Sunday, January 14, 2024

Why is it...

 Sunday marks 100 days since Israelis and foreign nationals were seized in southern Israel and taken back to Gaza by Hamas; an estimated 132 are still being held. Some Jewish Americans are marking the day by wearing a piece of tape with the number "100" on it. (Washington Post)

So as most of the world is declaring Israel as a GENOCIDE STATE, condemning Israel’s retaliation against GAZA, acting in defense of their own sovereignty against yet ONE MORE ATTACK on their nation, all those who demand Israel withdraw from GAZA, most to none have even suggested that Hamas first return the kidnapped hostages they highjacked from Israel. Imagine, if the same voices who demand that ISRAEL stop retaliating for the rape, murder, and kidnapping of their own citizens by Hamas, had the same sympathy for the Gazans, by saying, HAMAS RETURN THE CAPTIVES first, and then begin the talks of ceasefire!


I am saddened by the lives lost in GAZA, I wish that peace could be found, BUT, why, WHY MUST IT ALWAYS BE THE ISRAELIE'S who are asked to do the right thing, when it is the Arab Terrorists who began this entire war by doing the wrong thing?


100 days, and all that Hamas needed to do, should do, but somehow WILL NOT DO, is return those who they kidnapped? Why is it that the deeds of Hamas are arrogantly ignored, sometimes glorified? Is it ANTISMETISM…I believe so.