There you go again Gov Mikey Pence thinking that much ado about nothing has been made regarding your Indiana State Bill to discriminate against the LGBT population; trying to blame everyone else but you and your white robed and mask wearing cronies of the T-Publican/National Religious Fascist Brigade of homophobic bullies for creating this mess in the first place. As usual when a criminal is caught proverbially holding the bag the first words out of his mouth are I was framed. For cowards like yourself Gov Mikey Pence it is always so much easier to frame the conversation stating that he/or she made me do, you know like had people with a clear conscience just bugged out of your homophobic business none of this would have happened or if only you hadn’t asked me to be honest with the facts all of this hubbub would have never arisen. Gov Mikey Pence you do toe the line like most bigots using the Bible as backup insisting that everything was taken out of context and if everyone would only read the Bible (not just any Bible but the one you adhere to) all the content needed to make sense of this discriminatory law could be culled. Enemies of the state, huh Mikey, a state in which you preside and could have easily destroyed any discriminatory actions if you yourself were not one hell of a bigot yourself. So Sarah Palin of you Gov to lash out the press, the liberals never once person enough to sit back and say I am a douchebag! Much ado about nothing, I disagree Gov Mikey Pence it is much ado about everything and and everybody.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
Honest to God, Mike
Honest to God, Governor Mike Pence you pontificate how much you are a good soldier of Christ, upholding the most supreme of Christian morals and values and all you can come up with to conceal your very un-Christian let alone un-American bigotry is to feign ignorance that you had no idea the Freedom of Religion Act you signed into law was discriminatory. Holy Cow Pence you are the governor you are the Da’Man and somehow after people who really understand Christian values and American history began clamoring just how incendiary this bogus act for religious freedom really was you have the audacity to plead I am innocent I had no idea just how harmful the bill I signed onto could be interpreted. You demonstrated a pouty face on television all moody and blue that most normal Americans are pointing their third finger in the air at you and your compadre of homophobes serving in the very T-baggering legislative body of Indiana for acting like KKK douchebags. How insensitive you went on to say, that the good people of Indiana are being singled out for just standing up for religious freedom while they fuck the lights out freedom from religious persecution. Exactly which good people of Indiana are they Mikey Boy who use hate as a governance tool, Jesus as a scapegoat for their own inadequacies and failures, or their sheer ignorance of the true spirit of America which by the way was based on eliminating a state run religion?
Oh Lord, Gov Pence most bully’s hate when they get caught in the act of foolishness, and you are reacting just like the cowardly bully caught in the headlights of injustice and ineptitude. Now you insist that you need clarification of the Freedom for Religion Act, you know check it over to see who is naughty or nice. You are sure this homophobic bunch of bile was not meant to single out the LGBT community, but within all the talk show bull shit meet and greets you participated you never once said I will make sure this Christian Fascist theocratic act of UnAmericanism is not geared for the Gays. You were however at the ready to accuse the liberal press of concocting a scheme to make Christians to look bad all the while bat shit crazy yourself that you are the one acting like the asshole. Why is it most Conservative Evangelical Christian politicians are sure as heck proud to initiate legislation of inequality in the private enclaves of white robe wearing constituents but always act as if their actions were taken out of context when the public finds out the truth?
And here is the real kicker Pence, you are not concerned because human rights and civil rights are being violated, your pretend concern has only arisen because people with money are complaining. Yep Mikey morals, values, freedoms weigh very little but millions of dollars which might be removed from your state coffers, now we are talking about injustice being served. You will see what all this fuss about not because it is about discriminatory actions against a demographic of Indianans but because your budget might take a hit and that is a personal affront to you and your national political ambitions. Honest to God Mike Pence you are an idiot!
Saturday, March 28, 2015
A Jerk
Potential T-Publican presidential contender, Rand Paul addressed “a group of pastors and religious leaders at a private prayer breakfast” in Washington D.C. on Thursday about the need for “revival” in America complete with “tent revivals” full of people demanding reform. Senator Paul suggested during the event that the debate about legalizing same-sex marriage is the result of a “moral crisis” in the country. He then continued this form of thought with the CBN cable station by saying, “[T]here’s a moral crisis that allows people to think that there would be some sort of other marriage.” (Rachel Maddow, MSNBC).
Mr Paul you are nothing but a dysfunctional sperm floating in a Republican sea of other dysfunctional sperm trying to impregnate a more delusional egg hatched by a disturbing group of individuals so perplexed about the lives of other people as to ever associate their lives with honest morals or values. You long to lick the anus’s of men and women who eat a distasteful menu of bigotry and bogus as they sit on the toilet to poop out the foul meal of the day. You linger hoping to be the best boy at the ready to ingest the most heinous of waste product so called religious Christians could or would ever eliminate from their bodies. Your flip flop is sensational, not in an epic way but more of a kiss-ass dimension. You have no backbone, nor a conscience because as long as you think you can fool an already crazy group of people by playing the lap dog all you seem to do is attract fleas. Of course as most of your comrades (Christian soldiers for some bizarre interpretation of Christ’s teaching are brothers in arms) within the T-Publican party behave; you some how will offer great resistance to your own bigotry, racism, misogyny and homophobia once a population with a normal IQ find out about your inexplicable follies. Of course you will as so many other failed T-Publican candidates for president have done before you insist your ignorance was totally a liberal attempt at sabotage and you were taken out of context. But Rand, you were a jerk, acted like a jerk and no matter the context you are a jerk!
You want to talk about marriage, speak to some your T-Publican brethren like Newt (three times is a charm) Gingrich, Mark (lets take a hike on the Appalachian Trail) Sanford, David ( I love me a good prostitute)Vitter, Phil ( I take no blame in cheating on my wife, throwing her out of the house and verbally abusing her, the hippies made me do it) Robertson cronies and then explain to the public who it is that is in need of understanding the virtues and values of marriage. You are a modern day snake oil salesman, Rand, not even sure of what is in the bottle but so eager to have people believe they can drink from it. It seems now-a-days the best way for a political calling himself a T-Publican is to dig deep to the lowest common denominator and Randy Boy you are swimmingly succeeding at that! and you even have the audacity to think you could be president!
Friday, March 27, 2015
Good God!
And so it goes, so afraid of homosexuals, so fearful that whom we love and how we live may knock their God from his heavenly perch because we are among so many other traits happen to be Gay. So terrified that freedom will restrict their own bigoted version of a Bible, a Governor of Indiana in a very private ceremony far from the public eye,cow towing to his legions of bigots and homophobes proudly places his name on a bill to permit discrimination…just because a bunch of cowards insist that inequality is a true American trait and if all men and women are equal it somehow diminishes their tarnished version of Christianity! Pretending that religious freedom trumps freedom from religion T-Bagging Governor Mike Pence said the following: “I signed the bill "because I support the freedom of religion for every Hoosier of every faith…Today, many people of faith feel their religious liberty is under attack by government action." "If I thought it legalized discrimination in any way in Indiana, I would have vetoed it," So HIS government action was to disobey the intentions of the founding of this nation. One of those Founding Fathers, James Madison said “The civil government … functions with complete success … by the total separation of the Church from the State.”in 1819.
Oh Mike Pence you might be fooling the idiots who believe Bill O’Reilly is a journalist and HONEST about anything he reports, You might be be fooling the Bible thumping morons who think that global warming cannot possibly happening because we can still make snow balls. And you might even be fooling the dumb shits who believe Ted Cruz is a hero because his greatest accomplishment was to try and shut down the government over Obamacare which in fact he opted to purchase; but really Mike stop hiding behind your white robe and white mask and come clean guy, you want to run for President and you need that slimy, ignorant White supremacist, racist base to boost your nomination. If you had taken time to read the Constitution or any letters of the Founding Fathers of the United States (nope not John, or Luke or Matthew), you would certainly know that your signing of a bill to discriminate due solely to religious belief is a bunch of hokey! And Mike, if you really were proud of your foray into the world of Christian Crusading you would have made the Hate the Gays Bill a public event and not hide in your own mean spirited and Un-American closet.
So for you to earn your T-Publican creed, to enjoy the blessing of the American Family Foundation, the John Birch society the NRA, the notoriety of Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, Glenn Beck, and every other faux Patriot man or woman who fear that anyone else is stronger then their God you sold your soul to a very evil Devil. To prove just much of religious Fascist you might become proving everyone else is not truly an American and to begin an expensive court process to sue you and your state for a very undemocratic action you decided that hate is an American/Christian valued tradition. You’ve proven once again that inequality is a sign from some gun totting, creation hating God. And in the true sense of modern Evangelical Christian beliefs personal political gains usurps the rights of anyone else. I might ask how do you live with yourself, but then again the meaninglessness of your actions answers that question.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Sometime We Find
The T-Publicans in the House of Representatives have passed a budget increasing defense spending and of course eliminating as many social programs as their Christian hearts could count. These same soldiers for Christ have been insistent that any woman who dare thinks she is owed a clean hospital bed or for that matter a gurney in a sterile clinic, to decide upon her reproductive rights and her decision, if she believes an abortion is necessary, will either face jail time of just have to find some used dirty hanger. At the same time these Christian Jihadists have made it a priority to diminish food stamps, Federal minimum wage and try and eliminate school nutrition programs for all these women who must now raise their children on their own. The Christ is Right and you are wrong Crowd of politicians are still trying to hack away at the Affordable Care Act insisting that Jesus would rather arm you with an assault weapon and deny you access to health care. These T-Publicans also demand that it is rather Un-Christian like which automatically translates into Un-American like to consider clean air as an issue or a priority let alone utter the words Climate Change. And yet they continue to run roughshod in the governing of our nation as uncontrolled as a lava flow from a very toxic volcano.
T-Publican Christian nation states bemoan the death of the Confederacy and to celebrate the demise of Jim Crow Laws have decided that Religious Freedom Acts will suffice to showcase the hatred squandered when the South lost the Civil War. Separate but not equal seems to be an American tradition these religious Fascists long for and desire. Evangelical Christianity the purist of bigotry pursuits will lay claim to this land, and if in their heart of empty hearts a God fearing homophobe thinks you look Gay, sound Gay, or just decide that today you smell Gay they can proudly deny you service, refuse to acknowledge your presence and of course kick you out of their public place of business. America was founded as a Christian nation they insist, don’t read the bull shit lines of the Constitution, pay no attention to this nation being a melting pot, ignore the history books written by liberal Communists stating the US was a place for those fleeing religious prosecution, this is a new day and the truth in any matter is to go backwards in thought and deed. As they select the passages and verses from a Bible filled with great lines of hate, so do these Christian religious terrorists abridge the Constitution to proudly demonstrate bias, bigotry and bogus. And yet they surge forward like the army ants of a forest killing anything in their wake.
We watch a parade of T-Publican presidential hopefuls pandering to a base that seems to get more stupid and much more dangerous in their xenophobic ways. As each T-Publican potential candidate decides to declare his/her readiness to lead this nation we hear words flowing from their mouths…denying women reproductive rights, equal pay for equal work…easier access to guns, less access to education…immigration was never an American tradition…war makes you strong, peace is for pussy’s…homosexuality, poverty,old age are choices…freedom of religion outweighs freedom from religion. We watch as these politicians dote on the days of the Confederacy declaring Civil Rights, Voting Rights are wrong. We watch in amazement sometimes laughing at the circus atmosphere these clowns present thinking this three ring event certainly can’t stand the test of time. But somehow just like carbon monoxide seeping in our lungs as we sleep, the poison soon suppresses our ability to awaken and we find our very dead.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Inconvenient Truth
The inconvenient truth is just how much this nation has slipped away from the reality of a country supposedly free of an official state religion. Or how it has slid into a Crusade by the Evangelical soldiers and jihadists into becoming one nation under a very malevolent Christ. Benefited by a cavalier group of men and women disguising themselves as journalists, (many of whom had begun their work as comics, salesmen for every kind of snake oil possible,or reality stars,now catering to a base of citizens whose character is devoid of thinking for themselves and full of blaming others) our current crop of politicians mainly of the T-Publican ilk have taken control of the talking points of politics and are pretending that the US Constitution is just another book of the New Testament. Of course this dialogue began when women wanted the vote, or freedom of their own bodies; all of whom were chastised by Christian Conservatives as creating the demise of the family. The hate found its way to the Colored folk, who we were told by the same Christian Conservatives were created as God’s intentional inferiority manifestation; thus they deserved to be nothing but less than equal to their white masters. More hate seeped into the self righteous indignation that discrimination in marriage, jobs, health benefits and basic services toward the LGBT community is of course the traditional Christian American way.
And now the Christian Conservatives chide anyone who differs from them as being a Communist/Socialist/a member of the Nazi Party. They climb from the bottom of the barrel at the ready to attack the various religions that HAD prospered in this nation which of course in their bigoted view of the nation are the wrong religions. Tom Delay once arrested for bribes and the creator of one of the most anti democracy policies, Gerrymandering has taken off his prison stripes and replaced them with a business suit insisting that any person of the Muslim faith running for office, must first be questioned by real Christian Americans as to his/her allegiance to the Constitution and the Flag. Mr Delay has reignited the phony belief that the Muslim Brotherhood is thriving in the White House (you know because Barack Hussain Obama, that Negro guy is in the Oval Office) and because two Congressmen democratically elected to the House are of that Muslim religion. Insisting that the Brotherhood is alive and well in the Capitol Building. Mr Delay (dumb enough to be taken seriously by even more stupid people and smart enough to speak the language of DUMB), has successfully set in motion the next irresponsible talking points and code of conduct for all of the T-Publican presidential clowns in which to participate.
Never to be out done or out dumbed is Congressman Steve King who has chastised the Jewish democrats for not supporting Benjamin Netanyahu the Israeli Prime Minister (calling them leftists.) All those Jews worth their Kosher salt should not prefer the President of the United States. over another Jew. Steve King, thinks that American Jews are of one mind and one effort. Jews according to Mr King must love a foreign government more then the love for their own country. Mr King joins the likes of another (some of my best friends are Jewish) Congressman, Mr Louie Gomhert. Louie Gohmert sees Israel as an important ally, but one that will have to be flattened into a post-nuclear wasteland in order to create the necessary opening for Jesus to finally arrive in the US and save the Christians from the Hell they are sure to live. Mr Gomhert wants all of the Jewish Tribe to coalesce around the state of Israel, wanting them to eventually move there so America can finally realize its Christian foundation and embrace the Rapture.
The list grows each news day as to whom we can trust and of course who is the enemy. Never mind the inconvenient truth that this nation has no official religion, that it had always been a melting pot for very religious and non religious. Never mind the inconvenient truth that fair and equal is based on a Constitution not someone’s preferred Bible. Never mind the inconvenient truth that if left unchecked the United States of America will become just like the nemesis of Evangelical every other country in the world whose religion trumps fair, equal, honest and freedom.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Ain't It Purity
In the soon to be formed Christian States of America, (not sure if the new country will actually contain its current 50 states (cause you know them Hawaiians are all immigrants, them Californians Communists and maybe them Utahaians will certainly have to realize if their Gods name ain’t Jesus he ain’t no real God) one has to wonder who will be welcome and who won’t.
Them lady’s and their messy women parts, cause a whole lot distraction from the men who own them, so the females with periods, and potential cancers in the breasts and uterus, might have to reapply for citizenship. They will have to take some sort of test which might include questions like which rib exactly was it that Adam gave up to create Eve? They might have to take an oath assuring their husbands that none of them were ever related to the Witches of Salem. And of course swear that no matter how drunk, deluded or deranged their masters are; dinner on the table, a bun in the oven, and a dust free gun rack in the bedroom will be observed.
Them Poor or in Poverty people who dare indulgence into the Christian society will have to take a few tests to even be considered for citizenship. Chastity belts will be checked for the food stamp queens (alias women of color) every month, urine samples will be taken for the addicts (alias men of color) any time they set foot in grocery store, rectal exams will be performed for their bastards (alias children of color) who might infect public schools with their germs. And if they are not of color but the pure white kind of poor people questions will be asked such as “three meals a day is bit indulgent don’t you think”, “tell us why you think you deserve a roof over your head and clean clothes", and where is your Bible?”
Them homosexuals will not be welcome in any Christian State of America and if some slip by thinking that carrying a Log Cabin Republican badge will do the trick, they will soon be tracked down and removed simply by shop owners, government workers, and of courses soldiers for Christ just eyeing them and assuming they are infected with the Gay. No shirts, no shoes, no same-sex sexuality equate to no service. Using their best bias and bigotry with the aid and tactical input from the KKK clan, John Birch society members and such luminaries as Pat Robertson and his anti Gay bracelet , or Mike Huckabee and his many concessions to pray the gay away, or the ever murderous Scott Lively at the ready with the next “kill the Gays” bill, homosexuals will be sniffed out, perhaps not only literally but figuratively.
Looming just beyond the next tarnished Evangelical church steeple, at the ready just near the latest Religious Freedom Bill, awaiting to pounce from the mouth of Conservative entertainers like Ingraham, Hannity, O’Reilly, lingering at the Supreme Court weighing down the arms of the activist Jurists like Thomas, Scalia, and Alito, just waiting to usurp the Constitution from the Founding Fathers in place of the real law book the New Testament is a band of Crusaders who would make Queen Isabella blush, Adolph Hitler squirm, and the Pope’s of the Dark Ages go insane. Not on the list yet for expulsion, just sit back and wait, someone’s gonna blame you for their own miserable life. This is the new face of America, its about purity and it ain’t at all purty!
Pick A State
Pick a state any state in which the T-Publicans via gerrymandered districts, strict voter ID Lawless are the majority party and you will find a bevy of bull shit Religious Freedom discretionary laws proposed or about to go in effect. Pick a state where most of its citizens are denied coverage of the Affordable Health Care Act, where labor unions are considered the enemy, where equal pay for equal work by women is considered as horrendous as the witches of Salem and you will find T-Publicans in charge who fear democracy, love a good war machine, and consider anybody who ain’t white as uppity non American. Pick a state where the Constitution is bandied about but never opened or read, where John Birch or the KKK are as convenient as a Seven/Eleven, where Laura Ingraham, Mikey Huckabee, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity are considered tellers of truth and you will most likely find some of those 47 Senators who signed a treasonous letter to Iran, are withholding support for the nomination of Loretta Lynch and who hate the homosexual, a women’s right to her own body, the mere thought that immigrants founded this nation, and a love for religious Fascism and Theocracy.
The tail is wagging the dog in this nation. The fleas are biting that dog and rendering it into a zombie state. Fact no longer counts within a field of T-Publican politicians. The bigger the money to buy them the more bogus the effort to actually represent the average American. Billionaire donors establish climate policy, wage amounts for workers, international policy and of course who is considered a real American and who just might be from is from Kenya! Using the facade of democracy to hide their hideous foray into Fascism, the current band of T-Publican brothers use lies to lure the loser, fiction to fool the fickle, and hate to coerce the worst of America. How much longer should we sit back and pretend that a dark change is consuming this nation, not a change that offers chance but a change charged with hostility, inequality and most importantly fear and loathing. Pick a state any state!
Friday, March 20, 2015
I have had it
I have had it! The T-Publicans want to once more repeal ObamaCare because it has the word Obama in front of it. Repeal it they say because nothing says freedom like restricting millions of Americans from embracing affordable health care. According to the T-Publicans helping Americans enjoy a health care system is so NOT what Jesus wanted for this nation when he became the first president. I have had it because these minions of the mindless are hijacking the laws and pretending to care about millions of people, while only protecting their political careers and mindlessly minding the ways of their billionaire puppet masters. I have had it because no matter what the rational citizens want or do, the monsters of FOX, Koch, Limbaugh roam free undaunted causing madness and mayhem.
I have had it as Senators like Cotton and Cruz, pretend that they abide to a Constitution, unless that Constitution actually demands that we abide by its words and deeds. Senator Cotton makes speeches about how we must spend more for the military insisting that food stamps, education, health care and infrastructure are meaningless unless we first fight wars. Senator Cruz, of immigrant parents who fled a Communist nation pontificates about freedom not really being a drug that just any American can indulge; especially not, if they are homosexuals, women who want a say so regarding their bodies, or children of immigrants born in this nation. Cruz and Cotton also love citing family values but somehow consider eliminating a federal minimum wage, destroying unions, disregard for the environment, closing Planned Parenthood availability for less expensive or free health exams, cutting back on food stamps or school nutrition programs to be the real Christian family value!
I have had it that some sinister Supreme Court Judge in Alabama has forgotten his oath of office to the nation of the United States, preferring his allegiance to a Christian religious nation state which he deems to be correctly homophobic and just as correct in dividing equality and justice for its citizens. I have had it that a supposed judge of the people and for the people can continue to deride democracy and demean the freedoms for same-sex couples who just want the same treatment as opposite sex couples. I have had it that while chastising the love for same-sex couples as evil and anti God, this Justice and other homophobes ignore the adulterous, arrogant, insidious sham marriages of heterosexuals almost blinded to the actions of this group of men and women who dishonor marriage.
I have had it with the sheer indulgence of hypocrisy, the double and sometimes triple standard, the call for religious freedom as all the while it just a sham for religious persecution. I have had how the insane are running the asylum how the villagers are more terrifying than the monsters, how injustice somehow is viewed as justice.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
In reality
I realize I do not have millions to bribe politicians, I certainly don’t watch FOX Noise enough to understand just how anti-caucasian/Christian this nation has become, I don’t own a gun nor really understand how stand your ground only works for white folk standing their ground, nor do I believe in nullification when I just don’t like the way the Constitution works in favor of minorities. I realize that I must not have a true understanding of what is good for the children, when in fact I assume polluting the environment, ignoring the melting of the icebergs, or drill baby drill has to affect the quality of life for the next generation and the generation of children after that. I realize that my misgivings on war are hard to fathom when you believe that mite and not dialogue should be the first preemptive strike to demonstrate just how exceptional of a country we are. I realize that I do not take the Constitution for granted when in fact it gets in the way of bigotry and bias. I realize that somehow I am in a minority position in the United States in the year 2015 to even think women should have control of their bodies, people of color are actually human, freedom from religion is more honest then freedom of religion, and no matter your sexual identity you too should enjoy the benefits of love, sex and marriage.
I realize I do not understand how taxing the wealthy a bit more creates a socialist mantra instead I presumed that extra bit of cash might permit the less affluent to enjoy public schools, the average American safe infrastructure, or food for the poor. I am not and have never been of the 2% so I realize that I might not understand the true philosophy of having and not having, so of course issues like a higher minimum wage, of fair pay for equal work is just a senseless pipe dream sought out by vagabonds and Communists. I realize that black lives should matter, but must have missed the memo that those lives really don’t count if they wear hoodies, like rap music, or might even live in a house with only one parent. I realize that morals and ethics should be true characteristics of honest politicians, unless of course you insist that voter restriction, Citizens United, and secret kickbacks from mega-donors smother all of that replacing it with gluttony, selfishness and greed. I realize that somehow in the United States in 2015 I am in the minority when I want the facts, not some fiction, an understanding of history as it happened not some massaged and manipulated version of what we would have liked to have happen, and journalists more motivated to provide insight and intelligence than quick tweets and sound bytes.
I realize that the more we pretend voter suppression is good for America, a handful of wealthy men should be the ones who can only buy elections, that Jesus Christ was the first president of America, that hypocrisy is next to Godliness, that usurping the the powers of the Executive office for nothing more then retribution and anger over democracy, that the oath to the New Testament over the Constitution makes you a true patriot. I realize that the more we bully, benign, divide and destroy those we fear most we believe that the better the glow of the Flag on our calloused and confused skin will shine red, white and blue. The reality of things in a place called the United States in 2015 seem more and more like a hideous and horrid nightmare; one from which we might never awaken. I realize this is a reality to fear!
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
same is not different
You sometimes have to look at the fine print to discern the difference between one man’s poison and another one man’s madness. At the outset all the mayhem may seem different, but in reality the same is not different at all. The common denominator is simple God Made Me Do It!
According to reports from northern Iraq corroborated by photos shared on social media Tuesday, Islamic State militants have publicly beheaded three men, at least two of them for allegedly engaging in homosexual acts. reports claim that the three young men were killed for “blasphemy.” Under Islamic State-imposed sharia law, homosexuality is punishable by death. (Breibart) Scott Lively (American author, attorney and wanna be politician): Homosexuality is ‘worse than murder and worse than genocide’ “It’s not just another sin,” he continued “It’s really a harbinger of the judgment of God … The celebration by the society [of homosexuality] is a harbinger of the wrath of God”: (Raw Story)
Iran is one of a handful of countries where homosexual acts are punishable by death. Clerics do, however accept the idea that a person may be trapped in a body of the wrong sex. So homosexuals can be pushed into having gender reassignment surgery - and to avoid it many flee the country (BBC News) Claiming that being gay is a choice like drug abuse, Brainerd Baptist Church Senior Pastor Robby Gallaty the senior pastor for a megachurch in Tennessee says that “gays must be put to death” because God commands it. (patheos)
Nigeria: Federal law classifies homosexual behavior as a felony punishable by imprisonment, but several states have adopted sharia law and imposed a death penalty for men. A law signed in early January makes it illegal for gay people countrywide to hold a meeting or form clubs.(Wikipedia).The Oklahoma House has approved legislation that shifts the issuance of marriage licenses from the state to members of the clergy. Russ says it gets government out of the business of licensing marriage and has nothing to do with same-sex marriage. It is just coincidence that this bill has taken life now.(Huff Post)
When hate, inequality and insecurity are the common core providing the same philosophies of insidious behavior then it matters not from which Holy book you quote or which hateful verse and passage you act. Your God is an empty vessel if he insists that someone as alone, confused and stupid as you was given any heavenly divine power to speak for him. And it certainly doesn’t matter if your flag is red, white, blue, green or black it will never fully blow in the wind when held in your simpleton hands.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
This is what you get
When you are constantly preached to that this is a White oriented Christian nation founded on principles established by white Christian Patriots, who never ever once considered anyone different then they to be their equals you get a bunch of white Christian fraternity boys from the University of Oklahoma chanting a racist tune declaring that it is okay for the (N word) to hang from a tree but not join their fraternity. When you listen to FOX News as the one and only authority on anything trustworthy and American, or follow Mike Huckabee as the handmaiden selected by Jesus, or Pat Robertson, claiming to have Jesus speak to him while he sleeps hawking a necklace similar to one Vampire slayers used to con you, you get white self privileged racists chanting ugly words about those uppity and useless (N-word) black folk. This is an American landscape where the black president is is a foreigner, women have no ownership of their bodies, Gays are the termites eating away at the Institution of marriage, immigrants never ever darkened the shores of this nation, science is folly, and lies are the best way to tell the truth. This is a nation where voter repression is true democracy, billionaires are the only necessary voters, gerrymandered districts are the true demographics of community, and hate, homophobia, bigotry, bias and racism are true tenants of a Bible gone bad and a Constitution ignored. You get a bunch of spoiled ignorant young men who have little consideration for anyone but themselves all who must have been taught how to hate from some very dumb heterosexual white parents.
When religion is parsed and sorted as a means of propaganda to ensure that your own insecurities triumph over logic, used to establish your kingdom as on par with the Kingdom of a God so insecure as to fear Gay people, you get a Mega Church Baptist Evangelical snake oil salesmen standing at his throne explaining that if you want to murder an LGBT person, you are just following Jesus Christ’s wishes. It seems that freedom of religion is cool as hell, if that religion is your distorted version of the King James Bible. The Ugandan’s wanted the Kill the Gay Bill, and now the God fearing Christians of a soon to become Christian nation of Tennessee have the “go right ahead” rah, rah ruination to stand before God with a sword, machete or assault rifle to kill their own home grown Gays. When you stand aside permitting religion to pretend to be the victim, in a nation so fearful of others and so insecure as to think the others might be mightier then their insecure Lord, you get Evangelical preachers defying the laws of the land and becoming sherifs of their own territory. What could the motive be, God made me do it?
When there are few politicians standing for the law of the land preferring the man made laws of demigods pretending to be God’s shepherds,or you must listen to the baseless shame of a group of voters who demonstrate nothing but stupid and dumb to even think you have a chance to be elected, you get the roughshod rumination based on the ridiculous, threatening and lousy. Then you get your frat brothers who would rather lynch the black man then enlist him, and your preachers at the ready to murder a few Gays then include them. When you get so far to the right, the place in politics where EVERYTHING is wrong, you get a nation on the brink of imploding and a democracy dying. And remaining silent is so damn deadly!
Monday, March 9, 2015
afraid, lost and useless
Potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul said on Friday affording the distinction to marriage to same-sex couples “offends myself and a lot of other people.” “I’m for traditional marriage,” Paul said. “I think marriage is between a man and a woman. Ultimately, we could have fixed this a long time ago if we just allowed contracts between adults. We didn’t have to call it marriage, which offends myself and a lot of people.” “I think having competing contracts that would give them equivalency before the law would have solved a lot of these problems, and it may be where we’re still headed.”(Washington Blade)
Damn Rand, Dude you really like crawling on the slimiest edge of hypocrisy don’t you as you backstab, lie, and abuse any democratic principles trying to get the nomination for president from the illiterate, Christian Jihadist, purveyors of hate calling themselves the base of the T-Publican party. Forget your Libertarian roots when it is necessary to please bigots and insecure folk, so afraid of their own lives as to try and intimidate anyone else’s existence. Nope you are a man of no conviction, cool dude, did you learn that from your father? Your dad Ron Paul just shouted to his white homies that the only reason the Black legislative committee in the House voted against the Iran War was to keep the extra dollars for food stamps for all of their non-white constituents. Kind of creepy, huh, Rand, but you kept quiet about that. But then perhaps that kind of coolness is consistent with your own uncomfortably with Black folk, remember when you didn’t realize you were being video taped when you proudly stated had you been in the Senate during the attempt to pass the Equal Rights Amendment you would have vetoed it. Is that kind of like the same-sex marriage thing, where its kind of icky to think people not like you might attain the same rights as you, the way the U.S. Constitution intended?
Curious Rand, what exactly offends you and people LIKE you, is it the homosexual thing? Who exactly are the people like you? Do they wear white robes? Do they enjoy two, three four opposite sex marriages, disparaging their I do and relishing in telling same-sex couples “Oh no you don’t?” Are they so tired from carrying an abridged copy of the Declaration of Independence next to their assault weapons and of course New Testament to take the time and actually read the preamble: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’ Are they just a bunch of truth seekers who use Bill O’Reilly as their guide to the land of honest? Are they your grimy, grizzly, vile and and lower then dirt ticket to the White House? Dude, you are no more then the back end of a horse’s outfit!
Here you go Rand pretending to be the Everyman, when all you are is the little man behind the curtain in the land of Oz, lost, afraid and useless!
Saturday, March 7, 2015
there are no rights, when you are wrong
“They don’t have a right to be served in every single store”,Oklahoma Senator Joseph Silk on LGBT Americans. They are not like me and my rights, I am a Christian American. They don’t embrace the same kind of hate my that God and his religion have inspired me to embrace. They make me feel less religious, less of an American and of course less of a man. They frighten me, undermine my masculinity, my ability to enjoy the fruits and loin of my wife. They are not as great a person as I am, so keeping them in abeyance helps my shattered ego thrive. They don’t deserve the glory and goodness my bizarre beliefs insist I must have. They think that the Constitution somehow usurps the Bible, not any Bible but the one I keep next to my loaded assault weapon. They are strangers in this Christian nation and must be treated as visitors never deserving the respect and honor I know is mine.
One more T-Publican believing that hate is the foundation of democracy, that bigotry the basis of religion, and that restrictions are the core of a free society. One more T-publican elected to office by a gerrymandered district, paid for by billionaires, handled and bought by insecure priests and pastors too frightened by truth and facts. One more T-Publican left unchecked while all those who disagree remain silent, hoping that their own demographic will not be the next one to be discriminated against. One more man so unsure of his God’s strength that the mere I do, I love you, by people of the same-sex will knock is deity out of his heavenly throne. One more fool who because too many people place hate over love, inequality over justice, fear over fact has decided the only way for him to thrive is to stop others from surviving.
“They don’t have the right to be served in every single store”, Oklahoma Senator Joseph Silk on LGBT Americans. We are supposed to learn from history, to understand the inaccuracies in statements in which governments insist that certain citizens are less then equal. Men like Mr Joseph Silk have never read history books, are always paranoid and fearful of their place in the world, bully, believe in a God who is nothing but a racist, bigot and homophobe. Mr Joseph Silk feels he a hero, as he has the demons on FOX News, the American Family Foundation, Limbaugh radio, the cowards of the T-Publican party to back him up and worst of all he has the silence of any one else who knows the Constitution of nation who remains silent. They don’t have the right…are you Jewish, Muslim, Atheist, a Female, Poor, Of Color, cause Mr Joseph Silk of Oklahoma is sure as tootin’ coning for you next, cause his Jesus has told him so!
Thursday, March 5, 2015
long lingering losers
"There's a sucker born every minute" is a phrase most likely spoken by David Hannum, in criticism of both P.T. Barnum an American showman of the mid 1800s, and his customers. The phrase is often credited to Barnum himself. It means "Many people are gullible, and we can expect this to continue.” (Wikipedia). Televangelist and 700 Club host Pat Robertson, 83, today interrupted a segment of his show dedicated to fielding audience questions to describe the method by which he has remained “straight and AIDS-free” throughout his long preaching career…said that, since 1969, he’s been wearing an “anti-sodomite” necklace, which, according to Robertson, “repels homosexuals and other queers, and keeps [him] free of their abhorrent lifestyles and gay diseases.” He also added that for $59.99 you too could become Queer free! One has to wonder who is actually more dangerous, the imbecile who believes in the stupid, or the perpetrator of the stupid who believes in nothing else but the supremacy of his lies?
“Methinks thou dost protest too much”, (William Shakespeare). A lawyer in California has submitted a ballot initiative with the state Department of Justice calling for the death of anyone who engages in sodomy in the state.the (San Diego Gay & Lesbian News reports.)
The “Sodomite Suppression Act” outlines seven measures relating to those who engage in same-sex sodomy, "a monstrous evil that Almighty God, giver of freedom and liberty, commands us to suppress on pain of our utter destruction even as he overthrew Sodom and Gomorrha.” Any Christian worth his weight in the Crusades biz certainly needs to spend time wondering and worrying about the sex of others especially that man on man sex thing. The loathsome thing is just how insidious and contrary to anything human a person can become in trying to relinquish himself from his own internal fears about himself.
Two men, both pretending that God, or a Bible, or religion itself is the doer of good and the undoer of anything perceived bad, have found their way to con others so stupid as to believe that hate is a moral value heaven sent. Dismissing anything that relates to democracy, fairness, equality and replacing it with contempt, these two poor souls relish in their own headlines of sinful stupidity. Like snake oil salesmen, these two con artists know that an audience exists as long as insecurity, insincerity and unintelligence lingers long.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
The Choice of Stupid
Possible Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Wednesday asserted on CNN that homosexuality was a choice because people who went to prison “come out gay. the former neurosurgeon insisted that LGBT people did not deserve the same equal protection under the law because they could choose not to be gay. (Raw Story)
It might be laughable to think that in the year 2015, a man who supposedly earned a post graduate degree in medicine and now is considering a run for the presidency of the United States, would have a mere inkling of a clue regarding homosexuality, and the provisions of the Constitution of the United States. One might joke that Saturday Night Live writers actually wrote the words Ben Carson spoke while on CNN, or that one of the editors for the ONION decided to lampoon the insidious inane preoccupation biased people have with facts they perceive as pure fiction. But the sad truth of the matter is in a very black comedic way, that when you decide to run for office via the T-Publican political party in the United States the dumber more hateful and bigoted you sound the better chance you have to be elected.
Denial of equal protection should never exist let alone be based on religious superstition or repressed religious dogma, the color of your skin, your supposed gender or your preference to whom you want to make love and be loved. Equal protection should not be a debated subject based on folklore, fable and foibles taught to you by ignorant parents or a maleficent religious institution. And when you run for the highest office in this nation you should first be required to understand the words of the Constitution…”of the people, by the people and… the pursuit of happiness.” Listening to individuals like Ben Carson spew nothing but stupid is scary. What is scarier however is that someone as malicious, deceiving, and homophobic is embraced by and emboldened to run for president of the United States. Mr Carson there is a choice here indeed, and you have chosen to be a stupid hateful man.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
an amen
Religious License to Discriminate Bill
Over the weekend, Republicans in the Michigan Statehouse passed a “license to discriminate” bill that would give just about anyone the right to refuse service to LGBT people if it conflicted with their religious beliefs. The broadly written Religious Freedom Restoration Act would allow, for example, an EMT to refuse emergency treatment to a gay person or a pharmacist to refuse to refill HIV medication, because God decreed gays and lesbians should be put to death.(Huff Post)
I amaze at the power I am told I posses as a man who happens to be of the Gay persuasion. Mighty enough, I guess to topple the Constitution. I can disrupt the institution of marriage causing heterosexuals to fear getting married; corrupt children overriding the good Christian values their families supposedly impart, and destroying Capitalism by shutting down businesses because I may want them to bake a Gay cake, or serve me a Gay meal. I wonder if I can leap tall buildings and fly faster then a speeding bullet?
How insecure and saddened by your own imperfections must you be to ALWAYS find ways to act the bully ignoring American values for very pathetic versions of something you consider Christian? If I marry my same-sex partner will that stop you from trying out your second, third fourth marriage? If I want to work at any job I am qualified for will that make you decidedly less qualified? If I want to shop at a place of business in America will that suddenly turn your shop into a den of Hell? If I want to live the American dream will your life turn into a nightmare?
In case you think this just a Gay issue, look more closely into this bigoted and UnAmerican Michigan license to discriminate bill. You want to buy condoms or get your birth control pills, that Evangelical pharmacist may be too offended by your immoral behavior to help you. You want to purchase an item or two but look too dark skinned to be a Christian then Saint Asshole might be too anti your supposed religion to wait on you. You walk into a store with your sister and the owner sees two women and guess what you must be Gay so like the saying says no shirt, no shoes, no service.
Life in America is becoming more dangerous, and left unchecked it will become intolerable for ALL of us. The Religious Right (who always so Wrong) have no idea of fair, equal and just, they have instead a world of torment and fear from which they exist. And what makes this even worse are all the silent voices never, ever stopping them. Do I hear an AMEN?
Bad Blood
It ain’t just the Gays who receive the rathe of the T-Publicans and their faux understanding of the Constitution, it is a whole lot of other demographics at the ready to receive bias, bigotry and bogus. The T-Pubs under the guise of freedom OF religion, want to impose a Christian Jihadist mantra and eliminate anyone they deem undesirable.
Tom Schweich, Missouri’s Republican state auditor and a leading contender for the governor’s office in next year’s election, died Thursday after apparently shooting himself in his Clayton home. On Tuesday morning, Schweich confided in Post-Dispatch Editorial Page Editor Tony Messenger that he believed that John Hancock, the newly elected chairman of the Missouri Republican Party, had spread disinformation about Schweich’s religion. That topic was what Schweich wanted to discuss with reporters for the Post-Dispatch and the Associated Press Thursday.
In several conversations via text and phone in the days leading up to Thursday morning, Schweich told Messenger that Hancock mentioned to people in passing that Schweich was Jewish. Schweich wasn’t Jewish. He was a member of the Church of St. Michael & St. George, an Episcopal congregation in Clayton. (St Louis Post -Dispatch)
It seems in the Republican Christian nation of Missouri Jewish blood is bad blood. So bad indeed that you don’t stand a chance to run on the party ticket if you or your ancestors bleed Jewish blood. It seems in the Christian nation of Missouri even the hint that your family’s genealogy traces them back to Jews, you are a taboo and your chances to be elected into office are null and void. Hype, nope just hypocrisy, and a sad statement of just how dangerously close to religious Fascism this country is embarking.
Think this is laughable, just a bunch of yokels stuck in the past, then the joke is on you. These Christian Crusaders will take no prisoners and will continue to place their corrupted version of a Bible over a Constitution they have never fully read let alone understand. First it was the Gays, but I wasn’t Gay, then it was the Jews but I wasn’t Jewish, then it was…wonder who?
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