Monday, March 9, 2015

afraid, lost and useless

Potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul said on Friday affording the distinction to marriage to same-sex couples “offends myself and a lot of other people.” “I’m for traditional marriage,” Paul said. “I think marriage is between a man and a woman. Ultimately, we could have fixed this a long time ago if we just allowed contracts between adults. We didn’t have to call it marriage, which offends myself and a lot of people.” “I think having competing contracts that would give them equivalency before the law would have solved a lot of these problems, and it may be where we’re still headed.”(Washington Blade)

Damn Rand, Dude you really like crawling on the slimiest edge of hypocrisy don’t you as you backstab, lie, and abuse any democratic principles trying to get the nomination for president from the illiterate, Christian Jihadist, purveyors of hate calling themselves the base of the T-Publican party. Forget your Libertarian roots when it is necessary to please bigots and insecure folk, so afraid of their own lives as to try and intimidate anyone else’s existence. Nope you are a man of no conviction, cool dude, did you learn that from your father?  Your dad Ron Paul just shouted to his white homies that the only reason the Black legislative committee in the House voted against the Iran War was to keep the extra dollars for food stamps for all of their non-white constituents. Kind of creepy, huh, Rand, but you kept quiet about that. But then perhaps that kind of coolness is consistent with your own uncomfortably with Black folk, remember when you didn’t realize you were being video taped when you proudly stated had you been in the Senate during the attempt to pass the Equal Rights Amendment you would have vetoed it. Is that kind of like the same-sex marriage thing, where its kind of icky to think people not like you might attain the same rights as you, the way the U.S. Constitution intended? 

Curious Rand, what exactly offends you and people LIKE you, is it the homosexual thing? Who exactly are the people like you? Do they wear white robes? Do they enjoy two, three four opposite sex marriages, disparaging their I do and relishing in telling same-sex couples “Oh no you don’t?” Are they so tired from carrying an abridged copy of the Declaration of Independence next to their assault weapons and of course New Testament to take the time and actually read the preamble: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’ Are they just a bunch of truth seekers who use Bill O’Reilly as their guide to the land of honest? Are they your grimy, grizzly, vile and and lower then dirt ticket to the White House? Dude, you are no more then the back end of a horse’s outfit!

Here you go Rand pretending to be the Everyman, when all you are is the little man behind the curtain in the land of Oz, lost, afraid and useless!

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