie spent the early months of the 2016 Republican primaries declaring that “President of the United States is not a place for an entertainer,” only to drop out of the race and promptly endorse Trump. Christie’s reward for his obsequiousness was to be passed over for the vice president and attorney general jobs that he craved — a fact that he moaned about at length in a 400-page book. (MSNBC)


Oh and this Chris Christie, you love to bemoan the fact that no Republican has the stomach to vote for Joe Biden. Way too many of the Talking Heads never find the wherewithal to follow up your cocky statement, and ask you WHY? You pander, posture, and pontificate, getting all huffy and holier than thou, acting the bully, but Chris Christie, what is so bad about the Biden Presidency…I mean he supports unions, supports, women’s rights, actually does say the word Gay, has created jobs, has tried his best to attack inflation (you know the wealthy manipulated economic policies which permit the wealthy to remain wealthy, he cares about Social Security/ Medicare, he has begun to hold Big Pharma at bay, so medications can actually reach even the poorest of Americans…and oh yeah, he has not been devious enough to insight an Insurrection.


I am certain as a Narcissist, suffering the delusional lack of self-awareness, you will never look in the mirror and wonder why you lack a conscience, but try Chris Christie because honestly minus the Orange Dye, the comb over and perhaps the Depends, you are exactly like TRUMP!