Friday, January 19, 2024


 Amid concerns over national debt topping $34 trillion, the Fiscal Commission Act of 2023, H.R. 5779, proposes a bipartisan commission to review federal spending, but it faces strong opposition for allegedly endangering Social Security. Critics, including influential Democrats and advocacy organizations, warn of possible cuts to the program, fueling political confrontation over the future of essential social safety nets. (NEWSWEEK)

Billionaires in the U.S. pay a smaller tax rate than most teachers and retail workers. Thanks to a tax code that favors income from wealth over income from work—and a slew of tax-avoidance strategies—the richest among us end up paying a smaller percentage of their income to the federal government than most working families. (Oxfam) Some years billionaires pay no federal income taxes: Jeff Bezos paid zero in 2007 and 2011, Elon Musk paid zero in 2018, Michael Bloomberg paid zero several times in “recent years”, and George Soros paid zero three years in a row.(Google Search)


Money, money, money, in the United States, having too much of it is not a problem as long as you use some of your “CHUMP CHANGE,” to purchase a politician or a dozen or even two dozen. Think about for a mere moment…who writes the Tax Code Laws…who are the recipients of Dark Money, Dirty Money… UM…HMMM…Oh, I know…POLITICANS! And we are supposed to be a nation of “CHECKS AND BALANCES,”


Somehow, like all the time, actually, when we talk about the Debt in this Nation, the only part of the conversation centers on cutting expenses, of course never the expenses of the Politicians or their pet projects, BUT OF COURSE, things like the Health/Welfare/Survival/and Quality of Life of you know those who are not Billionaires. I know it is said we can vote the Bums out, but HONESTLY, the Bums we can vote out, have certainly made it almost impossible to do so. They swear they are not Career Politicians…but FUCK, they certainly are!