Religious License to Discriminate Bill
Over the weekend, Republicans in the Michigan Statehouse passed a “license to discriminate” bill that would give just about anyone the right to refuse service to LGBT people if it conflicted with their religious beliefs. The broadly written Religious Freedom Restoration Act would allow, for example, an EMT to refuse emergency treatment to a gay person or a pharmacist to refuse to refill HIV medication, because God decreed gays and lesbians should be put to death.(Huff Post)
I amaze at the power I am told I posses as a man who happens to be of the Gay persuasion. Mighty enough, I guess to topple the Constitution. I can disrupt the institution of marriage causing heterosexuals to fear getting married; corrupt children overriding the good Christian values their families supposedly impart, and destroying Capitalism by shutting down businesses because I may want them to bake a Gay cake, or serve me a Gay meal. I wonder if I can leap tall buildings and fly faster then a speeding bullet?
How insecure and saddened by your own imperfections must you be to ALWAYS find ways to act the bully ignoring American values for very pathetic versions of something you consider Christian? If I marry my same-sex partner will that stop you from trying out your second, third fourth marriage? If I want to work at any job I am qualified for will that make you decidedly less qualified? If I want to shop at a place of business in America will that suddenly turn your shop into a den of Hell? If I want to live the American dream will your life turn into a nightmare?
In case you think this just a Gay issue, look more closely into this bigoted and UnAmerican Michigan license to discriminate bill. You want to buy condoms or get your birth control pills, that Evangelical pharmacist may be too offended by your immoral behavior to help you. You want to purchase an item or two but look too dark skinned to be a Christian then Saint Asshole might be too anti your supposed religion to wait on you. You walk into a store with your sister and the owner sees two women and guess what you must be Gay so like the saying says no shirt, no shoes, no service.
Life in America is becoming more dangerous, and left unchecked it will become intolerable for ALL of us. The Religious Right (who always so Wrong) have no idea of fair, equal and just, they have instead a world of torment and fear from which they exist. And what makes this even worse are all the silent voices never, ever stopping them. Do I hear an AMEN?
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