Friday, March 20, 2015

I have had it

I have had it! The T-Publicans want to once more repeal ObamaCare because it has the word Obama in front of it. Repeal it they say because nothing says freedom like restricting millions of Americans from embracing affordable health care. According to the T-Publicans helping Americans enjoy a health care system is so NOT what Jesus wanted for this nation when he became the first president. I have had it because these minions of the mindless are hijacking the laws and pretending to care about millions of people, while only protecting their political careers and mindlessly minding the ways of their billionaire puppet masters. I have had it because no matter what the rational citizens want or do, the monsters of FOX, Koch, Limbaugh roam free undaunted causing madness and mayhem.

I have had it as Senators like Cotton and Cruz, pretend that they abide to a Constitution, unless that Constitution actually demands that we abide by its words and deeds. Senator Cotton makes speeches about how we must spend more for the military insisting that food stamps, education, health care and infrastructure are meaningless unless we first fight wars. Senator Cruz, of immigrant parents who fled a Communist nation pontificates about freedom not really being a drug that just any American can indulge; especially not, if they are homosexuals, women who want a say so regarding their bodies, or children of immigrants born in this nation. Cruz and Cotton also love citing family values but somehow consider eliminating a federal minimum wage, destroying unions, disregard for the environment, closing Planned Parenthood availability for less expensive or free health exams, cutting back on food stamps or school nutrition programs to be the real Christian family value!

I have had it that some sinister Supreme Court Judge in Alabama has forgotten his oath of office to the nation of the United States, preferring his allegiance to a Christian religious nation state which he deems to be correctly homophobic and just as correct in dividing equality and justice for its citizens. I have had it that a supposed judge of the people and for the people can continue to deride democracy and demean the freedoms for same-sex couples who just want the same treatment as opposite sex couples. I have had it that while chastising the love for same-sex couples as evil and anti God, this Justice and other homophobes ignore the adulterous, arrogant, insidious sham marriages of heterosexuals almost blinded to the actions of this group of men and women who dishonor marriage.

I have had it with the sheer indulgence of hypocrisy, the double and sometimes triple standard, the call for religious freedom as all the while it just a sham for religious persecution. I have had how the insane are running the asylum how the villagers are more terrifying than the monsters, how injustice somehow is viewed as justice.

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